
why is the future a concern?

 9305 Why is the future a concern  20210817


If you are not concerned, then you will be disconnected. If you are concerned, you will be connected. 

All benefits will be coming from the connection. 

To concern is to connect. We are all connected human beings. Any people suffer will stimulate actions to help from the other human beings. And the concern is not just a temporary feeling, but a real source of energy to the humans. 

This connection is important for our wisdom. 

Human wisdom will be effective only when their concern is connected to the future and they will be considering a proper way to live for the future. 

One could choose to be ignorant and non-concerned with anything and remain forever a lonely cell in the planet and their only fate is to wait for their final death. 

And the concerned people will live through their lives and remain active. 

Because they know living is not in the physical bodies but for a connection of souls and the connection will last and will live to the future. They knew there must be a mission in the future and actually the mission has begun since ancient times. We are all in the mission and we are all living for a great purpose in the Universe and by keeping a faith like this, we human beings are strong and vibrant and happy.    


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1  莊子宇宙 

2  明天誰會富起來(中國精神與世界大勢)

3  莊子寓言

4  李察寓言

5  Fables by Lee Chard

6  莊子兵法(Zhuang Zi Art of War)(bi-lingual)

7  真假莊子(莊子著作李察全譯本)

