
Was the US caught off guard this time?

 9361  Was the US caught off guard this time  20220329

Yes, they were. 

The US people or their culture were completely caught off guard by the Ukraine episode. 

The reaction was totally irrational in a big outburst. 

It might be the opening of a secret box of destruction weapons against Russia or China, and that was supported by a sudden realization of something.  

They were shocked and rush to the secret weapon box immediately. 

What did they realize?

And what was in their mind before the Ukraine Episode?

It is not that they had seen their sudden failure to prevent another big power other than China had stood up and it was totally unexpected. Yes, Russia will be successful and stood like a giant standing together with the US and China. 

But the point is not here. 

The point is they could never know the real reason behind it. 

And the real worry lies in the near future more than now. 

In the near future, there will not be a triangle situation anymore. The 3 Giants era will be gone. And it will be gone very soon. 

It will remain a happy time for the three for a short while now. 

Because the three giants were similar. No more and no less. 

The real reason is that they were using the same tool of the Western science which is a left-brain dominated domain and the Western science had gone to a stage needing a revolution. 

If in a short future of 20 to 50 years, when someone could handle the wisdom of a right-brain culture and found the inner essence of a different science, unexpected things would happen. 

If a new science of mathematics was found, when people can calculate without using numbers, and if a new science of Physics was found when people could see different layers of phenomenon other than the present external measures, then we can expect a sudden opening of eyes and see a completely new Universe before us and by that time, all fights and argues will be non-sense. 

If the Ukraine Episode is an unexpected event in the eyes of the American people, they would be completely shocked if the new science did find a way to show its power. 

What people have been talking now are largely strategics matter only. That meant to handle things by superficial arrangements. That meant people are trying to settle problems by their hands only. When people would blame the Russians this or that while not blaming themselves this or that, they are using hands, they did not sit down and ponder for a while to think. 

And people did not know how to sit down. 

Do you know how to pray? or to meditate? 

And I was amazed to see the President of US saying so fluently some words by the late Pope in Poland, I could see that he had not been examining the wrong doings of the Church people, as his son had been handling the pedophilia cases when he was still alive. 

And the point is not about the wrong doings but a completely wrong interpretation of the minds of Jesus. Jesus had said he would send a helper to the world to seek wisdom and if people have wisdom, they would be free.

And it is a civilization that had gone wrong, not a president. 

Can the people be free by a certain kind of political system while they were ignorant and was guided by the wrong culture?  

How ignorant we are. 

And the minor points are loving and forgiving. 

Can you love your enemy and forgive their wrong doing? 

If you cannot, you will not see the real picture of the world, not to mention the future. 

Its why people are caught off guard. 


The Russians had not used the word ‘war’ against the Ukrainians. It could possibly be a reason that they do not regard the Ukrainians enemies, but same Russia.






















其實這也只是一種好奇心:  如果北約變成了一個商業機構,那就天下太平了?有這麽容易?或者真是要研究什麼是真理了。掌握了真理,我們就都自由了。這是心理遊戲呢,爭論天下大事的時候,偶然說一兩句不好笑的笑話,也沒有相干的。




 9359 相濡以沫的故事   20220323





















































What if Russia is defeated?

 9358  What if Russia is defeated  20220322

That is quite impossible.

 However, it must be examined deeply to realize the total situation. 

The present trend of a Three Kingdom situation is not absolutely certain. The balance could be broken if Russia is defeated in Ukraine. Russia must win the war to protect the balance of the world. 

If Russia is defeated, soon there will be another lost. Taiwan could be the next victim. And lots of other countries would follow. There will be a big harvest for the US to kick away the balance. 

The Ukraine war is a hard war. May be the hard war is not needed if the soft war before that was not lost. Taiwan issue is similar with that. The US and Japan effort to transform the minds of the Taiwan people is quite successful. If the Taiwan situation is kept on like this, a hard war is unavoidable.  

For the meantime, more effort to help Russia is essential. The effort to help Russia is also part of another soft war. It could bring in the attention for the whole world to see what is right and what is wrong. 

The so-called sanction is also a paper tiger. Sanction could not defeat Russia, and China is well prepared for it. 








若果有人能夠在右腦文化的形勢下,突破了瓶頸, 進行了一場真正的科技文化革命, 經濟就會突然超速。持續了許久的三分天下平衡, 就會被打破。時至今日, 西方世界仍是氣電不分。根本不知道在西方科技之外,另有一個尚待發展的東方科技在潛伏著。 中國文化是大有前途的。




What is the story in year 2022?

 9356  What is the higher scenario in year 2022  20200316

The modern three kingdom story is not same with the old one. 

x     x      x

One simple analysis is:  

If you cannot kill the other, you can only live, or, to "co-exist" with them. 

Why you cannot kill each other? because each of you had been equipped with nuclear weapons. You have no choice.

If you do not want to die together, you can only live together.  

The second simple analysis is: 

You can never limit the others. The so-called "sanction" is but a limitation of knowledge to the final end. At first it seemed to be an act of commerce, but the real nature is not to share your secret of science. And it is impossible. 

The so-called "science" if you can look back in 500 years, is only a primary school text book. We are all living in an enviroment of "time", it seemed easy not to share and keep every thing as a secret. However, the so-called secrets of science are like air, it is in the atmosphere, sooner of later, all will have it. 

But the point is not in whether science can be shared or not. 

The point is if you are trying to keep it as a secret, you will limit your own growth. It is same in the running competition. If the first runner keeps watching the second runner, he will lose and the second runner will take over. 

Why not put more effort in your own work and not to watch others?

Maybe I need to repeat a little here:

The analysis is so simple,

If you are to live with the others, you better share with them.  

If you can share with the others, you can love them. Because, it is happier to love than to hate.  

And if you can love them, we can march into the age of peace and wealth, soon. 

x      x     x

Talented actor always expects talented audience. 

The most wonderful show will be on stage. 

Let us see the actors first. 

First actor is Russia the  Northern Giant.

Humans were born in the hot forest.  However, they are tempered in many other situations, just to help them build up a stronger character. Russians were born in a cold place of - 70C in the Siberia. If they are not freezed to die, they must be very strong. There are lots of Siberia document films, if you are not going there to have some experience in the cold. 

Do you think you can strangle them to dead with a little sanction?  

And of course you are not that simple-minded. Sanctions and limitation of sharing will make them stronger instead. 

And now let us see the next actor, China the Eastern Giant. 

Almost all the diplomats in history had found some unknown features in the Chinese characters. Some early English had been in many places in the whole world, and it was the most perplexing finding in Chinese they cannot know why. It is the same today. 

The Chinese have a different perceiving tool in their brain other than the other Giants. 

They are right-brain oriented. They see things differently. 

I have written about it long ago, however, 99.9% of the Chinese still did not know about that.  

The right-brain-oriented status is the only reason of their special culture. 

And their special culture is in the infant period. The right-brained tool had not been well sharpened. And I cannot tell whether it needs another 100 years or another 1000 years and by then, some culture, and not necessarily the Chinese themselves, will suddenly grasp the tool and will be the champion of science in the world.

I am not sure whether the Chinese right-brain-oriented culture can be activated or not. May be it needs time.   

While their right-brain-oriented culture is still in the infant-period, the Chinese are using the Western science now. Even the Chinese medicine is not well developed. May be the real nature of the culture itself is too complicated for anyone to comprehend. 

You can see the Eastern Giant on the stage with almost everything westernized. Their costumes, their stage props, and even their weapons are all made with Western science, with one exception only.  

The exception is the Chinese language itself. It is a right-brain-oriented language, and can produce energy in thoughts…….

The third actor is The Western Giant, the United States. And US is the most familiar actor every one knows. 

As the play is about to start in any moment when suddenly, the ceiling of the stage seemed leaking something.

A raining of powder fell from the ceiling and it was not rain drops. It was only powder. 

Was it a sudden outburst of earthquake? But there was no shaking. 

Some were sitting and wait to see the fighting of the Giants, while some started to examine the powder. 

Will there be Virus in the powder? 

And the show was still on stage while an outbreak of diseases was spreading around the globe………

What is the higher scenario in the Year 2022? 

The fight is meaningless if you cannot kill. 

It is only a show. 

And there are unknown factors in the show. 

No one can know exactly how far the unknown will go. Though we can always remember our first analysis here: 

* If you cannot kill each other, you need to live with each other. 

* If you are to live with each other, its better to love each other. 

* If you cannot refuse each other, better to share. 

* If you can share, you might be the champion. 

* Champion is a title of a game only. You cannot keep it forever, and you are never a dictator of the world. 

*    *    *

The scenario is a little complicated. Lots of question remain unanswered. And you might still want to know, what is the nature of the Western science and what is the prospect of it. 

Western science is a tool. It is the major tool of the Western civilization which is originated in Ancient Greece or even earlier.  

Anyone can use the tool. There is no secret in the tool itself. 

The tool is matured and had reached its adulthood. 

And the tool is not magic. The tool has its own limitations. 

The limitations had kept us in a low development status until now. 

Can we have another tool? 

May be there is a choice of the Eastern civilization. 

However, the Eastern civilization had not been developed. It is still in their infant stage. 

Can we have another type of mathematics, another type of physics? 

For example, a future mathematics with no numbers? We have been using our fingers to count, it is the basic of counting. Can we have a change? 

Can you use something else to count? 

What if you do not use fingers, stones or even digits to count?  

In the future when our right-brain is fully developed, we can think not in concrete substances, but minds and imaginations. We might have another tool other than science. We shall reach a truly rich period of history by then. 


Why Ukraine should return to Russia ?

9355  Why Ukraine should return to Russia  20200310

Ukraine should be definitely returned to Russia. Ukraine was part of Russia in history. The province folks should not have the right to vote against the Country. It was same with Taiwan. Taiwan folks have no right to vote against the people of China. 

And these cases shown the greed nature of Western Capitalism. If the Taiwan people is returned to China, can the looters in the West confiscate  properties of every Chinese in their country? 

Who is allowing such crimes to happen? 

If the looters in the West ever wishes to confiscate any property from other countries, they must get approval from the owners and UN. They must return their robbed money to the owners if they have not the right to do so. 

How can people rob Russians under the pretext of lies?  

Why do the Western countries not taken any action during the Iraq war or Vietnam war and many other similar wars? Sanctions were never heard of.

The greed nature is the worse part of human nature. 

The planet will not have any peace if such greed is allowed and not corrected. 

Ukraine must return to Russia. 

Separatism is no good for the planet. Seperatism is a tool for the looters.  

A son should not run away from his poor family for another wealthier mother. It is the worst kind of human nature. No matter how poor a mother is, she must have the right to keep her son. Taiwan should return to China definitely and so do Ukraine. 

The above is only the First Aspect to see the world. 

The Second and the more important Aspect is Western powers should not try to destroy Russia.

If the looting and so-called sanctions are going on like this, the world will have no peace and Russia will have a hard time, though I think it will stimulate them to standup more firmly. 

If there is a war, the war should be directed to the greedy nature of human minds. The war should not be directed to rob another country. 

The future peace would need the powers to share responsibilities, not only to share the wealth. 

We have only Three Giants on earth. The Northern Russian, The Eastern China, and The Western US. If the Russian is excluded, soon China will be the next victim. The target is on Russia, actually the real aim is on China. The final target is to let the Chinese go back to their feudal past. There will be only one dominating power on this planet if Russia and China are gone. And that would be disastrous for the Western countries, too. Do you think the tycoons will share with you their wealth? It needs a deeper thought.  

Thanks for the recent development of the world affairs. It has shown to the world the real nature of the greed and aggressiveness of Capitalism. The world need improvement, and the world should never be robbed by a few. 

If we are wishing a peaceful and wealthy period ahead of us, we should see it clearly that the aggressiveness had not been gone until now. The greedy nature to rob and to loot is still prevailing. It is a secret design to rob the world by a single country. It was not cold war in Iraq, it was not cold war in Middle-east, and it will not be cold war, certainly, if Taiwan is returning to China.  

If you think that is a simple "cold-war" and the powerful tycoons will take your kind advice, you will be eaten only faster. 

A fighting spirit is important. The peaceful and wealth ahead is waiting for serious fighters, not comfort-minded people. 

We hope the world responsibilities are shared by the three Giants if they are not fallen and can be standing up together. 

However , there is a Fourth Giant waiting. A Fourth Giant is much needed to support the Three. 

The Fourth Giant is Wisdom based upon Love. If humans as well as some kind-hearted politicians are wise enough not to be cheated by the greedy tycoons, they would know what to do.

And for the mean time, the urgent thing is to let Ukraine return to Russia. 

(P.S.  How can you sanction Tchaikovsky?  Tchaikovsky and his Swan Lake Ballet is the wisdom of all mankind.  To sanction him is to sanction the human heart.)


3 Poems, the three kingdoms



















The Giants


9353   The Giants  20220305

There were three giants on the planet. The West Giant, the North Giant, and the East Giant. There were no South Giant at the moment. And people thought it was natural to have only three. 

The West Giant was the richest. They were smart and aggressive. The West Giant did not welcome competitors.  

However, the other giant from the North was always a worry. What if the North Giant stand up and come to ask for a share?  They tried to bully him.  They kept all the science and commerce secrets away from him. 

The West Giant was really upset as they had found the North Giant did have a younger brother. It was the East Giant.  

Separate them and kill them one by one..... no one dare to think about it. How could such evil thoughts ever emerged from a human? 

They were young or influenced by the West. They did not know the difference of a solid plan and a soft plan. You have precise steps in a solid plan, but you need only to wait in a soft plan. When the time came, you need only to push a little. 

The West Giant had used parasite warfare against the brothers in a soft plan. They send out parasites with a smile. parasites will be living inside their heart and their brain, so as they could think no more before they die. 

The North Giant knew the plot and always refuse free candies while the East Giant had eaten a lot. They like sweets. The tasteful chocolate will be within their network forever. 

The East Giant will not be a problem anymore. Their power will change hands soon. Now the only problem was from the North. 

The West Giant tried to seduce the son of the North giant.

The West Giant encouraged his son to rebel and run away from family. It was very successful. 

The son will not listen to the North Giant any more. The son was eager to choose another rich mother.  

It was by this time, the Ukraine war had started. 

People had not seen a war for a long time. They were frightened. 

The West Giant was extremely happy about the war.  

It will be only one Giant on this planet, and there will not be other Giants to share with them. The planet will have only one single owner. Other Giants will be consumed or transformed, he thought. 

And it was by this time, the East Giant found he was a little painful in the head. Are the parasites truely living in my brain? He had brushed aside the parasite stories long ago, now he has got a little headache. However, he had decided not to have headaches. And he was only worried about his brother very little. He didn't know parasites would grow and were now like a tightened net around him. 

Everytime he wanted to do something, he noticed the direction will be diverted a little. That was the reason of his headache. He wanted to help the North Giant, and his will was silently changed. 

Will the war consume the North Giant? Is it necessary to do something? He was a good leader, yet he was too busy and did not have enough time to study the case. Consuming or not consuming, it seemed to be not his main concern. He just wanted to keep away from the warfare and keep his home business running safely. And he had found the parasite network comfortable and useful to him in a confusing time like this. He did not think it is the time to beat the devils, though He had certainly not forgotten that he had also a son seduced away by the West Giant, too. 


The war in Ukraine will be over sooner or later. 

Yet the soft plan had not been over. And people did not want to irritate the West Giant. 

Though the three Giants had different ideas about the future, however, no one would like to talk about it openly. 

The East Giant had kept saying, the cold war was over, we should not be thinking about it anymore while the West Giant had never responded to the term. He just smiled. Keeping your enemies in their dream, is the best tactic to eliminate them. And he will never argue with them: "Oh yes, we are not in a cold war, the war is hot!"

It was not a suitable time to discuss whether the war was cold, hot, or soft. Because, no one had noticed that the South Giant was there already. He would break into the stage and have a grand show up. And scholars as well as the parasites soon discovered that there was no South Giant, as they had checked all over the planet and found none. 

Every one was happy, again. 



Can the Ukrainian problem be settled?

 9352  Can the Ukrainian problem be settled?  20220303

It is urgent to settle the Ukraine Problem, as it is a large stumbling block for the coming age of wealth and peace. 

It is a time of no-war, but smaller wars did happen. It is impossible to fight, but people did fall in the trap of fighting. 

To put out the fire is important. 

But the world seemed not seeing the point. They are excited and want to see more from the fire display. 

If the feeling of hatred persisted, there will be no peace. And the world need to wait a much longer time for the coming wealth. 

Russians were the most isolated nation on earth. They seem to have not many friends except China. The Northern Giant was despised and hated for no reason for hundreds of years. It might be the common foolishness of human beings. They are refusing love from the bottom of their heart. 

Love remains the theme in kindergartens, not political circles. 

Politicians are bully masters, not school teachers. 

Fire is dangerous, people need to think a little. 

Should I keep on bullying the Giant, or should I let the younger ones in Nato to bully him? 

United States has been trying to keep out of the trouble, but once the game is on stage, they could not help but join the cheering crowds. And the game will be a war game sooner or later. 

If the Russians were isolated to the last ounce of strength, you can expect the worse outcome. 

Smart people ought to know it earlier. 


History, a poem


史之詩   一首







