
Who is the Most Handsome Young Man in China?

 9291 Who is the most handsome young man in China 20210608

To find out the most handsome young man in China, is the most difficult part in Chinese culture.

I have been thinking, if the Chinese is wealthy enough in a couple of years, they might be able to carry out a grand project to do this.

First it is needed to build a Grand View Garden (Da Quan Yuan), which was created in the Dream of the Red Chamber. It was suppostedly the most important setup for a total collection of the Chinese civilization. Details of everyday life were shown in the Garden. It is beautiful and if people can feel the inner beauty, they can see the future. The Garden is a light in the highest point of the Chinese culture, they will love to visit it and be reminded in their deepest thought that the light is a bridge to future, if they can really enjoy the beauty in it.   

Architechture in China is a mixture of arts. It is literature, it is music, and it is the images and feelings combined.  It is for this reason you see couplets and door banners in strikingly beautiful calligraphies all over the places. You have a poem in mind when you are there.  

Who is the writer of poems in the Da Quan Yuen? Mostly it was written by Jia Bao Yu. Chapter 17 is a chapter you should not have missed. It is a first visit when the Garden was newly built. The father of Jai Bao Yu came to examine the place and he brought Jia Bao Yu with him, just to test the talent of Jai Bao Yu. You will see how the brilliant fires sparkle in the Garden. 

The Garden will show ture beauty for the whole world. People will say there were several historical Gardens already. They will tell you that the older Gardens might have offered original concept for the book. However, anyony who had toured around with Jia Bao Yu in Chapter 17, will tell you the existing old gardens were but common and mundane places. They can never match the height in the vision of the book. 

And it could be more than a building. It could only be a little part in another grand investment about the Dream of the Red Chamber. 

For each of the greatest novel in the world, they all need a great movies to accompany the readers. Actually they need more than a movies, they need a great ballet, and more importantly, a masterpiece of music to celebrate it all.    

First part is the Music, which is the soul of the theme. Then the Dance, which can show the inner rhythm in the story and finally a Grand Movies to visualize details of the emotions.   

The movies might take ten years to complete, though the set in Da Quan Yuen was already built for the movies. You need to find a pair of most handsome young people to take up the role of Jia Bao Yu and Lin Dai Yu. They must be in their childhood of 7 or 8-year-olds. And the film director need to foresee their growth into a young couple of 18 or 19 year-olds and be sured they have kept the same spirit in the years. 

Who is the most beautiful Jia Bao Yu in China?  If you can find out such a person, you are guaranteed half of the success in making the film. 

And you cannot judge him by his external appearances. He might be soft and feminine, yet he must be extremely strong like a sharpest sword internally. And it must be felt not only from his earliest childhood days but also from  his final days of a completely grown young man when he decided to fight against the feudal culture. 

No one could guarantee the growth of a young people. If you've ever seen a beautiful young boy and was fascinated by him, you coud be disapppointed to witness his failure in his later days. It happens more than often.  

We need a young man who is the model in Chinese culture. He needs to be naive and needs to have a heart and he is loved by all and he has got the most far sighted vision to see the future. He is sharp as a sword yet he is soft as a toy. He is genius yet he is stupid in the common lives of mediocre people. His name is Jade and he perfers not to live like a cheap pottery, he would rather to die then to be stained by the vile.  

Who is the most beautiful young man in China? 

If you can find one, you are guarenteed half a success in making the film. And if you can make the film, you will show the inner beauty for the future. And if you can see the future, you will not be an animal anymore, you are human. You will not be selfish and you will see yourself as a fighter for the whole world.    


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1  莊子宇宙 

2  明天誰會富起來(中國精神與世界大勢)

3  莊子寓言

4  李察寓言

5  Fables by Lee Chard

6  莊子兵法(Zhuang Zi Art of War)(bi-lingual)

7  真假莊子(莊子著作李察全譯本)


