
Is It the Best way to Strangle Russia?


9351 Is It the Best way to Strangle Russia 20220228

One thing we can observe in the Russia-Ukraine war right now is the leadership.  Who is leading the war to defend Ukraine and kill Russia via a special way of blaming and suffocation? 

It is not US definitely. 

The US president had tried to step back a little and had taken no action to send soldiers and fight together with them. 

And what we saw is a strong current of blaming erupted from somewhere to suffocate if not Russia but the ears of the world.  

It is complete isolation from the West. 

And you would see how strong and how powerful the Western money system and commercial systems are. 

You are nowhere to live if they are united and refuse to talk and trade with you. 

And the strange thing reminded us that why are the eruption so powerful without the leadership of US? 

The United States is only a follower this time. 

And you will see someone had decided to stay away from the stormy sea of blaming.

Thou shall not judge.

It is strange that when other invading wars had happened not long ago, the protests were so weak that one could hardly hear them?

What will happen if Russia were really strangled? 

What will happen if you have decided not to let your enemy live? 

What will happen if you have decided to kill with your mouth? 

Some one ought to stand up and say something. 

The world is waiting for China to speak up this time. 

