
Why can't a ghost scratch your itch?


"The itchy spot is not down there,  why do you insist to scratch down ?"

"The itchy spot is not up there,  why do you insist to scratch up?"

"You are in the external side, how can you know my itchy spot of pain?"

To scratch the wrong place of itch(搔不著癢處) is a literature term in Chinese.  Missing the target is always the regret of many.

Why can't a ghost scratch your itch?

It is because they are not human,  they are ghosts.

Do not employ a ghost to work for your masterpiece.

齊白石畫:  鬼搔背】不在下偏搔下,不在上偏搔上。汝在皮毛外,焉能知我痛癢。書丙寅詩題鍾馗搔背圖第五回也。



