
Tolerance produces greatness……Is it true?

This is very old thought coming from the Confucian scholars.

To become great, is comparable to becoming one. Greatness and Oneness are different philosophically.  They are two different mind-sets.

When the aim itself is greatness, tolerance had become secondary.  It was said the sea never refuses rivers, even they are very small, thus becoming great. However, more can be seen when invasion happens. Swallowing up neighbors produces greatness also.

The thought of  oneness can be seen in the early Zhuang Zi's works in China, Christian thoughts, and some Indian works.

They are two kinds of thinking patterns. When the aim itself is growing big,  people will not consider the welfare of every one. To enslave others are allowed, and love is minimum.

And this is the mind-set not only happens in politics, it creates completely different culture.

*  response:   WhatsApp (852)9186-4286 (Leechard)
  or email   academy2008@hotmail.com

8555 Tolerance produces greatness……...what is the meaning.doc   2013.7.21

