
誰能代替Steven Jobs ?

誰能代替Steven Jobs ?
(問到底No.8227     2011 0826 Friday)    





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Who Can Replace Steve Jobs?
By Leechard

News spread last night that Steve Jobs has quitted. It was a sad moment. I can not stop to think, that America is really coming to a decline. Missing one genius will not put America downward, but that is really a warning signal. People with intuition will know, America will not be as brilliant as before.

I have three questions here, and I would like to put it in both English and Chinese. For I do wish that someday, this opinion can reach him, or may be my dear readers can help to do so. Try Your way to let him know the idea, it is important.

I would put the three questions in three days.

First day: Who can replace Steve Jobs?

Second day: What has yet to be done by Steve Jobs?

Third day: What is best for Steve Jobs to do now?

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First Question: Who can replace Steve Jobs?

It will not take very long time to prove this. No one can replace him. A soul is a soul. A soul is never to be replaced. Some other people can do some other things, but some other people can never go into the same of Jobs’ way of thoughts.

We need to have some awareness here. May be we can see what is in a “soul”, and why the thoughts are not so easily copied or imitated or even learned.

Because, thoughts and ideas are but the external outcome of a soul. People can copy ideas, but not the soul. Its like driving. You can follow the car in front of you. But you can never know where it is going.

Some people argue about who can be the best CEO for Jobs, but they have missed the point: A special genius has been guiding the way for the recent micro technologies, now that the direction is gone. The inner compass or secret GPS is not working anymore. The car leading the way is suddenly gone missing. Some other people or some other soul could go some other way, but never Jobs’ way again.

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(明天問題: 喬布斯沒有做甚麼?)

