
Dream of a Caterpillar



Maybe you have read it somewhere before,  I beg you take special notice on the kind of dreams without ending.  My congratulation to you if you have such a dream of no end:  you might be transforming,  like what I have experienced right here:


Let's just assume this is a dream.

Let's just assume, in the dream, I am a leaf.

Can a leaf dominate the universe?

If I were to reincarnate as a leaf, what kind of leaf would be good?

The clever me had already thought about it. I want to become a beautiful poisonous leaf. There is a kind of leaf called "Poinsettia," which is a beautiful red leaf. This kind of leaf is highly toxic. Although those who admire the flowers may not know.

Every person who sees my big red leaf can't help but praise it continuously. At this time, I would naturally be very intoxicated, naturally feeling like an indispensable protagonist in the universe, feeling as the master of everything, exceptionally strong.

Moreover, birds and insects that like to eat leaves will also stay away from me and dare not encroach. This way, I can enjoy the winter in the south, spread out my red skirt in the warm sunshine, welcoming the wind, one piece after another. Oh, I am my own master, and the master of everything, how proud.

Suddenly, I felt a tickling sensation on my edge.

Who is so naughty to tickle me like this?

When I looked down, forgive me for my rudeness, I shouted loudly:

"Get away! Get away! You nasty caterpillar, get away, don't come near me! No, no!"

This is truly the most despicable caterpillar in the world. And this caterpillar seems to have no ears. Oh, he is becoming more and more bold. He dared to climb onto my skirt, his hands, cold and icy, grasping tightly.

"You let go, you let go!"

But the caterpillar has no ears. He can't hear at all. He started biting me. My body trembled violently, I let him bite, I let him bite!

I suddenly remembered, this is just a dream after all, I am Me, I am not a red leaf, I am not a red leaf! But, dreaming is easy to enter and difficult to exit, I couldn't transform, and couldn't wake up. Oh no. In less than half a minute, a quarter of my body was gone. Oh my god, please make this nasty caterpillar stop, stop!


Suddenly I remembered, maybe I am having a terrifying dream. This term, seems like I've seen it on some webpage. Am I dreaming? Am I really a red leaf? I don't want to be a red leaf anymore. I want to wake up, I want to leave all this horror behind. But no matter what, I am still me, I am still a red leaf.

The garden is very quiet. I can almost hear the sound of the caterpillar chewing. Fortunately, that sound gradually stopped. Most of my body was gone. The caterpillar seemed to have had enough. He was lifting his head, looking around.

"Do you know that I'm poisonous? Still coming to eat me?"


The caterpillar sighed. I finally saw clearly, this caterpillar is truly extremely ugly. So ugly, it shouldn't exist in the world at all. However, he answered that he actually heard.

"I specifically came to eat poison. Don't you know?" After speaking, he lowered his head to eat again.

"Hey hey, can't you stop for a moment? You're almost eating me up."

"It's okay. After I finish eating you, there are many others over there."

I almost choked, "You're really eating me even though I'm poisonous."

"You're so silly. Our caterpillar's poison, is all accumulated by eating. If I don't eat you, how can my poison be so strong."

"If you keep eating, I won't have a body left."

"I haven't had enough yet."

All the scientists in the world may not be able to explain why dreams are so absurd. It makes no sense at all. In fact, at that time, I felt very tired. I was already tired. I believe many people have this feeling. Tired of everything, not wanting to do anything else. I felt very hot, as if there was no air in the room. Suddenly, I had a pleasant surprise feeling, I felt that I still had hope, I hoped this dream would end soon. If I could feel heat, maybe I could wake up? I tried hard to open my eyes, but my eyes wouldn't listen. No matter how I tried to open them, they wouldn't open. I remembered that the caterpillar had eaten me all up, where was I?

Just at that moment, suddenly, I saw it. I saw red leaves! I couldn't help but feel a wave of joy. I thought, did a caterpillar spit me out? The feeling was truly strange. I even climbed onto the body of the red leaf, wanting to take a bite! Oh, the red dress, this fluttering red dress, was so gentle and lovely. I lightly kissed it, letting the sheer red color cover my face.

"Hey, hey, hey, go away, go away, you annoying ghost!"

The red leaf trembled violently. I became even more excited inexplicably, biting onto it and not letting go.

"Yi chi, another yi chi, work yi chi!"

The red leaf seemed to be cursing, or maybe sobbing, but I couldn't hear anything. All I could think about was eating.

"You annoying freak!"

It was this sentence that made me suddenly realize. What? Am I a freak? No one has ever said that about me. Am I not the red leaf in the wind? Am I not lovable by all? I suddenly turned around and saw my lower body, which was half a caterpillar. The caterpillar's body was red and green, covered in hair and mucus. Could that really be me?

Wake up, wake up, have I turned into a red leaf, and now I have to become a caterpillar? This dream is truly unacceptable. However, my whole body couldn't move. I could only wriggle like a caterpillar. I tried to move my legs and pull my feet, but all I saw was the caterpillar wriggling on the red leaf.

"Ah, yi chi!" I could actually converse with the red leaf in this incomprehensible language. What have I become? Yi chi, wood yi chi!

A gust of wind passed, and I felt like I had stumbled. Behind me, I could still hear the red leaf's curses: "You annoying chi freak!"

For a moment, it felt like my stomach was heating up a bit. What chi freak, it made me want to vomit. I vomited all at once, thinking, once I vomit, I'll be clean and can get up, right? But it wasn't a bed. I had to really think hard to remember that I had just dozed off on a bench in the garden. The vomit was still wet and sticky on my lips, I tried to shake it off, but it wouldn't come off. I tried harder, and unexpectedly, I was the one who was shaken off. For a while, the vomit hung like a long thread, binding me in place, like a parachute suspended in mid-air.

A caterpillar, hanging in mid-air by its own vomit, was incredibly boring. Where else could I go?

A gust of spring breeze blew, and I was suddenly shocked by the scene in front of me. Below, there was actually someone there. There was a man sleeping. If I descended a few more inches, I would have kissed his face.


Next time I reincarnate, I swear I won't choose to be a caterpillar. It's the most unfree creature. Look, I have myself bound by my own vomit, completely out of control. Where the wind blows, there I go. It seemed like I was about to land, I desperately tried to pull up the vomit a bit, but to no avail.

I actually reached his face!

He was snoring heavily, completely unaware of me crawling on his face. Who is this man? I didn't want to know. I just wanted to get away quickly. I tried to kick my legs, thinking that if I kicked again, I would wake up. But my limbs were stiff, and I only managed to move half an inch on his face.

"Wooooow......" A nearby girl suddenly screamed. Humans are truly the most annoying creatures in the world. We never scream.

The man suddenly sat up, but I was still stuck to his face, as if I had great adhesive properties.

"Dad, look at your face!"

The girl's voice trembled, sounding very afraid. The man reached up to touch his face, picked me up, and examined me closely.

"Well, it's a caterpillar, no big deal."

"He's so ugly." The girl muttered insults while leaning in to look.

"Maybe, in the world of caterpillars, he's a beauty. Look at the colors on his body, how harmonious they are."

"Sir, you really have a sense of humor. These colors are clearly ugly."

"Oh, my dear daughter. Don't look down on others. Caterpillars are also creations of the Creator..."

These words, hearing them in my ears, made me feel nauseous. Is he me?

So, am I not me anymore? Am I never going to wake up? How could I spend my whole life as a caterpillar? I feel like vomiting again. I think, maybe these vomit can once again push me away, let me stay away from him, in this life of mine, I don't want to see him again.

What made me even more unhappy by a hundred times was that he actually placed me on a nearby leaf! What is this? Is this abandoning me? Is this denying me? I am you, you are not you, stop pretending!

That guy, holding his daughter, actually said they were going home. Watching their figures getting farther and farther away, I felt so pained that I wanted to turn my whole body around. There's nothing more painful than this, hey, hey, I am me!

That stubborn guy, you are not you, don't go!


I soared easily under the winter sun, a happiness beyond compare. Because my happiness comes from pain. Only this kind of happiness is true happiness.

The me from the past was just a caterpillar that everyone despised. No friends, not a day without worries.

Only once, a baboon stopped in the forest and looked at me closely for half a minute. How happy I was. Because no one in the world has ever looked at me. When they see me, they cover their eyes and walk past. I thought I could make friends with this baboon. But unexpectedly, the baboon choked, turned and ran, and only called out half a mile away in the distance of the forest.

The sound echoed back from above, making me heartbroken.

The pain of turning my body around is truly unbearable. I want to completely turn myself around, I don't want to be a caterpillar anymore.

I can only console myself: this is just a dream, I am not a caterpillar, I am a human. I am a person with a name. Once, I even crawled on his face. Being a human is so good. How wonderful it would be if I woke up and found out I'm not a caterpillar but a human.

But I have never woken from this dream. I will always be a caterpillar, not a human.

Where am I going?

A gust of spring wind blew, and I was suddenly shocked by the scene in front of me. Below, there was someone. A man was sleeping. If I descend a few more inches, I would kiss his face.

The doctor who transformed my life is a real angel.

Although I didn't become a human, I became a butterfly that could fly around everywhere. That's the benefit of self-transformation. When I pulled my wings out of the cocoon, I saw the sunlight. I thought there was no sunlight in this world. But the sunlight dried my wings. With a gentle flap, I could part the air and move between the cracks of the wind.

I couldn't see it before, but the wind had so many cracks. Only after becoming a butterfly could I see it. I've eaten many brightly colored flowers before. Now I know the benefit: all colors are on my wings, magnificent. Struggle always leads to results. What I proudly display is actually effort.

How happy I am.

I kept flying and flying.

I met him.

He had just woken up on a park bench.

He said he had just had a dream.

He said he didn't know if he was a butterfly in a dream or a person awake.

I spun around his head three times. Then I stopped on a big red flower in front of his eyes.

He spoke to me. This was the first time in my life that someone had spoken to me in person. That one time with the baboon didn't count.

He asked, "Am I you, or are you me?"

It's such a simple question, and he doesn't know the answer. I will never tell him, "You are me, and I am you." Because even a small misunderstanding of this simple truth could hurt him.

I just laughed and flew away, saying, "You are not me, and I am not you!"

As I flew away, I saw him below, using his fingers to scratch his head.


































































  "Ah, ah, ah, ah!"





















































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