
What is the story in year 2022?

 9356  What is the higher scenario in year 2022  20200316

The modern three kingdom story is not same with the old one. 

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One simple analysis is:  

If you cannot kill the other, you can only live, or, to "co-exist" with them. 

Why you cannot kill each other? because each of you had been equipped with nuclear weapons. You have no choice.

If you do not want to die together, you can only live together.  

The second simple analysis is: 

You can never limit the others. The so-called "sanction" is but a limitation of knowledge to the final end. At first it seemed to be an act of commerce, but the real nature is not to share your secret of science. And it is impossible. 

The so-called "science" if you can look back in 500 years, is only a primary school text book. We are all living in an enviroment of "time", it seemed easy not to share and keep every thing as a secret. However, the so-called secrets of science are like air, it is in the atmosphere, sooner of later, all will have it. 

But the point is not in whether science can be shared or not. 

The point is if you are trying to keep it as a secret, you will limit your own growth. It is same in the running competition. If the first runner keeps watching the second runner, he will lose and the second runner will take over. 

Why not put more effort in your own work and not to watch others?

Maybe I need to repeat a little here:

The analysis is so simple,

If you are to live with the others, you better share with them.  

If you can share with the others, you can love them. Because, it is happier to love than to hate.  

And if you can love them, we can march into the age of peace and wealth, soon. 

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Talented actor always expects talented audience. 

The most wonderful show will be on stage. 

Let us see the actors first. 

First actor is Russia the  Northern Giant.

Humans were born in the hot forest.  However, they are tempered in many other situations, just to help them build up a stronger character. Russians were born in a cold place of - 70C in the Siberia. If they are not freezed to die, they must be very strong. There are lots of Siberia document films, if you are not going there to have some experience in the cold. 

Do you think you can strangle them to dead with a little sanction?  

And of course you are not that simple-minded. Sanctions and limitation of sharing will make them stronger instead. 

And now let us see the next actor, China the Eastern Giant. 

Almost all the diplomats in history had found some unknown features in the Chinese characters. Some early English had been in many places in the whole world, and it was the most perplexing finding in Chinese they cannot know why. It is the same today. 

The Chinese have a different perceiving tool in their brain other than the other Giants. 

They are right-brain oriented. They see things differently. 

I have written about it long ago, however, 99.9% of the Chinese still did not know about that.  

The right-brain-oriented status is the only reason of their special culture. 

And their special culture is in the infant period. The right-brained tool had not been well sharpened. And I cannot tell whether it needs another 100 years or another 1000 years and by then, some culture, and not necessarily the Chinese themselves, will suddenly grasp the tool and will be the champion of science in the world.

I am not sure whether the Chinese right-brain-oriented culture can be activated or not. May be it needs time.   

While their right-brain-oriented culture is still in the infant-period, the Chinese are using the Western science now. Even the Chinese medicine is not well developed. May be the real nature of the culture itself is too complicated for anyone to comprehend. 

You can see the Eastern Giant on the stage with almost everything westernized. Their costumes, their stage props, and even their weapons are all made with Western science, with one exception only.  

The exception is the Chinese language itself. It is a right-brain-oriented language, and can produce energy in thoughts…….

The third actor is The Western Giant, the United States. And US is the most familiar actor every one knows. 

As the play is about to start in any moment when suddenly, the ceiling of the stage seemed leaking something.

A raining of powder fell from the ceiling and it was not rain drops. It was only powder. 

Was it a sudden outburst of earthquake? But there was no shaking. 

Some were sitting and wait to see the fighting of the Giants, while some started to examine the powder. 

Will there be Virus in the powder? 

And the show was still on stage while an outbreak of diseases was spreading around the globe………

What is the higher scenario in the Year 2022? 

The fight is meaningless if you cannot kill. 

It is only a show. 

And there are unknown factors in the show. 

No one can know exactly how far the unknown will go. Though we can always remember our first analysis here: 

* If you cannot kill each other, you need to live with each other. 

* If you are to live with each other, its better to love each other. 

* If you cannot refuse each other, better to share. 

* If you can share, you might be the champion. 

* Champion is a title of a game only. You cannot keep it forever, and you are never a dictator of the world. 

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The scenario is a little complicated. Lots of question remain unanswered. And you might still want to know, what is the nature of the Western science and what is the prospect of it. 

Western science is a tool. It is the major tool of the Western civilization which is originated in Ancient Greece or even earlier.  

Anyone can use the tool. There is no secret in the tool itself. 

The tool is matured and had reached its adulthood. 

And the tool is not magic. The tool has its own limitations. 

The limitations had kept us in a low development status until now. 

Can we have another tool? 

May be there is a choice of the Eastern civilization. 

However, the Eastern civilization had not been developed. It is still in their infant stage. 

Can we have another type of mathematics, another type of physics? 

For example, a future mathematics with no numbers? We have been using our fingers to count, it is the basic of counting. Can we have a change? 

Can you use something else to count? 

What if you do not use fingers, stones or even digits to count?  

In the future when our right-brain is fully developed, we can think not in concrete substances, but minds and imaginations. We might have another tool other than science. We shall reach a truly rich period of history by then. 

