
How big are the secret hands on the internet?


(An revised article)


The Song Dynasty was an absolutely sad dynasty.  Liang Qichao said that every time he read the history of the Song Dynasty, he would be extremely sad.

Wang Anshi is a rare reformer through the ages. He wants to reform and strengthen everything to build a new China.  But every reform he proposed met fierce opposition from the old party.  The old party spread all over the country, and Wang Anshi's new policies also required local officials of the old party to implement them.  They are all there everywhere in  upper and lower places. How can the New Deal be successful if the old party members were totally in control?

What Wang Anshi changed was the law, but he didn't mention the heart.  A reform requires a change of heart. Without the support of the people, relying on a mere decree is bound to fail.

But this heart is definitely not a momentary public opinion, or press opinion.  It is a comprehensive reform of the ideological system, a complete change of the world outlook and outlook on life.

On the other hand, Wang Anshi did not follow the popular line.  The masses have never been mobilized, and the trend of thought has not risen. How can bad habits be eliminated?  His reliance on a small number of officials and bureaucrats was also the reason for his failure.

In today's situation, the old party has become a secret underground party.  They secretly contacted the masses, took the mass line, and established a secret underground network. This underground party, from top to bottom, controlled the hearts of the people by invisible hands.  And this hand was stretched out from far away America.  The Americans once thought that Hong Kong could be dug out with just this hand.  They absolutely don't know that it is impossible for this secret hand to overthrow the tide.  The events in Hong Kong a few years ago made people aware of this sneaky hand.  Once the problem is known, there will be solutions.

One is the ideological system, the other is the mass line, and both are indispensable.

Regarding the secret mass line of the underground party, there is one thing that cannot be overlooked. This type of 'mass line' is nurtured in the shadows by the ocean-like internet. A certain singer's song suddenly becomes a huge hit. It is said that the online 'click rate' is astronomical. At first glance, it can be quite shocking. However, after some time, when one calms down and listens again, doubts begin to arise. Is that astronomical number real? Or has someone secretly manipulated the figures to create a false number and generate a negative atmosphere?

Problem may not be in the song itself. Problem is the secret promoter.

If this is indeed fabrication, the issue cannot be avoided. Just how much power does the underground party have on the internet?

From promoting indulgence to expressing helplessness, it raises further suspicion that the high-profile propaganda on the internet, along with countless small falsehoods, all serve the same purpose.






















