
Why is the Future so Difficult ?

9304 Why is the future so difficult  20210815

Problem on this planet is that people cannot see a future. It was caused by the early religious thoughts in the West and Confucian thoughts in China. 

Confucius only thought of how to stop. His main idea is "Zhi Wu Zhi Shan"(止於至善) It means "to stop before the most excellency" What is the most excellency? It is the complete doctrine of the Confucianism. And that is a confinement, no one is allowed to cross the line. It is fine to stay inside the boundary for some, however, there is no future. 

And the final result of no future is very much the same of the West. When the Western people believes in a doomsday future, they had no future. And this is where the trouble is. They would start to rob. Materialism is the main concern of the people and it is deadly. 

There is a hope from the Chinese people when they steer their ship towards a bigger ideal to help each other in socialism, they had started to look up further. 

But it is no easy task. 

The Confucian boundary thought had deeply rooted in the old minds. And they had jointed the Western powers to control the thoughts of the Chinese people. All their hope is to rebuild the boundary and regain the lost powers. People will find it a huge surprise of how much the West had invested in this conspiracy. It could be the cost of a war with China.   

It is why you saw so many strange phenomena in China. Scientists and scholars would promote the thoughts of self-love hoping to lead the people to another direction. The name of Confucius is dimmer and will be retreated to the shadow, yet the thoughts of the vice were pushed to the front.

There were only two things in the Confucian-minded officers. 

One is technology. Though some would self-proclaim themselves scientist yet they are not. A scientist is very different from a technologist. Two is the cheap philosophy of self-love, which is the replacement of literature and all other mind matters. It is not easy to gain a chance to say a word if you are not a so-called scientist or, Confucian. They were stopped in the boundary already.  

China is in danger with these people. And it is a threat to the whole world. Seeing future is not an easy task. 


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1  莊子宇宙 
2  明天誰會富起來(中國精神與世界大勢)
3  莊子寓言
4  李察寓言
5  Fables by Lee Chard
6  莊子兵法(Zhuang Zi Art of War)(bi-lingual)
7  真假莊子(莊子著作李察全譯本)

