
How Old are You?

 9339 How Old are You?  20220125

It is extremely important to know the age of every one. 

If you ask the glass of water in front of you, "How old are you?" The answer would make you happy. The water would tell you, "I am as old as the Universe."

Yes, the clear and pure water you are about to put in your mouth, is as old as the whole Universe. Not one single drop of water would be dead, they are just coming and going, they are circling around without stopping. They would never be gone. 

The measure of the age of the planet is 4 billion years and the Universe is 13 billion years. Though many would doubt the figures as the Universe must be born from something else before that. Only one thing is certain here, that the water was not new and the water must be dwelling on the planet since it was born. 

And so are you. 

You must be same as the water. I am as old as the past and I shall be living as old as the future. 

Each and every one of us human beings are long living creatures and we will never die. 

All our love ones are still here, they are everywhere. If you see clearly around the planet, all human beings carry the same trace of human nature. You will find one of them same as your lost one. They will not be exactly the same, but they would carry some thing identical, if you are so lucky to spot it. It won't be difficult for anyone who wishes to spot his love ones, as there will not be a problem for one drop of water to find another drop. 

We were all brothers and sisters. You love one and you love all.

And this is the grand aspect of human fate. 

Yes we are as old as the planet and we are from the past, we shall be going to the future. 

And we have only a few thousand years of known history. We had been fighting and now the wars are going to end, as we will be rich in a short while and the age of peace is here waiting for us.

To find some wealth is easy now as the wealth will be coming together with the peace. Stop blaming and try loving, peace will be here and we shall be rich. And we shall be more than rich, we shall be safe and rid of the threat of the viruses by then.  

After the age of peace, the age of search might be coming. As we have not enough wisdom now, we do not know exactly what is going to happen and what shall we do. May be there will be an age of wisdom after that and we shall know what are we and where are we and know our fate. 

How old are you? You are 4 billion or to measure it in a longer scale, you are 13 billion.  

But that must be a wrong calculation. As our Universe is only 13 billion and the Universe must be coming from a previous one. 

You can say you are as old as the past. 

With this strong faith built in your mind, you will be happy. And you will be loving and stop blaming.  

