
Why you can be relaxed ?

        (9385   Why you can be        relaxed  20220811)

It is because humans are in a sure-win situation.

It is not that anyone will win.  There will be always winners and losers.  Countries can be  defeated, nations can be destroyed.  Yet  humans are in a sure win situation.

No matter who wins or who loses, the final outcome will be  same:- 

Humans will be really wise. They will be wisdom-driven. None of them will be selfish.

You can be relaxed. Because you know even though you’re  defeated but you will not die. 

Because life is  mind, and all minds are connected. You will be there until future. You will witness the future outcome.

Countries and heroes come and go. When everyone thinks he is in the positive side and  simply cannot afford to lose, he will be nervous.  Maybe he can be relaxed for a while to accept the coming failure and the final good ending.

When people are in a mind position like this, he will think twice for his choice, and have a better chance to win.  


 1  人類未來是被智慧驅動的,不是被金錢驅動的。

2  人類進化,以內在靈性的進化為主。

3   生命是被心驅動的。生命就是心。

4   人類正在進入合作的時代。

5   心不會死。有心人是不會死的。

6   未來的人,沒有一個自私。

