
Is there still hope in the world?


 Is there still hope in the world?


    It seems that this is a problem nobody cares about.  But in fact, in the depths of a collective subconscious, there is an idea.  This idea is reflected in several western science fiction works, which is actually quite shocking.  They all think of outer space colonization.  They think that the earth is hopeless.

    But this is a dead end.  Even if a substitute for the earth is found, as long as the way of thinking of mankind remains unchanged, soon this new earth will be destroyed.

   Is there still hope in the world?

    In fact, it needs only a turn of thought.

   First: Can we change a way of thinking?  Replace lying with honesty?

    This is not just an ordinary human relationship.  It's the change of people's entire ideological system.  Only with absolute honesty can the truth be found.  If you can only rely on some half-true and half-false articles, especially lies in history, religion, and even politics, the truth is very remote.  The bastards of thousand years ago made up lies at will. From then on, people will not be able to judge the truth based on their false testimonies.  Human experience is very precious, but because of false testimony, truth is far away and human wisdom is humbled.

    If we humans can change a way of thinking and respond to the challenges of the world with a sincere and selfless thought system, the distance between truth will be shortened.  The world’s problems can be solved gradually.

   The question is: Why can’t people be honest?

    Because people’s thinking stays at the individual stage.  They cannot see the world as a whole because their only concern is in a cage of self.

   Second, can we give up individual thinking?

   The 4 stages in life such as birth, old age, sickness and death, and even the concept of reincarnation, start from the individual.  The traditional idea is that everything in the world is emptiness except matter.  Either eating, drinking and having fun, or all four.

    Actually, the relationship between material and spirit is not so simple.  The world is neither material nor emptiness, but a kind of circulation.  Individuals and individuals are connected, circulated, and communicated.


   From this perspective, matter is still matter.  I left, the world is still the world.  I cannot take away the matter, but what I have is not emptiness.  Because I am a part of the material, and I have pushed the world.

    If I think that everything in the world is nothing but matter, then I will not actively work hard.  Since everything is empty, what are you still trying to do?  But after getting rid of individual thoughts, I may know that I am valuable.

    Material and spirit are inseparable, this is the spirit of Zhuangzi.  The "things" in Qi Wu theory (齊物論)are two in one.  I have lofty ideas, but I still work hard in this world.  Being able to work hard is what I want most.  This is the greatest happiness.

    Individual enjoyment has very little meaning.  Anyone who understands this will know that it is too unworthy to abandon the lofty purpose of being a human being for the sake of small and humble material benefits.

    Third, the world often mentions love.  But the essence of love is still the overall concept.  The love of the individual, the love of a small unit, and even the love of the family and the country must be viewed as a whole to be truly meaningful.

    Why is love so important?  Because love is not only mutual help and mutual benefit, but also the foundation of wisdom.  Without love, there is no wisdom.  As mentioned above, everything is empty.  Without the idea of ​​love, there is a small unit of self only. What you seek is self-interest, it is impossible to look forward and foresight, and has nothing to do with wisdom.

    Fourth, a person who has the above three advantages is still basically a dead person.  Because it is lifeless.  You are honest, you can see as a whole, you have love and wisdom, but you are still just a dead person.


    A living person is constantly moving forward.  You have an immense thirst for knowledge, you never stop exploring, you never stop developing, you are a living person.  What you represent is not yourself, but the life force of your race.  You are moving, you are not dead.

    The last question is, after reading the above four points, it seems that a very simple idea can really save the earth?

    of course is impossible.

    Its like taking a shower for a duck. The duck felt nothing.  She will not listen. The world is still declining.

    Someone must be truly touched, touched, shocked, enlightened, and understood, the world is truly hopeful.

    With the first honest person, there is the second.  The world is full of hope.


