
Why would the Spring flowers open?

 9277   Why would the Spring flowers open?   20210316

I felt a little upset about the winter frost gone too fast. We in the Southern islands have little chance to see the beauties of the Winter and then suddenly I saw from the weather announcers that the temperatures were above zero in many Northern places.

The other signal is from the south. The red cotton tree flowers are more than opened. They dropped. You would find them on the ground telling you all chills had been gone. There would not be any cold weather anymore, at least, this year. Though you might find it a little uneasy as you have seldom been looking up at the high trees that they were already there for a while. Now they would show you the signs on the plain mud on the earth. 

And suddenly I have found some strange fruits on the Virgin Female(女貞) tree. The fruits were so small like a large bunch of grapes. I had thought they must be seeds and I were wrong. The flowers had waited almost a week to open and perfumes were everywhere in the hills now.  And I was more than happy when I looked around to see other trees and flowers were same. They have all been waken up, and, what does it mean?

The most extraordinary scene was a large White Orchard tree(白蘭樹). The tree had been shaking and smiling at me in the strong winds last Winter. However, she was not shaking and was just stretching her green in her fine and large leaves. I tried to spot her flowers though I did not see them. 

Why would everyone be wakened at the same time? 

I have been thinking about an idea of a grand human project these days. And it must be one of it. 

What project? My friend asked me. 

Well, we are all in the project. Not only the flowers, it is everything. We are in a huge project of growing. And the project will last for millions and millions of years, if the word everlasting should be careful to use. 

I was amazed at the wealth China have been achieving.  And I was sure that the wealth in human beings would be achieved in the not very long years to come. How long would the days for us to see a happy and very rich planet earth? Would every thing be settled in one thousand years or one hundred thousand years? By then there will be no difference in our blood and skin color. And the civilization had long been melted together, we can talk to each other more than languages but minds. I read from the papers that there was a concern about the color of a baby in the Royal Family in England. It would be so funny in future to have a concern like this. We would all be same and share the total happiness by then. 

And I was also extremely happy as I had found the ancient teaching of Zhong Zi. He was buried for so long and I had discovered him. That we were and will be the same. All differences must be wrong paths in the past.

And I saw the scornful eyes. Some of my friends could not believe it. They told me, you will be dead very soon and how can you say it is a project? Everything is perishable. 

That punched at my face directly. I started to think, is it true that everything is perishable? 

Yes, things will perish, yet deeds will not. What you have done is done and will last forever. You can wipe it in memories yet it can not be wiped in the total project. Every action must have an effect on the project. Deeds are actions and actions could bring in results. It must be an unending sequence and the procedures will last. You say a word to someone and the word, no matter it is nice or vice, will be forever.  The project is running like the coming of Spring.  

If you could find something non-perishable, you must be absolutely happy. And now we have found it, and it is in the deeds everywhere in all the Universe and it is more than one. It is more than deeds that will be continued and will not be dead. 

It must be my mind that was laughing. Will it be something more than the deeds that could be lasting?

Yes. With every deed done, there is a mind behind it. If you have expressed a concern, the concern was from your mind. 

Minds could change, but it will be always there. If you have expressed a concern, the concern would stir up other concerns and minds were flowing everywhere in the planet. A mind is not a mind if kept in the mind. It needs to be communicated and will be lasting in the communication forever like the deeds. 

And I must be wrong in judging the mind. You can almost keep nothing in your mind as they would evaporate and express in your dreams and I cannot be sure whether the dreams were waves and can be leaked. And you might let your mind be exposed by then.

And some minds are cold and they would say "So What!"
So what is so special if you have found something like deeds and minds are lasting when the things are perishable and dying?

No, though things are perishable but could be replaced as the project is going on. Last years flowers were gone and new ones are coming. That is the real meaning of the project. We keep building with perishable things and the planet is built. 

And so what!

Yes. That meant we have hope. 

What do you need a hope for!

You can go for it and you are happy!

That is why we need to have an eye for the future. The future is not only for a short period, but for an unending quest. We are all sons and daughters of Father Kua(夸父) and we are constantly searching and questing.

At one time in history we were so despaired about everything and with the rise of a rich country like China we can see where the hope is and in the millions of years to come, we could change the planet into a planet of happiness and we could bring in other planets and the Universe is growing.

And one more thing: 

We will be there to witness everything as minds are lasting and will not be diminished. You are there if your mind is there. 
  Would you be there? See you. 

( Whatsapp 91864286 for enquiry and opinions)

Books by Lee Chard
Fables by Lee Chard
莊子兵法(Zhuang Zi Art of War)(bi-lingual)


