
Why are all killings true in the old testament?


 All the killings in the Old testament were true and are true.

You type in the words "Old testament killings"  and you can search all these facts  from the Old testament immediately.

Those are the histories happened in the past and now.

And you will wonder  that  the killing orders might not be from god but  by military leaders.

They were humans.

If god had issue any orders about killings,  it could only be one line: "Thou shall not kill".  

The other killing orders were from humans.

They would drive away Canaanite and the Amorite and the Hittite and the Perizzite and the Hivite and the Jebusite from the rich  land of milk and honey with killings.  (Exodus:33)

Jesus had tried to correct their sin with love. And Jesus was killed too.

Those were orders not from god, but man.  Few would argue with them.   Because there were severe consequences and more killings.

They would swallow you alive.

They would take your land without mercy.

Humans will know what to do in future.

note:   There were huge demonstrations around the world against the killings. And many Hong Kong media were reluctant to report them. 


