(問到底No.8228 2011 0827 Saturday)
此刻,喬布斯已經走了。這一個工作,要另外的人去做了。誰能創造未來的p-phone? p-pad? 或者 peternet?(p 就是private的意思)
What is yet to be done by Steve Jobs?
By Leechard
Steve Jobs has done a lot. But he has missed one important thing.
Ever since we have the internet, we have lost our privacy. Or put it in another way, we are not free anymore. There are no secret in the internet. Every word, every line, every punctuation, can be easily monitored, or even changed. And all our thougts has been hooked up into the internet. Seldom is a thought not connected into the internet, thus, seldom is a thought not monitored, or easily manipulated
The individual can never protect themselves against powers. People with power can easily control people without power. Phones hacked, emails read. Freedom is never as free as before.
Can we create a safe internet? An internet can really keep private, and thus protecting our free flow of thoughts?
Now Steve Jobs has gone. It might be the job for another soul. Who can create a p-phone? p-pad? Or peternet? (p stands for private)
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一方面又要把自己的想法放上互聯網, 讓自己的想法多些人知道
不想人知, 就不要把自己的想法告訴人就好了, 不是嗎?
又或者, 把自己的想法以密碼方式打出, 那其他就不知你講甚麼了