
Will there be farm babies in our planet?


What is the 1st urgent matter in the world today?

It is the decline of population in Japan and other countries.

People will doubt that is a matter of culture and economy system and that is complicated and not easy.

It's just like you can rebuild your house,  but you cannot rebuild your planet.

HOWEVER ,  Culture and economy transformation  is no bigger a task  to rebuild planet.

They only need help.

They need help from other civilizations.

But there are problems for other civilizations, too.

So the urgent case is that, people  will be forced to take  external measure to solve population problem.

The worst case is a concept of farm babies.

To raise up babies in a farm.

Or, a law for every family and every young woman to produce babies.

It might not be a problem of economy.  The more money you have, the less babies you want.

It is not a matter of money,  but a matter of soul,  or a civilization problem.

What will be the result of farm babies?

You cannot imagine a total population be raist up like farm chickens in future.

There will be a strange mind-set for the population.

And the worst result will be even worst.

It will be imperialistic militarism,  again.

So the urgent matter is to help civilization growing, to help the culture grow in a better way.

And now we will be coming to the 2nd most urgent matter in this world.

It is a matter between China, US and Russia.

It is a modern story of the Three Kingdoms.

I have found it very challenging and very happy to be living in a time like this.

If the three kingdoms can settle their problems, they will offer help and there will be no farm babies in this planet.




What if Yevgeny Prigozhin were succeeded?


What if he kept on going and did not stop?

What if he did gain some success approaching Moscow?

What if he could not be stopped by the Russian army?

What will happen next?

These are the questions not for you and me,   but for the extremely talented people in the States.

Media leaders usually would shy away from the part of United States in cases like that.  They would like to talk about the Russian political system and history background more.


They would not mention secrets.

Yet the situation is extremely interesting.

How can you hold back your dog if the dog is running wild?

What if Yevgeny Prigozhin captured Moscow in a very short time?

It could be the headache for the talented people.

By then,  a determination of China is created by the United States and that is what the talented people had been avoiding painfully for a long time.

They had created the determination by mistake.

China will be forced to send troops to Moscow to prevent tragedies to happen.

If China did not send troops,  it doesn't mean that they will lose a friend,  but the total situation of the whole world is changed suddenly.  Russia will be in the hands of the United States.  It is the same fear for the Russians also.  If China is in the hands of the United States,  then everything is finished.  The secret party in China is working  for that.

And it is the most dangerous and most easy thing to happen.

Like the collapse of the Soviet Union,  now the Russian Federation is stepping down,  and China will be directly confronting the United States in a weaker position which they will not allow to happen.  They will be forced to send troops.

What will be the outcome?

Talented people will note that outcome is not important.

Then what is important?

Important is in the determination they have created.

Do not create determination for your enemy.  This is a line not seen in the Zhuang Zi Art of War.



What is the nature of the Prigozhin show?

It is a very simple case. If you refuse to accept what the press told you that it is extremely complicated.

It is because some people wanted to deny involvement of the United States.

There is a simple way to see  external efforts.

People will do strange things.

They behave strangely.

They will refuse a simple job only because foreign leadership was not allowing them to do so.

He is following his external master.

Sometimes a dog will run faster than his master.

The United States people are not prepared to overthrown Russian leadership at the moment, yet his dog is running faster than him.

That is all, except that some people want to stage a show for another purpose......



chailang laile


Péngyǒu láile yǒu hào jiǔ ruòshì nà cháiláng láile yíngjiē tā de yǒu lièqiāng


What did Biden mean by the word "it"?

Biden said:  “The reason why Xi Jingping got very upset, in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two box cars full of spy equipment in it, was he didn't know it* was there." (BBC)

What does the word "it" mean here?

Some of the Chinese press translated it as the balloon, but how can the balloon be  embarrassing? 

If the word "it" means the "two box cars full of spy equipment", then the situation will be different. 

How can Xi not knowing the spy equipment was there? 

If Xi really did not know the equipment was there, then someone must had been lying to Xi.

And it would be more than  embarassing. 

The other situation is that Biden was lying. There was actually NO spy equipment in the balloon. This is a possibility cannot be ruled out. The United States leaders do have a record of lying in history. 

Important is to check whether the "two box cars full of spy equipment" is true or a lie. 

And the next problem is some of the Chinese press.  How can they not know the meaning of the word "it" here ?  if the meaning is only the balloon, then the problem about the spy equipment would be neglected. 

The above is  a serious matter. 

Next is  funny. 

When MR. Biden said: "When I shot down that balloon....."

Why did he use the word "I"? 

Does it mean he is not a robot ?  

Does it mean there is no secret power behind a puppet president?



How would you steer a big ship like the United States?


There must be really smart people steering this big ship. Without them,  United States must have been sunk already.

It is a country heading for nowhere. To seek happiness etc. are not objectives. 

Happiness cannot be sought. Happiness will arrive only when you have done something successful. 

The point is, what are you going to do? 

Steering the big ship like the United States is just like this.  You can only steer onwards. And then you see there's a big rock, and being  a smart person you know how to avoid obstacles and turn around.

Yes, they must be really smart to know how to turn around.  They would turn around very quickly.   They would turn around very skillfully,  playing all kinds of  tricks. They can steer smoothly without noice. 

Yet the problem remains.

You cannot be always turning around.  You can never get what you really wanted.

May be you need a goal, though it sound silly. You wise people never talk like that.

But still. you got to know the answer.

Where are you going?

You might not have enough time.

Sooner or later, you will pass the big ship to another one  who might or might not be as wise as you are.

Maybe you need to leave them a map.

And you're sure to notice that the map is in god's hand, not in your hand. 

What will you say to your children?

What will you give them to observe?

The only thing you can leave for them is your wisdom.  You know how to turn around. And you are honest. You do not know where to go.

Your smart children will learn everything from your wisdom.  This is the only thing you can be sure about.

I admire your wisdom.  No one could have been doing better than you.

We do not know the final objectives of the Heaven.  We can only have a general  idea about them that we are growing and going towards a good place and survive all difficulties and will not be ruined.......to be ruined is an old Western concept before Christ. 

And the shadow is always in your mind. Its the reason for your choice.  You are always expecting the worse.

Chinese people have never been thinking like that.



Basics about life

 9256xx   What is philosophy 

(Basics about life)

Point 1:   We Are Souls

Philosophy meant what shall we do.  Without philosophy, we will be going back to animal state. No one can survive as human being if he doesn't know what to do.

And the problem is easy once we are sure that we are souls more than bodies.  

And we are more than individual souls.   We are one in a certain sense.

It must be a conviction, from the very young to the aged, that they must firmly believe that they are souls, and bodies are but the tools of the soul. Tools are your helpers, you need not to work for them, you need to keep your tools to work for you.

Just like any other animal on the planet, we need to survive. To survive we need knowledge and wisdom, which are parts of our soul. We can always survive better with a soul. We need to fight for survival like any other living creature on the planet, yet there is a higher aim of life. To survive like an animal is not enough for us. No one is willing to live like an eating and mating pig.

Eating and mating is common goal for animals. They would stop at that point. They may or may not have developed a soul.  We as a human being have more.

Why is it so important to stay in a conviction that we are souls?  Too many failed in the material world. If people are only working for a material body, they can never see the beauty of the truth, and they will be the negative force of human progress. Money oriented philosophy are the chief obstruction to world peace. They are trading everything for money, they are the causes of war. They are liars. They had never admitted their killing since the Opium War, until today.

Point 2:  To Seek and To Love

What is our final goal as human being?
It is one of the most important question for human.

We cannot answer that very question unless we are out of our present situation. It is like a fish will not know she is a fish until one day she come to live in the air and realized that she was a fish. We are the same.

One thing is for sure that if we keep seeking the true, the good and the beautiful, we will possibly find our final goal behind them. And that is a big project that we need to do it together, and that spells love.

Where does our love come from?

Love emerges in battle fields when people are fighting together for a noble aim. When we have love, we will find true and good things, and we would enjoy them as they are beautiful. Our goal will be waiting for us behind the true, the good and the beautiful.

Who else would like to seek for the fake, the bad, and the ugly? Those are people working as a slave to their bodies. Those are people who believe in capital and they would keep themselves in a bitter fight for money and luxuries and finally they will lose all happiness. Money is useful tool, but it needs not to be a slave of it.

Love is a product of fighting together. 

Point 3:  Be A Real Soul

If for everything you have the conviction that you are a soul, then be a real soul.

If you are a religious person, be a real religious person. If you are an artist, be a real artist. Be a real one instead of a fake one. Be a real scientist and you will not deny your wisdom, be a real politician and you will not lie to your people, be a real business man and you will find real success.

This is conviction upon conviction. If you have the conviction that you are a soul not a corruptible body, then you will build up another conviction that you are real. This is the answer for almost all human problems. Any time if you have found you were cheating, that meant you had succumbed to the unreal bodies. Losing conviction is the reason for fear. A real soul is fearless, nothing can harm a real soul. A real soul is free. People with a conviction of their free soul create wisdom.  

Point 4:  Enjoy Life

Life is enjoyable, yet foolish people did not know this. Everything in life is enjoyable, from a breath of air to the early sunshine, any moment is memorable, if you can recall them. A glass of plain water is enjoyable, yet people are not satisfied and need a silver cup to drink and a gold toilet to flush.  Many wise people had taught us before. A gold coffin cannot put people at rest while Mozart one of the most beautiful human can only have a burial in nowhere.  A real soul needs not a gold coffin, only rotten bodies need them.

Our souls are real, the bodies are not. They are corruptible and cannot last. Only a real soul can last.

You can enjoy life with a soul. 

One important task for education is to teach children how to enjoy life. There is a beauty in everything of our life. Work is enjoyable, dream is enjoyable. Many things are enjoyable. Stupid people do not know this, they are soulless and they cannot find beauty in daily life, they can only find satisfaction in money, without knowing that ugly things can only give them fake satisfaction.

Material oriented philosophy is the source of foolishness. Yet we need them, pity them and love them. They were our yesterday. If all people are wise, then the world will be too balanced to survive.

Point 5:  To Serve and to Fight

To Serve is the most important concept about human. We must consider everything as a whole and not an individual, then we will know why we need to serve. If you are to serve the people, you must know the real reason of it. One is not only part of a whole but it is the whole. One drop of water is water. To serve is the best way of life.

We need not only to serve the people, but to fight for the people.

The world is never balanced. Negative power wants to ruin the future of our life. Without a concept to fight for the well being of the people is dangerous. All souls want peace, but the peace must be maintained in huge effort. Peace is a working goal for mankind, not a waiting goal.

The concept of fighting is extremely important. If one is not to fight for the people, then one is not to serve the people. Those are people who wants to be served.    

We are real souls.

Real souls seek the true, the good and the beautiful with love. Love emerges from fighting together. They wanted to serve the people and fight for the people. They know how to enjoy life.

A real soul is the source of wisdom.

They might possibly reach the other shore.

Point 6: We are free

This is the major teaching of Zhuang Zi.   I am from the creator,  and I have a free will.
(非彼無我, 非我無所取)

There is a plan from the creator,  And we are free to take it or not to take it.  Free will is part of the plan. we don't know what is the plan. We can only have a general idea about this plan, we are free to accept or refuse the plan.

What is the general  idea about this plan?  It is growing.  It is heading towards the true, the good and the  beautiful.

Point 7:  The unknown of life

a.   Who light up my life?  or where is my life energy from?

There was a story about two sisters. When the doctor help deliver the elder baby from her mother's womb,  the elder baby was dead.  The doctor put aside the dead baby and continue to help deliver the second baby from her mother's womb.   The second baby cried loudly,  and suddenly the dead baby cried.  It seemed the dead baby was lit up also.  The dead baby gained life in that moment.

Who gave us the life force?  And we must be honest to tell each other,  that it is unknown. 

What we can be certain is that  that there is a source of the life force.

b.   Where are we going after life?   If  life is a soul,  then where would the soul be going after the death of the physical body?   And we must be honest to tell each other that this is a question we do not know.

And the next thing we can be certain is that when people are fully engaged in their life,  this is not a concern for them.  They don't care.  There are many of them in history all over the world.

( Ideas from an old article in May, 2020)

 a note  from the writer:

To fight means 戰鬥 or 奮鬥 or both.



What is the difference of Zhuangzi and Sunzi's Art of War?


Will it be too late to study them?

Because it is already in the war field sometimes. There is nowhere to go with a little knife in hand.

It is  better too hide up in the hills  to think and to study.

 Zhuangzi and Sunzi are in different levels to prepare war.

Sunzi is in a practical view,  and  Zhuangzi is looking at the Shi level more. Both of the levels are not to be neglected. 

It needs to note that both levels are important. 

Why the war will be started?

It is because one side is sure to win.   There will be no war if both are not sure to win.

And this is the most difficult part.  

Most of the war heroes could see one level only.  They thought they were sure to win from their practical view.

They cannot see the things from a higher level.  The Japanese had been strong in calculating their war stocks.  They cannot see it from the higher level.  And I am regret to say  that  they are the same after so many years.

I hope the Americans will see things higher than the Japanese.

To retreat a little to prepare another major attack ? 

It is so funny to see it from a higher angle. 



Poems about eunuchs by 白居易, 李察

 Poems about eunuchs by

                          白居易,  李察  


甚麼是「輕」? 就是最名貴的衣料,而「肥」,是肚滿腸肥。是描寫唐代宦官的。

 意氣驕滿路,鞍馬光照塵。借問何為者,人稱是內臣。 朱紱皆大夫,紫綬悉將軍。誇赴軍中宴,走馬去如雲。 樽罍溢九醞,水陸羅八珍,果擘洞庭橘,膾切天池鱗。 食飽心自若,酒酣氣益振。是歲江南旱,衢州人食人。

 (啊,看他們來了。滿路都是毫氣干雲,鞍馬的車頭燈,揚起了地上的灰塵。他們是何種樣人呢?啊,原來都是太監內臣。他們身上的名牌就夠看的了。朱紱和紫綬,都是身份象徵。原來他們要來軍中宴會了。 來來去去的奔馳、寶馬,像流水行雲。每一樽都是x o,上碟都是奇珍。最名貴的洞庭橘,最美味的海上鮮。吃飽了心滿意足,喝醉了氣焰囂張。唉,這是江南旱災的一年呢。衢州都在人吃人了。)











A History 田成子
















What is eunuch culture?

Eunuch culture was non-written and non-spoken in the long run of Chinese history.

Only a few poems have been written about them.

Scholars will not talk about them, though they were playing an  important role in Chinese history.

Confucius had never mentioned about eunuchs.   The hidden meaning in Confucianism was to allow or even encourage their role in politics.

Confucianism is the external shell,  the real inner core is eunuch culture.

In the old sense of the Chinese culture,  the only hope is in the sons.    Everyone  must have offsprings to keep their family  existence.  

To cut away the testicles is to cut away future.  To have no future is to have no hope in the sense of the old Chinese culture.

Eunuchs were a group of people who have no hope.

They could only grab money for vanity and enjoy their pleasure in eating.

There was no principle and no value in there mind.

And it was exactly this kind of people who were absolutely trusted by feudal rulers.

Why don't they trust people with real love and true unstanding of politics like Qu Yuan or Yue Fei?

And you will say,  I would rather trust a dog than these people.

But the rulers did not think the same.

And it was the inner complex of powerful rulers.

I can only think of one reason for them.

They would rather trust people with no values.

And it was because they themselves did not have any values too.

Eunuchs could not think properly.

Because they were psychologically biased.

They could never balance themselves.

It is the fatal point of Confucianism. To maintain the order in the families is the main concern of Confucianism,  yet they trust eunuchs.  They have given their brain to the eunuchs.

There are no physical eunuchs now.  But the tradition of eunuch culture cannot be denied.

They are still in the blood of quite a few people.

They will trust nothing except money.

All evils go into the same end.  Selfishness is the worst part of human nature. 


It is very difficult to see who is eunuch and who is not in our age.

They don't carry a mark like before.

It is in their inner value only.

And they will keep it as an utmost secret.

They have secret connections. 



Why all external ammunitions must be stopped sending to Ukraine?


It is because we do not want to see the elimination of the great Russian civilization on this planet.

We want to keep the names and their works on this planet.

For example, music: 

Borodin, Prokofiv, Mussorgsky, Stravinsky,  Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Rimsky-Korsakov....and,  how can you forget about Rachmaninov?

Those are not only great names but great souls.  I cannot sleep without them.

And about souls,  You will remember Nikolai Gogol.  He has written a book: Dead Souls. 

And the other names are Alexander Pushkin, Ivan Turgenev, Fyodo Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Nikolay Ostrovsky, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, and more. 

How can any other nations to have such great names in literature?

I wondered that they are all childrens of Peter the great.  Without the efforts of  Peter the great,  Russia will not be modernized. 

I don't know how other people thought about them.

But from the point of a Chinese, it is not easy.

Because the Chinese do not have such great volumes of literature and music.

If you have had also a lucky period of time to read, these are great authors you cannot have missed. 

It seems that the Chinese had changed. Chinese people do not like reading like their Russian counterparts. They prefer mobiles. 

They have one greatest book, The dream of the red chamber. Yet nobody is really care about this book. The fate of this book is mostly neglected.  The book have been carrying a wrong name for a long time. Chinese people  do not know the hidden message in this book.  I have mentioned many times about this. They were all neglected.

Chinese have Confucianism on the external shell, and Eunuch Culture in the inner core, which is an unwritten spirit of most of the dark elements in the Chinese mind. 

Those are the sources of the secret party which will be ruling after Xi.

There are still eunuchs everywhere in different levels, local or central,  inside and outside the Chinese country today.


Eunuch culture have been lasting for thousands and thousands of years.  It is still in the blood of some Chinese people. There will never be so straightforward as the Russians. They are always yang feng yin wei.

United States people have believed that they can still control the secret party if once they were engaged in top positions.  But they are too naive to believe this. Once the secret party have grapped power,  no one can harness them. United States people will only be subordinates of the secret party of China in the unlucky future. 

And this is the real value of  Russian civilization. There are always a good reminder to us.  They have no Eunuch Culture and they have no Confucianism. If the Russians are defeated, China will lose one arm,  one good friend and a good teacher.

External ammunition and military engagements must be stopped.

Do not try to eliminate the Russian spirit. It will be harmful for all.

Do not try this.

It will be wrong for the United States mind to keep the war going on. The war must be stopped.

External  amunitions are hostile actions  against  China.

It must be stopped.








The Internal

 ~ The most important issue today

Wars are not important for the whole world.   It is important for only a few countries.  Wars cannot determine the future of the world.  Wars can determine only some fate of a few countries.  

Secret politics are not important too.   Although secret politics is the major trend of the whole world now. 

The so-called elected leaders  are controlled by secret powers. 

 They need not to think,  and they need not to work.   The most important job for them is to obey.  The secret powers can control more than one country.   They can control another country and other leaders too.  It happens in the West all the time.  

As for China,  she is the same under secret control of the secret powers,  though the format is very different from the West. 

They have secret parties inside the party.   They have secret networks around the whole country.  They will take orders,  but carry out the orders in their own way. They will push the country to another direction. 

For example, the secret network in Hong Kong is pushing hard  for the young and older generation.  The network is super strong.  The undercurren controls all but you cannot see anything from the surface.  Hong Kong is following the direction of South Korea.  A trend of South-Korean culture is inside the Hong Kong youths already. 

The secret network is around  other cities and provinces in China too.

Yet secret politics is not important.

What is the most important issue in the world now?

Let's get back to the old days of Karl Marx.

He had discovered  problems in external structures of  economies and politics.  He  had studied  unfair situations in all countries.  He had discovered the difference of the rich and the poor.

The world has changed since.  It was because external phenomenon are easy to be seen.

More important issue was discovered by Mao Zedong.

He did not mention about internal structure.  But he has said about external and internal causes.  He said internal is the ultimate cause for every thing.(內因是決定一切的).

Left-brainers can never understand the right-brain.  Colour-blinded dogs never understand about color.  Internal issue is really difficult to understand for most of the people.    Dogs will laugh at you because you can't smell out the bomb hidden in your house.  You are lacking the ability.

Many people do not know the difference of communism or  capitalism.  It seems to be different in their external structures only.  It is simple and easy to be seen from the surface.

People can hardly understand that the external structures  are only results of their internal force.  Humans are no better than a dog if they cannot feel it from inside.

And it is not easy to give a definition of the internal.  It can only be related or understood by  inner feeling.   Many people are not talents, but they do have a feeling to reach the core.

They would search for the internal cause of external behaviors.

They would try to modify the external structures of the society from an internal view.

What is internal?

What I can say is that it is not a spirit,  nor love, nor religious feeling.

You can have the feelings of love,  yet you may not be really inside the  internal feelings.

Sometimes if you can dig deeper into History and  Civilizations,  you can see better where the trends are.   Yet you might not be awared that a secret trap is in front of you or a conspiracy is  carrying on.

You need to have a very clear mind.  

You need to have a hole in your mind,  like the third eye.

Your eye is penetrating,  and you can see through everything.

It is not difficult at all.

It is simple and easy for the selfless people.

Once you have the feeling of selflessness,  you will be fearless. You will worry about nothing and  reach the insight directly.

If you are selfish,  it is absolute difficulty.

And we are not talking about religion and magic.  We are talking about the future of human kind.  In the future, everyone will be selfless. Everyone will have that inner feeling.

Important is for the few talented leaders now. They need to teach other people about internal things.

It is more difficult than the job of Jesus or Buddha.

Because Love and Vanity is not the same as internal feeling.

They are similar, but not the same.



If someone beats you with a stick, how would you fight back?

 If someone beats you with a stick, how would you fight back?

Will you hit the stick  to revenge?

It is  from the teaching of a book of Judaism.

Will you hit the stick or the owner of the stick to fight back?

Now they are sending a warship to beat you.

Will you hit the warship in return?

Or will you hit the owner of the warship in return?

If your enemy dare to touch your baby.

Will you shoot at the enemy's head or the baby?


that is 

do it to the point.

It is from Judaism,  not Confucianism. 


Why "The unending grief" is helpful for film directors?





The film directors must be excited in seeing these lines.

That was the starting of the war.

How should I prepare thousands of horses and soldiers going south western areas?

What's the cost in filming such a scene?

And.....Suppose the cost is unlimited,  what remains is only  imagination.

Amid the soldiers and horses, there was a colorful  carriage  covered with green linens and  decorations.   It was the queen's carriage. It was slowly and  slightly shaking,  rolling and  stopping.

It envisaged the next scene.

What happened next?

Next is the death scene of the beauty.



The scene is omitted.   Yet they are looking back to see it.

But the job for the film directors are not finished yet.

Yes, it needs some music.  It is absolutely a must here.

What kind of music can go with such a scene?

That's why film directors must be music lovers.

Yet it is a poem, not a song. The song is not yet composed.  The music is in your mind. It is not created.

That must be a great job for a great film director.

And you need to wait for an unlimited time.

You just wait.



An Unending Grief of China


The grief had been lasting for a long time then people said it is the longest grief in China.

I love the poem since I was in my early teens.  Yet, I cannot understand the poem until a recent discovery.

It was in the night when my grandmother died and we had to move away from the old house because we could not pay the rent.

My brother and I had rented a small room far away in the suburbs.

We carried only a few things from the old house.  One was a large old clock.

I could not sleep that night,  and then I heard the strike of the clock once every hour.

Suddenly the line from the unending grief sprang into my mind.


I had my first unending night when the stars were burning the light and the hour was late with the clock striking.

It was only a simple love story.

The king was  crazily  in love for a woman,   and for political reasons,  he had to execute the woman.  And then he went for a war.

 When he came back from the war,  everything was the same as before, except people was getting old.  Yet his love had not been subsided.


The eunuchs in the winter room with walls heavily covered with chili paste to keep warm were old, like the aged maids.

He was still accompanied by  eunuchs after the war.

What's it all about?  How come the poet can master Chinese  language so perfectly?  It was so beautiful that everyone cannot forget?

I was sitting in a park in Hong Kong island.  Some one turned on his radio,  I heard this poem again. 

My feeling of grief was suddenly aroused.

I cannot explain this feeling.


When the king came back to his old palace,   the garden was same as before.  The trees and flowers had not changed.

What's the difference?

Why the emotion cannot be settled?

Everything was the same. Yet the beauty was gone.

It seems to be a lightning flashed into my mind.  

It's not a love story.  It must not be a love story.

It is the story of human emotions.

What the  king had been  searching was not a lady,   but the beauty itself.

He was not allowed to search for the beauty for political reasons,  He had to kill the beauty with his own hand.

Yet when he came back,  He tried  furiously to search for the beauty again.

But the beauty was gone forever.


Sorry I have to interrupt a little here:

In the emotions of the Chinese literature,  beauty is same with truth.  beauty is  together  with truth.   What the king had been searching were more than a single beauty.  It must be a complex feeling about everything.




蓬萊宮中日月長 ~ ~

she is there.

her name is 太真

it means "the highest truth"



春風桃李花開日,秋雨梧桐葉落時。西宮南內多秋草,落葉滿階紅不掃。(花開日 一作:花開夜;南內 一作:南苑)
風吹仙袂飄飄舉,猶似霓裳羽衣舞。玉容寂寞淚闌干,梨花一枝春帶雨。(闌 通:欄;飄飄 一作:飄颻)

Yes its cold description and its  more than cinema magic.  Every line is a picture., yet it is not a picture.  It seems to be a song,  Yet it is not a song. It is only a line. A line to fix into your mind. You have to read it many times.  You have to read it many years. AND THEN if you're lucky, you can see the author. You can see the poet. The poet is hiding himself behind the lines. He is a genius. He can foresee things happen in thousands of years. It is only a dance. It turns in slow movement.  With music and costume in feathered silk.  And it never satisfies the king. The king wanted to see it once and once again. Yet they are separated. They are separated in two places. They are separated in heaven and in earth. And the poet told you. You will see each other again.天上人間會相見 Isn't him a poet? Maybe no. He is more than a poet.

And that is the reason for the Chinese to study Chinese. It only exists in the Chinese language. It cannot be translated.

You'll be inspired.



Can a firefly burn the Mount Sumeru?



It was said that a firefly can never burn the Mount Sumero.

And it was believed that the Mount Sumero  is so big that it is  unconquerable.

If people believed that they will never be successful, then they will not accomplish anything.

If there is a light in your mind, that you want to light up something, just do it.

It might not be the Mount Sumero, it mignt be our tomorrow.