
What will happen in 30 years of time?


What will happen in 30 years of time? And this question reminds me of an old love story of the  ancient Chinese king. When he came back from the war after the years. He said,  everything was the same as before.  歸來池苑皆依舊,太液芙蓉未央柳.

He was so unlucky to witness the world has not been changing.

Now my question is, what will happen in the modern times.

What will happen in 30 years of times?

I can guarantee you one thing, it is the same as the old Chinese king. He said, everything is same as before. You'll say the same thing, if you can come back 30 years later.

What will happen in 30 years time?

The world has not been changing.

What has been changed was only the names.

You will not see the name Putin or Xi or Biden  anymore.  Or the only  exception is Kim,  he is much younger.

But it makes no difference if you can see him or not.

Because the world has not been changing.  The world will be going on its own old track.  And 30 years is only a split second of the millenniums.   We need thousands of years to be evolved  into a better species.

By the time we will be connected  in the mind, and we  will be much, much smarter than now.

Yes, I have used the word "we".

Although you will not see the names by then,  but they will be there same as you and me,

just to witness the world has not been changing.  Because we humans are not bodies, but souls. Souls will not die, They just change names. You will  not see the names 30 years later.  But they will be there to witness the unchanged world  same as you and me,  if you are also interested  to see the face of the world in 30 years of time.

Maybe I am too pessimistic. I ought not to think so. I need to be optimistic.

Because we are only fighting for external things.

And external things will not change the world.

What is the use of getting some part of your country back to you? If the secret party member is still there,  if the minds are still controlled by them secretly?

I have a very bad  anticipation. I believe the evils will be growing, and their method  will be growing from China to the world. It is the cheapest and easiest way to control minds and win wars.

It is only a short term history of mankind.  When people are really evolved into a better species,  this kind of phenomenon will be gone. When people are very smart and can think independently, and will not be secretly controlled by the secret party, and the world is changed.  

Hong kong was  a bad example of the  secret party control.  It was so easy to mobilize tens of thousands of people going to the streets when those people are not thinking on themselves.

What will happen in 30 years of time?

We need to see the world internally.  Though the internal changing of the world is slow,  but it is sure to change  internally for the long run.......


The following is an old article about the unending grief.  It is only a poem, and it is of no use for practical  purposes.  Please skip it to save your time, if you had read it before.


The old story of a love story of a king with an unending grief......

The grief had been lasting for a long time then people said it is the longest grief in China.

I love the poem since I was in my early teens.  Yet, I cannot understand the poem until a recent discovery.

It was in the night when my grandmother died and we had to move away from the old house because we could not pay the rent.

My brother and I had rented a small room far away in the suburbs.

We carried only a few things from the old house.  One was a large old clock.

I could not sleep that night,  and then I heard the strike of the clock once every hour.

Suddenly the line from the unending grief sprang into my mind.


I had my first unending night when the stars were burning the light and the hour was late with the clock striking.

It was only a simple love story.

The king was  crazily  in love for a woman,   and for political reasons,  he had to execute the woman.  And then he went for a war.

 When he came back from the war,  everything was the same as before, except people was getting old.  Yet his love had not been subsided.


The eunuchs in the winter room with walls heavily covered with chili paste to keep warm were old, like the aged maids.

He was still accompanied by  eunuchs after the war.

What's it all about?  How come the poet can master Chinese  language so perfectly?  It was so beautiful that everyone cannot forget?

I was sitting in a park in Hong Kong island.  Some one turned on his radio,  I heard this poem again. 

My feeling of grief was suddenly aroused.

I cannot explain this feeling.


When the king came back to his old palace,   the garden was same as before.  The trees and flowers had not changed.

What's the difference?

Why the emotion cannot be settled?

Everything was the same. Yet the beauty was gone.

It seems to be a lightning flashed into my mind.  

It's not a love story.  It must not be a love story.

It is the story of human emotions.

What the  king had been  searching was not a lady,   but the beauty itself.

He was not allowed to search for the beauty for political reasons,  He had to kill the beauty with his own hand.

Yet when he came back,  He tried  furiously to search for the beauty again.

But the beauty was gone forever.


Sorry I have to interrupt a little here:

In the emotions of the Chinese literature,  beauty is same with truth.  beauty is  together  with truth.   What the king had been searching were more than a single beauty.  It must be a complex feeling about everything.




蓬萊宮中日月長 ~ ~

she is there.

her name is 太真

it means "the highest truth"



春風桃李花開日,秋雨梧桐葉落時。西宮南內多秋草,落葉滿階紅不掃。(花開日 一作:花開夜;南內 一作:南苑)
風吹仙袂飄飄舉,猶似霓裳羽衣舞。玉容寂寞淚闌干,梨花一枝春帶雨。(闌 通:欄;飄飄 一作:飄颻)

Yes its cold description and its  more than cinema magic.  Every line is a picture., yet it is not a picture.  It seems to be a song,  Yet it is not a song. It is only a line. A line to fix into your mind. You have to read it many times.  You have to read it many years. AND THEN if you're lucky, you can see the author. You can see the poet. The poet is hiding himself behind the lines. He is a genius. He can foresee things happen in thousands of years. It is only a dance. It turns in slow movement.  With music and costume in feathered silk.  And it never satisfies the king. The king wanted to see it once and once again. Yet they are separated. They are separated in two places. They are separated in heaven and in earth. And the poet told you. You will see each other again.天上人間會相見 Isn't him a poet? Maybe no. He is more than a poet.

And that is the reason for the Chinese to study Chinese. It only exists in the Chinese language. It cannot be translated.

You'll be inspired.


