
What is the most important thing in China?

I had been thinking, the most important think in China is philosophy. Once the Chinese learned the skills of thinking, they can fly. And in fact, this is the major struggle in Chinese thoughts. Confucians are fighting hard to surppress all other thoughts, making them all cripple and cannot think.

But on top of philosophy, there is still another “thing” which is much much more important.

There is no term for this “thing” until this moment.

In western culture, things are coming from simple to complex. At first, people knew only how to use fire, later they knew how to use nuclear power, etc.

But in China, things are just opposite. Things are coming from complex to simple.

It seems that some extremely complicated culture had just left something for the Chinese in the ancient times. They had taught them how to use the needles, to test the inner structure of the body. They had left a large and complicated science, at least in the medical field.

But this science is not necessary medical. This science may include everything.

And this is not really a “science” as we had been thinking.

What is “this”?

By exploring the complex elements of the “teachings” of the ancient unknown culture, may be, the real essence of the universe could be found, thus solving all other problems of the globe.

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