
Is There A Creator ?

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This is one of the most important question in our time. If you cannot answer this, you will have a hard time moving forward. 

It was not easy to answer, but now we have a bigger chance to get closer to the problem. As the world is turning gradually into a cooperative mode of thinking and people are more mature not to destroy anyone who dare to raise this question, we have a better chance to answer it. 

We shall have a definite answer if one day human beings can create another human being. That meant you are not only to create another life, but another species. The species you created need not be the only species on earth. You can create a complete series of species like our planet and you can find a place to accommodate them and you will give them a chance to reproduce and recreate themselves. They will be growing and evolving like us. Maybe they will have a hard time at the beginning but they have been given enough wisdom to survive all difficulties and can prosper and live very well on another earth-planet. You will create orders for them, and you will also create exceptions for them. They will not be totally balanced like living in a toy garden, but in a constant struggle to balance themselves so as to keep fit and survive. And you will create angels or miracles for them. In some urgent moment, you will give them a hand like an angel have arrived and save them from the hell they are in. You will answer or neglect their prayers from time to time. And when they are living too balanced and losing the stamina to go forward, you will give them a dark angel of evil to push them off balance. And they will walk again by themselves. Oh you have been too thoughtful and it is important for the wellbeing of your creation. Their survival will be discontinued if your design is not good enough. You are very skillful in a non-balance way to achieve a better future.  

Well, is it absurd or is it possible?

Can we human beings create another species of human?

It is certain human beings in the future can do this. It might happen if not in 1000 years onward, but in 1000 million years later. 

Why it could happen? 

Because the wisdom of humans is unlimited if they can go out from the selfish self to a grand union of thinking networks, the possibilities could be unlimited. They are thinking in mind networks, not brains. 

It is possible for future human beings to think in a thinking network, and all minds can be parts of a huge network and they are wise and cooperative, and most important of all is that: they have gained time. 

Time is a given thing. But you have to fight for it at the same time. If the human species can last for another one thousand years, they might very possible to last for another million years. Anything can happen then with a wisdom much higher than the present one. 

If human beings can create another human being, that meant they are creators. It might be possible that they were created like this. It could be a simple but grand cycle and we are a little loop in it. 

And now this is another important question for someone who likes to think:

Why are you doing all this? To create another species? What for?

Before we forgot our original question about the creator, we would be more interested in the new question of why. Why do we need to create another species? 

Is it for fun only? Or is there a purpose to make another more advanced species? Who has given you and your successors this stamina of going forward forever? Are you working in some kind of grand experiment to quest for something more important and it is the aim of beauty? Are you dreaming for an impossible dream? Are you sure nothing is impossible?

Now we are getting very close to our original question. Is there a creator? You have a definite answer already. 
If human beings can achieve something like this, they will tell you there is a creator. And it will settle your mind. Because it is a question of no importance at all. Because you will be sure that the quest itself is more important. You are the creator and you are trying desperately to quest for something even more beautiful. You want to know more and you are working on it. 

What? Is the creator still working on something more? Yes, by answering this question, you will find out the most important thing in the Universe and your mind are settled. You will find peace within your mind and you know what to do. You are strong and nothing can deter you from going onward. 

It is possible for humans to create another human. 

You will ask me why it is possible; will human beings be smart like that?

It was answered long ago by a Chinese philosopher Zhuang Zi. 

He had made it cleared that all things in the Universe are related and can be communicated. That meant you can know all things in this Universe. And that meant you can do all things you would like to do. And you don't need a philosopher to tell you about that. Those are but very simple common senses that we should have. They are important. 

And let me, a humble little one on earth tell you the rest: 

If you cannot do it now, you can do it later. 

Because, you are not a short-lived single creature, you are a total species and you are growing generation after generation.

You can keep on reading and more will be shown here.

Because, many questions remain unanswered here and need more elaboration. 

Books by Lee Chard
Fables by Lee Chard
莊子兵法(Zhuang Zi Art of War)(bi-lingual)

