
What is me?

9257xx What is me?20200611

It is not a sad thing for me when I was forced to give up my collection of books. I did not have enough space to store my books. It happened three times. I picked only a few and give up all of the rest. I knew it pretty well that things were just like this. Important is whether you had digested your books and I did.

They were parts of me now.

The next thing comes to the collection of my photos. It was kept in my mobile for quite a time, and when I tried to retrieve some of them, it was not easy.

What do I need them for if I am leaving? I meant to leave for another world and nothing can be brought together with me. However, they were parts of me also.

Not only my books, but my treasured memories too. They were me and they would part with me.

It is so simple a matter I wonder why people can seldom understand it.

What is me?

I am the one who had digested many valuable thoughts. And I do believe my thoughts could be received by someone else.

It was exactly like a small grass on the lawn. The grass could grow up and could bring in something for the future. And so are we.

What are we?

We are increasing and I am part of we.

We are the increasing and the growing.

We are hope and we are tomorrow.

What is the point?

This is so simple an idea and were repeated so many times. What is the point?

The point is if we cannot understand so simple a thing, we would go astray.

We would turn ourselves into materialistic devils and could bring unhappiness to the world.

You can never put materials into your life, but by robbing others, you can bring unhappiness into this world.

Materialistic greed is the most dangerous trend of human beings.

It is not power that brings in corruption, but materialistic greed. Power is just another tool of the human beings, but materialistic greed is the source of ultimate corruption.

If we are to fight for a better future, we must know the basic nature of human life.

That meant we are souls more than bodies. Bodies are corruptible, but souls not.

Then we can have a simple conclusion:

To serve is happy, while to rob is not.

It is the reason why we need to serve not to rob.

What is me?

I would say, I am a server.

