
Can United States deny their plot to weaken China?


There is an obvious plot to weaken or destroy China like the  Soviet Union of Russia.

HOWEVER,  Chinese people are not the same.

 This is a country of  real peace and real love.  

They have learned  the way to do business,   and they are rich.

Human has been evolving into a new stage.  Humans are evolving from individuals to a  whole being.  

 They know how to love each other.

 They know  how should a true human being live.   They are not living like animals, killing each other every day.  They are living  more like  human now.

This is exactly the point that frightens the  secret rulers in the United States.

They will not admit there will be a war in Taiwan with China,  and they will not admit this is the next step following the Ukraine War.

But  the American plot is so obvious,  they cannot hide it from the eyes of the world.

There is a plot.  There will be wars.   They are war animals.  They need wars to maintain their power,  and to keep their military economy running.

 It's the only way to survive for animals.

Can the United States rulers use a small bottle of washing powder to cheat the world again?

Rock music and Confucianism from South Korean Melodrama  are much better than a washing powder........


South korean melodrama is famous for its fearful, withdrawal and passive Confucianism. 



