
What is Wisdom?

 9333  What is Wisdom?  20220104

At the very beginning, I thought wisdom is the power to use knowledge. That is only the first step of wisdom. Any one with some wisdom can use their knowledge properly and will do things for their true benefit. Too many people are working hard to hurt themselves. 

Later, I came to understand that wisdom is the power to go up one level to see. It is not easy, you can see clearly how lower level people works, but you cannot go up one level to see your own. If you can do that, surely you must have some wisdom with you. How can you go up one level? It needs to search the inner realities. 

And I dare not think that was enough. As the processing power within your single mind is limited. Thinking should be the work of a total network, and you are but a small spot in the ocean. The processing need to open to other networks, known or unknown. And the thinking process needs fuel. It should be powered by yourself and other huge sources from afar.

All wisdoms need to be proven by the result. 

When the wisdoms are reached, you can see the flow. The flow of cultures and the flow of the planet, if not the Universe. You will see what ought to be done and what ought not to be done. 

There was a good news yesterday, though the world did not see and welcome the news with a huge cry. Five leaders had written a joint statement to harness the wild run of the nuclear powers. They must be very clever people, and there must be some wisdom in it. It is not only strategically wise, but the early sign of the age of wealth. We are going to be rich. Every one should be happy about it. 


1 則留言:

  1. 其實自己是不懂得國語, 連游泳和單車也不行.

    你那篇 "what is bully?" 幫了我很多,每天也被一些不知名人仕攻擊.

