
What is Desire and Balance ?


The most dangerous thing is not sexual desire.

There was an expatriate in Hong Kong a few years ago.  He was a brilliant  financial manager. He earns lots of money.

But he can never satisfy his own sexual desire.

He can never cool down himself.  Maybe that is a kind of sickness,  he  just want to have more sex.

He brought one postitue into his own luxury apartment,  and he could not satisfy himself.   Maybe he drank too much,  maybe he was on drug.   He killed the postitue finally.  He left the body in his apartment and went downstairs to find another one. 

He was excited and aroused for a long time,  but he could not eject. He couldn't  release himself.

It is common for some extremely smart people.

And sexual desire is not the most dangerous.

They would ruin themselves in a very short time.  They will kill themselves sooner or later.  They are not dangerous to the world.

Some other more smart people can avoid this.

They can change their desire into another direction.

They will  aim at money and power instead.

Money and power are more satisfying.

In some extreme cases,  they would remain anonymous.

They are extremely talented to remain anonymous.

They can control the country and the world  without being known.

They do not realize that they are governed by a simple desire.  They work hard on this desire throughout their lives.

Why smart people like this cannot know such a simple fact?

It is because they had lost their balance in the brain.

They have a distinguished left brain,  they knew all the details.   They knew how things go.  They are extremely shrewd.   They can manage their power in a  subtle and complicated way  to run the country with their left brain.

But they cannot foresee the future without the help of the right brain.

They can never go up one level to see things.

Left brain calculation made them selfish.

They can only see their individual self.

And that constitutes our world affare.

It is dangerous.

It is completely useless to talk with such people.

How can kind-hearted people around the world to maintain world peace with such dominating powers in force?

So the world must be alerted.

You are talking with some extremely talented and not balanced people.

And you will not know who they are.

Only when the world felt the extremely strong  pushing force,  they know the secret one was behind.


