
A note

The writer will be going to Dongguan City, China for two days from tomorrow.


china trip

The writer will be going to Nanning, China for a week from today till December 20, 2019


莊子兵法 第 七 章 知識 和智慧的形態

Zhuang Zi  Art of War,

Chapter 7
   Knowledge and
               Forms of  Wisdom

(  Chinese Translation )

(Detail Version)

莊子兵法  第 七 章
            知識 和 智慧的形態

 什麼是知識呢? 似乎這是很容易的問題。 在香港,有些中國人相信知識是可以創造出來的。這是 無知的論點,很難期望這樣的人還可以站出來作一點事情。

餵養出來的不是知識,追求得來的才是知識。 美國人的信念是要追求快樂,導致了今日 。如果所追求的是知識, 未來必定更加美好。


有了知識和智慧, 國家才會真正站起來,並且幫助其他國家。如果要打仗, 也會勝利。

這一本書寫到這裏,暫時告一段落了。 錯漏當然是難免的, 但我想警告各位讀者, 這裏的錯漏未必是小錯漏,也可能是大錯漏 。因此請你非常小心的去看。 期望你百戰百勝 。更加期望你憑藉這一個錯漏,找到你自己的路。


莊子兵法 第 六 章 形勢

Zhuang Zi  Art of War,

Chapter 6    Situation
(Chinese Translation)
(Detail Version)

莊子兵法   第 六 章    形勢

在金魚缸裏面活著, 是不會很愉快的 。上一層次的人能夠很清楚地看見你, 你卻覺得這一個小小的金魚缸, 好像是一個大森林。 你要從森林的這一頭走到另一頭,是很不容易的。 找尋道路非常困難 。你不知道應該怎樣做, 也不知道往何處去 。金魚缸裏面的形勢太複雜了,全不知道裏面的各種複雜,一點也不覺得安全。 有些人就選擇了好像蜆殼螺那樣的生活 。永遠都呆在相同的地方, 因為外面實在是太危險了。 直到有一天, 一條外來的魚 ,把他們吃掉為止。



什麼是威脅? 威脅可能不只是敵人那樣簡單。 威脅可能是經濟 ,氣候 ,疾病 或任何危害生存的力量。而生存也不只是個人的生存,是國家和文化的生存。

所以應該用很清醒的心去了解威脅在那裡。羅馬帝國的凱撒大帝,最後一刻才發現威脅並非外面的敵人, 而是他最可信任的朋友,是他的親信。他的知己原來都是他的敵人。而第一把劍已經插進他的身體裏面 。莎士比亞曾經把這場面寫在劇本裡。 凱撒的最後一句說話是:

 Et tu, Brute?(還有你嗎,布鲁圖特斯?)



大自然不會欺騙你 ,但你的敵人會騙你。所以研究形勢是很重要的。可以從形勢裏面看到真相。人類常常都會偽裝,他們會扮作友善, 給你最甜蜜的笑容, 說他是你的好朋友。 而最危險是集體欺騙者 。他們串好了來欺騙你 ,你是不會知道他們的真正意圖的。 直至有一天, 他們一起亮出劍來,同時插進你的身體裏面。

但大形勢 卻會讓你看到敵人的意圖。形勢永遠在等著你的研究----如果你能夠閱讀形勢的話。 你會知道 事情會怎樣走, 你會知道什麼事情一定會發生, 你會有所準備。 因為你是依著形勢行事的 ,你清楚形勢 ,你了解敵人的真正意圖 。你不需要等待看他的下一個表演姿態,就已經看到了他的想法。

有的時候你感覺軟弱, 覺得不夠強壯去應付敵人。 你選擇微笑 。那只能在短時間裏有效, 但基本形勢一點也沒有改變 。一旦對方看到了你的弱點, 他就會立即進攻。

所以不要對著敵人笑。 貓不會向著狂吠的狗笑。 發出笑容不會令你爭取到時間, 只能夠用鬥爭去爭取時間。

當然歷史也不會是絕對的。例如越王勾踐不就是利用笑容消滅了吳王夫差嗎 ?但請留意一點:   許多人永遠學不了越王勾踐 ,他們只是吳王夫差。 他們只是無原則地接受敵人的賄賂。

這裏所談到的所謂形勢, 意思是一種全面的形勢。由於種種原因,假設你已經忽略了內在形勢, 那就千萬不要再忽略外在形勢。這是生存的最後機會。

在海洋裏, 初初出生的小魚, 需要面對巨大的威脅。 只有少量的小魚能夠逃過威脅, 健康成長。 至於人類的形勢,其實是更加嚴重的。

有點好像一種特殊的細胞。這些細胞能夠隨處生長, 可能在任何地方出現 。發覺的時候 ,往往已經太遲, 已經來到了發展的最後階段。 所有的器官都被侵佔了,似乎你什麼都不可以做 ,只能夠投降。 你細心觀察這些特殊的細胞, 這些細胞不但只是外在的, 更可能是內在的。 他們到處都是, 而且他們和你的大腦相通。如果要保持健康 ,你可能需要格式化你的大腦 ,或者更換一個大腦。

在遠古的中國 ,曾經有一位英雄人物曹操。他患有頭風病 。一位醫生為他診治。 醫生說, 需要進行腦外科手術。 很少人想到這不是歷史 ,而是一個寓言。 曹操需要一種新的思路,不是一個新的策略。腦和心 是不同的,但他不可能明白。他更不知道,這些細胞,來自於「 心」。 曹操絕對不肯接受這一種治療方案 ,後來他就把醫生也殺掉了, 但這是毫無用處的。


以下是形勢戰爭的一個 新的例子。

香港曾經是英國的殖民地。 後來中國人要求收回殖民地。英國人也並沒有拒絕, 大概是他們知道不可能 打勝中國。但有的中國人似乎從未曾觀看馬基維利的書。有一部分的中國官員,不喜歡閱讀 。認為實際行動比理論更加重要。 他們寧願停留在舊的層次底下。 怎樣處理一個重新歸來的城市呢?  這些官員們並不以為香港是一個城市, 他們以為香港只是一個商業機構。而這個商業機構 是可能 透過代理人去管理的。他們在香港 也建立了監察點。 這特殊的商業機構,是讓外人管理的。而這些外人 也並不需要忠於中國。 中國官員幾乎是無條件信任他們。

歷史學家可能會大感詫異 ,這些代理人是用中國方法去秘密統治香港的。他們建立了一個特大的地下黨。這是一個在香港人人知道的秘密,但北京的領導人不知道。這地下黨用了不同的方法去招攬黨員 。沒有人可以拒絕他們的招攬。因為他們是用網絡的便利去做這件工作的。 這是你的生意,他們可以給你方便去賺錢 。這是你的前途 ,他們可以給你職位,放你去你喜歡做的崗位上。 他們甚至可以 為你安排婚姻 ,如果你需要配偶,就給你一個。 你唯一需要做的事,只是 自願接受催眠,放棄用腦 ,自願相信這一種西方的民主理論。 你必須相信中國人都是壞的 ,都是妖魔。中國一向都是被妖魔化的, 但奇怪中國官員也很少採取什麼行動 去告訴這個世界,他們 不是妖魔, 而是很有文化的。 中國人很努力的去為世界和平努力, 也 盡量不去 刺激西方的官僚政客。在這種情況下,所有香港的重要機構, 就都被逐步接收了。 變成了打擊中國的機構 ,變成了在未來 重奪香港的工具 。這些機構 包括了幾乎全部的傳媒機構,幾乎全部的電台, 全部的電視,幾乎所有的學校,所有的教會 ,所有的宗教 ,所有的出版機構 ,並且許多與文化無關的機構也同樣被接收了。 香港也是允許成立各種政黨和社團的。這些社團轉過頭來更加促使地下黨發展 。在香港,一個率真的青年人 很難找到出路 。思想一定是苦悶的 ,因為 連宗教的慰藉都不可能得到 。如果要看書也找不到 好書。因為都被出版機構把持了, 任何對抗地下黨統治的企圖, 都會消失 。這完全是西方式的獨裁統治 ,但是中國官員一點也不知道 。這是一個很奇怪的問題, 也是一個很痛苦的問題。 為什麼他們不知道呢?

值得留意的是, 在戰爭之中, 有時你會打勝仗, 但那不是出於你自己的智慧,而是 出於敵人的愚蠢 。如果有這樣的事情發生, 請不要感覺得太高興。 悲劇是時常發生的。

有人以為這只是 中國和美國 在香港的戰爭。 但是領袖們依然感到力量不足 ,他們對於這一場戰爭可能打勝的信心不足 ,所以他們利用仇恨 去推動群眾。 因為提倡仇恨 很容易,而且收效也快 。所以你在香港 看到仇恨,  目標是要刺激青年人的情緒。


一個特大的地下黨 要擴充是很正常的 ,連外來傭工 都組織起來了 。勢力也伸展到其他地區 。許多地區都可以發現他們的蹤影 ,包括了澳門和台灣,印尼,還有很多西方的大城市 。但最特別的是在中國大陸。 中國政府曾經給了他們很多方便, 綠燈對他們長期開放 。


莊子兵法 第 五 章 層次

Zhuang Zi  Art of War,

Chapter 5   Level

(  Chinese Translation )

(Detail Version)

莊子兵法  第 五 章  層次

層次不容易瞭解。 層次之下是形勢。 形勢似乎容易一點。 但其實仍然是常常遭受忽略的。 忽略了形勢,就是失敗。在淺水的地方淹死, 是很不愉快的。

我們都是活在不同的層次裏面的。層次就好像一個小小的金魚缸 。金魚在水中活著, 水就是他的層次 。金魚是不能夠升上一個層次來到空氣中的。 你的層次可能比金魚高一級,金魚的一舉一動,你瞭如指掌。你完全明白。

這時,你的背部可能不由自主地出現一種寒意。能夠感到寒意是很好的。因為你知道, 你的上頭還有更加高的一個層次 。可能有人正在看著你, 好像你看金魚那樣。 他明白你 ,他比你自己更加明白你自己。 你簡直是無路可逃 ,如果這個人攻擊你 ,你會戰敗。

層次之上永遠有層次,總是有人比你高一層次的。 所以要謙虛一點,隨時準備學習新的事物, 開放心靈。 不要拒絕學習。 拒絕是失敗者的習慣 ,不是你的習慣。

此刻你是幸運的。因為在看著你的那個傢伙,他是跟你層次相同的。 可能他比你的層次還要低一級。 他只是用一個遙控攝影機來看你,用一個 連線的電話來聽你 。他是跟你相同層次的。雖然他還有秘密網絡,他能夠透過你的同伴和你的朋友去偵測你,你的資料,不絕流到他手上。

所以你此刻可以稍為放鬆一點了, 對方只是一個間諜,不是高層次的觀察者。

間諜是不能看清楚真相的。很多人都重視諜報,但不會依賴諜報。 報告不會是全面真相。 你只能夠把這些報告當做二手資源,只有你自己的資源才是最重要的第一手資源。


如果你自己是高層次,雖然你的敵人 不斷偵測你 ,但你卻了解他們更多一點 。因為你是從高層次觀察他們的。 你看他們就好像看金魚缸裏的魚一樣。 他們只能在相同層次裡觀察你。許多問題,他們不會明白。


大學學位,只要花幾年時間, 就可以拿到手。但層次不是這樣提升的。 因為層次是你自己智慧和知識的總和。到了一種階段,提升了也不知道。

從一個孩子到一個成人, 是很明顯的兩種層次。 孩童世界不會了解成人世界。 孩子尚未達到你的層次, 他不會知道什麼事情正在你的身上發生。你需要完完全全地投入進去, 才知道自己現在是什麼層次。如果你願意保持這樣的信心, 知道你自己仍是一個孩子, 知道總是有一個更加高級更加複雜的層次, 是在你的理智範圍以外的 ,這樣 ,你就是已經預備好了, 你有升上層次的準備了。

對於一個高層次的人來說,你只是一個孩子。 如果你拒絕相信這一點, 你的戰爭一定失敗。





提升層次是你的內在願望 。一般人是一生也不會想到這問題的, 他們也不會在高一層次的地方審察現在的情勢。內在的企圖是不容易的, 你需要尋找到一個突破點。 很多人是從來沒有問題的,當然他們也不會有答案 。在生死存亡的關頭,或者需要靜下來思考一會兒。

下降層次常常發生。 當人們不能選擇智慧的時候,他們就只會選擇愚蠢。

有一個賣糖果的小商人。他的生意時常都是差不多, 不太好也不太壞。 他就想,我怎樣才能多賺一點呢? 現在的情況太不滿意了。 他想到把糖果的製造方法修改一下。他用假糖去代替真的糖。 他的收入果然是好了一點, 但他的失敗卻是肯定的。 他太蠢了, 他無法躲過命運。 很多人都是這樣走向了毀滅之途, 總是向著下降的層次進發。  警告訊號曾經響起, 但他們聽不到。 更低的層次在等候他們。

這令人想到, 如果下降層次是這樣容易, 那麼上升難不難呢? 如果我也販賣糖果, 我怎樣才能上升一點?  我能否打開心扉 ?


莊子兵法 第三章 方法

Zhuang Zi  Art of War,
Chapter 3   Method
(  Chinese Translation )
(Detail Version)

莊子兵法  第三章   方法




這是很簡單的方法,但難以了解 。軍事學家孫子曾經說過類似的話。 孫子說, 如果你看到太陽和月亮, 你未必就是有了很好的視覺。 孫子可能忽略了一點 :  有時,  戰爭的形勢是這樣明顯, 明顯到好像太陽和月亮, 但仍有很多人看不見。  因為他們不是用心去看,也不是用眼睛去看的。他們簡直是已經把眼睛蒙蔽起來,完全不看。 在民族存亡的生死關頭,一定要小心,更要謹慎 。最重要 一點是寧靜。當你寧靜的時候,你的心是清亮的。  當你時常都是覺得很忙, 那就要注意了。 警告訊號已經發出。 當你喜歡說話,總是滔滔不絕, 那就要小心了,失敗已經臨近。



這句說話的原文是 「以無厚入有間」。


但對方的防守是這樣的嚴密,幾乎沒有縫隙,那麼你怎樣去刺? 如果從無厚的角度去看 ,形勢完全不同。

你根本沒有厚度 ,而對方的縫隙是從你自己的角度去決定的。是你自己決定對方縫隙的。 達到了無厚境界,你就找到縫隙,達到勝利。



這是什麼意思? 為什麼莊子要這樣說? 這幾乎就是一切。所有的戰略;所有的技術;都在這一句說話裏面了 。不要用愚蠢的力量去進入對方。  絕不蠻來,永不盲動,就意味著你已經知到一切,徹底了解。 所謂一切,就是包括在所有範圍內的所有研究。

你是這樣鋒利, 這樣有天份 ,並且你還擁有了幸運,一切都知道了,你已經有所警惕 。但你並不是把自己看成是什麼都沒有。 你不是無我, 你只是無厚。你不是沒有意見, 你不是沒有選擇,你不是沒有角度,你不是沒有堅持, 你不是無我。你只是無厚。需要從較高的角度,才可以明白這一點。 虛無不等於無厚,無厚並不是無我。

當你發覺了對方的縫隙, 你就可以變成一把真的利劍刺進去。

宇宙是一種複雜的重疊層次。這種 情況遠比我們常說的多角度更加複雜。 有的人以為世界很簡單,只有兩個 方面,宇宙就是只有對立的雙方,宇宙只是我和我的敵人所組成的。 這樣就永遠無法了解層次或者縫隙之美。

最後,還要說一說,甚麼是幸運。  幸運其實即是智慧。路有一條,被你看到了,但你的敵人沒有看到。方法有一個,也被你看到了,你的敵人同樣看不到。  你可以說這是你的幸運,其實是你的智慧。 你只是謙虛,說是你的運氣,五福臨門。 謙虛,也是無厚之一。



莊子兵法 第四章 基本原理1 2 3

Zhuang Zi Art of War,
Chapter 4   Basics 1,2,3
(  Chinese Translation )
(Detail Version)

莊子兵法  第四章    基本原理123


第一 :   「一」的原理

作為一個領袖, 一定要知道自己的真實處境:   「我和我的宇宙是一個整體,  我們是一起誕生的。」你不只是一個個體, 你能夠以整體的角度,看見全面形勢。因為你就是整體。畫面是這樣清晰,所以你很清楚知道應該怎樣做。 但是從全面觀察並不容易。很多領袖都失敗在這裏。感覺迷惑的時刻,一定要保持寧靜。 很多人都極力向你描述形勢,但只有自己才可能把真相繪畫出來。

來去匆匆的領袖都沒有整體觀念,只看到名譽和財富。是一定失敗的。但更嚴重在於有真正才能的領袖。 對於他們來說,物質影響不算一回事,但他們無法寧靜。工作過份忙碌或者過份集中,都是致命的。很多人嘆息:  我只有一雙手,怎能推動地球。 所以深層次觀察是必須的,請用你的心。一隻手也可以推動地球的。

要觀察層次, 需要有特殊的感覺, 艱辛勞動。沒有人像亞歷山大大帝那樣幸運了, 他的老師是亞里士多德。他在亞里士多德門下學習了七年 。他建立了橫跨亞洲非洲和歐洲的一個大帝國。但沒有人能夠繼承他, 因為要擁有一個像亞歷山大大帝那樣的心絕非簡單。他死後,繼承權力的人很快就在權力鬥爭之中消失。誰會是地球上的下一個天才領袖呢?  這是一個艱難而且痛苦的問題。上面說到亞歷山大大帝極端幸運,上一章我們說過什麼是幸運。 如果亞歷山大大帝欠缺智慧,他碰到了亞里士多德也沒用的。


 一個天生的領袖,一定喜歡宇宙間的萬事萬物 。太陽底下每一件事都是新鮮的。生命中每一個角落,都感覺興趣。每一項目都喜歡。他不是一個純粹的科學家,也不是一個世故的商人。他不是一個單一趣味的人。他是多角度的,多層次的。他不是單細胞,它是整株的植物。他比一株植物更加豐富。他不單是植物,還是土壤,不單是土壤,他是地球。不單是地球,他還是宇宙。並非個體的人,都是這樣。他的心中有圖。這一幅圖,就是全面真相。


其中一個原因是,他是被餵養的,他不是主動吸收的。一流領袖都是主動吸收的,他們對一切趣味盎然。他知道甚麼該忽略,甚麼該堅持。他有敏銳的觸覺。每一次,他只要吸啜一點點,就知道什麼事情正在發生。他知道應該怎樣做。 如果碰到這樣的人,千萬不要向他挑戰。

這樣的高層次是不容易的。因為他不是無我的,因為 ,沒有整體,就沒有我。我是有來源的,也是有作為的。這是莊子哲學的精彩部份,他只是忘記了他自己,他只是忘我 。這本來只是一件小道理,忘我和無我也沒有什麼不同。但對一個真正的領袖來說,只有忘我能夠完成他的歷史使命。一個無我的人,還需要主動嗎?  地球上的事務,一寸也動不了。

這是哲學性的問題,好像是無關大旨。但這是戰爭。艱難的戰役,需要忘我的人去看顧大局。一個無我的人,心中是沒有全局的。他多半會是一個間接領袖。但只有直接領袖能夠戰勝。他是直接投入的,他不會完全依賴他人所提供的報告,他會親自嘗試那種味道。 據說現代的通訊技術已經這樣發達,醫生可以用電話為病人診病。但是請注意,這一種診治方式,可能有害。一個真正的醫生,一定會親自來到病床之前,他會親自感受所需要的資料,他會運用感覺,他會看,他會聽。他的心非常忙碌,他全神灌注。如果隔了一部電話,他就只能間接得到數據。電話中的電腦代替他思考。所以好領袖必定親自接觸對象 。如果你計劃太空遠征,你未必需要親自飛往太空,但你一定需要對於這一種太空遠征具有濃厚興趣。觸過,摸過,品味過,然後才把金錢和人材投進去。

 什麼叫做直接領袖呢 ?他是和整體在一起的,是整體的一部分。所以他不是無我的,他是有我的。

以下是小小結論。 作為一個好領袖,必需要是全心全意的。 他有兩個重要的內在特徵。 第一是興趣, 對所有事情都有興趣。第二是徹底的奉獻精神。 他的一切都已經拿出來了 ,在這兩點裏面, 沒有提到愛。 因為愛是興趣與奉獻的果實。 他是有趣的, 他是忘我的, 他是徹底奉獻的。他就是愛。

第二 :   「自由」的原理

自由原理是莊子的一個重要成分。 但是莊子的自由,並非一般概念的自由,而是一種我們稱之為絕對自由的自由。在絕對自由的心中,是沒有牽制的,思想騰空,任意飛翔。 一般概念的自由,只是一種有限制的自由。而很多時,這種普通的自由,只是一種帶有催眠性質的騙局。 每一個人都只能在文化或者法律的限制中有限活動。有些人以為神聖的自由, 事實上 ,所能夠做的事是很有限的 。傳統裏的一塊磚頭,你也無法挪動。這種自由是對無知者的欺騙。明明你是沒有自由的,但你以為自己是自由的。

作為生物中的一個份子,我們都被賦予了一種絕對的自由。可以做任何自己想做的事,一點限制都沒有。你想飛? 第一是你可以想,想通了就可以做。 你可以從高空的飛機飛出來 ,你也可以做任何你想做的事。 這是人的天賦 。雖然你永遠不希望從一架飛機中飛出來, 因為你除了擁有這一種天賦,你還擁有另外的一種天賦:  你有抉擇的智慧。有了抉擇的智慧,你可以選擇去做或者不做。更重要是你可以選擇成功或者選擇失敗。都是你自己的神聖抉擇。

你可以做任何你想做的事, 但能做或不能做則是另外一個問題。 只要

克服得了限制因素,你就可以飛得起來。 第二是抉擇能力。你可以決定做或不做,考慮清楚後果,可以一往無前。 掌握這一點, 思想就沒有限制,思想絕對自由,就是聰明智慧。


請留意, 戰爭不是一種日常事務。戰爭是一種集體行為,關係到國家的生死,文化的興亡。 所以戰爭需要最高能力的人去處理。當你擁有了一種絕對自由的腦袋,你的思想就再不受限制 ,你是自由的, 你是有天份的。 你已經擁有了一種領導國家, 為人民服務的力量。絕對自由不是胡作非為,而是高瞻遠矚的能力。只希望,這意思不會被故意曲解。

很多人評論歷史領袖人物,時常都說他們是瘋子。 是不是他們真的瘋狂?還是只是有了絕對的思想自由?瘋狂與絕對自由是很接近的。 必須記著 ,每個人都擁有絕對自由。


好像是有點不可思議。假定有一個人選擇去街上胡亂殺人,其實他是可以這樣做的,雖然效果會很嚴重,會被阻止。但他的心,你無法阻止。他的心阻不了。對於絕對自由的心來說,甚至大自然的定律也無法阻止。就是這一點,使人類越來越聰明,我們都有充滿天份的心, 我們會找到路。


還有一個問題 : 我怎樣才能夠做到思想上沒有限制呢?


如果你具備了徹底的奉獻精神,你的思想就沒有再沒有任何限制了 。因為你是無所畏懼的。 你會把全部的精力, 奉献出來。

無所畏懼有很多種。 愚蠢的人也可能是無所畏懼的。 但是愚蠢的人永遠不可能像一個正常人那樣思考。充滿貪慾的人,也是無所畏懼的。 他會瘋狂的去搶錢, 他也會變成非常富有 。造物主創造這樣的人出來 ,也是很公平的 。太陽照在好人身上,也要照在壞人身上。他們共享陽光 。唯一的不同是,他是全心全意搶你的錢,而你卻是全心全意服務人民。到最後誰勝利呢?


因為一個真正的領袖並非一個個體。他的心是一個整體。 他能夠從一個更高的位置觀察全面形勢。他的動力是無限的。他當然比一個自私的可憐蟲更加優秀。 因為這是跟大腦的動力有關的。 自私鬼的動力只是一個人, 而他的動力來自整體。


就是說,  你是在你自己的腦裏面自由活動的。你的思想能夠從東方的最遠處去到西方的最遠處。 那麼還需要什麼呢? 你需要一份地圖或者你需要一種工具,你更加需要去除阻礙。但最後的一件是:  你需要動力推動思路。

什麼叫做思想自由? 你可以自由去任何地方, 沒有限制。但你還需要動力。動力是與自由無關的。動力來自上述第一點:  「  一  」。超凡動力來自個體與整體的奇妙結合。但這仍是不夠的。例如在花園裏的花,她就是同宇宙結合在一起的。 但作為一個領袖你需要更大的動力。 你需要一種力量推動你的腦袋去思考。 我們曾經提過有兩種動力, 一種是內在動力,另外一種是外在動力。你的內在動力會推動你的心去推動世界。 外在力量的作用相對是比較小的。

第三 :   「可能」的原理

對一個真的領袖來說, 沒有什麼是不可能的 。因為他有整體在心裏 ,也知道了自由的秘密, 他有能量,徹底奉獻自己。這些都是魅力領袖的必要條件。他會受到人民的擁護愛戴。


即使到了這一種階段,仍然只像一個盲人在森林裏面行走。 一定要從哲學的高度上去了解,到底這是什麼問題。要知道什麼是可能的和什麼是不可能的。



第一個問題是:   了解宇宙是可能的嗎?


因為我們是一個整體, 我們是在同一個軀體裏面的。任何單位都是相通的, 都可能互相溝通。 所以我們是彼此互相認識的, 就好像你的手指知道你的腳趾,你的腳趾也知道你的手指。就是這樣簡單。 宇宙中的任何事物,都是可知的。 今天不能知道,總有一天會知道。 所有秘密,到了一定的時候, 都會徹底公開自己 。這是西方基督教教義中的主張,莊子的意思接近。

因此,互相了解的人就可以合作了, 所以你就可以說 ,在宇宙裏面沒有什麼是不可能的。

戰爭的一個基本原理是什麼事情都可能發生, 能夠在你的對手身上發生, 也能夠在你自己身上發生。


意思就是:  你可能勝利, 你也可能失敗。一切都是可能的 ,沒有什麼是不可能的。 這是真的。 所以這就是需要保持謙虛的理由。

這是一個熱氣騰騰的社會。很多人說, 我能夠做一切事, 也有人說沒有事情是不可能的, 更有人說 ,你只要去做就是成功。說得很輕鬆 。或者你會發現,這樣的話語,已經變成口頭禪,已經失去本來的意思。但是,在探討軍事問題的時候,你也是這樣說。兩者有什麼分別呢?

分別就是:  你是從較高的哲學角度去探討的。這思想融入了你的血液 ,並非簡單的商業宣傳。 這就是膚淺和深刻的區別 。只有非常深刻的思考能夠令你戰勝。


莊子兵法 第二章 心 和 人心

Art of War chapter 2 in Chinese
第二章    心 和 人心
           (莊子兵法    第二章)

第一節   兵法與心法
第二節   心的理論
第三節   領袖魅力
第四節   精神的循環

第一節    兵法與心法


勝利並非由於武器, 而是人心。 

在物質世界中作戰的雙方,失敗的一方總是輸了人心。 他們以為作戰的勝利因素是物質和資源, 但這是不一定的。 物質和資源都很容易易手, 人心更加容易易手。 集體催眠時常發生。 其實這是很古老的教訓,可惜今天的人以為,大吃小是必然的。 如果真是這樣, 世界就是很簡單了。智慧就完全沒有用了。這是不符合進化原則的。 小勝大也是有可能的。 


古往今來, 很多領袖都只看到「人心」,看不到自己的「心」。這是他們失敗的終極原因。 無數平庸之輩,根本不知道自己是有心的。必先有心,後有人心。

另外一個問題是財富的副作用。本來財富只是資源,無所謂副作用的。 但是,當一個人的錢多了,他就很容易只顧管理金錢,看不到其他事情了。以為,生活問題解決,國家就穩定。 所以他們都會親自看管金錢,至於其他事項, 例如傳媒, 電台,電視,報章,雜誌,文章,小說、、、 ,完全不管 ,只讓隨便的人去管。 


人心是國之重器,完全不管一定出問題。 管理人心是很不容易的, 所以需要掌握哲學和歷史,還有文學和音樂。 至於其他科學、經濟、醫學等等, 雖然也很重要, 但那些都只是你的工具或者你的錢包,並非你的心。 心是被意識形態、理論、宗教還有哲學決定的。 第一流的領袖都喜歡這些方面。 心是有很多方面的, 有的心攜帶正能量, 也有的心攜帶負能量。 奇怪的是,正能量未必一定勝利 。因為勝敗和忠奸無關 。決定只在心的能量。

人心互相影響。最後集中為一個點。這一個點,就是領袖自己的心。在戰爭中,領袖是極端重要的。 沒有領袖就沒有勝利, 領袖通常都是眾人的燈塔。 眾人可以從領袖身上得到能源,得到力量。 不久的將來, 地球上是會有戰爭的。 也很難想像未來的戰爭是大戰還是小戰。 人是會犯錯的, 想錯了,就會發生大戰。 有人以為大戰不可能發生, 那是有前提的。 前題是要人不會犯錯。如果人會犯錯 ,什麼事情都可能發生。 所以不能盲目樂觀。 錯估形勢就會錯誤行動。


例如甲國可能和乙國開戰,丙國也可能和丁國開戰,都是人心之戰 。而且戰爭不是只有一種形態, 這一種不行, 就要採取另外一種,需要審慎判斷。 人心強弱是勝負的關鍵, 但注意不要看錯這一句話。人心強並不等於熱潮高漲,更不是仇恨爆發。強壯的心是以智慧為根基的。 面對強大的敵人,智者知道怎樣做。

對於中國人來說,春秋戰國的歷史是痛苦難忘的。 強大的秦國想要殲滅六國, 後來就把他們一個一個的吞掉了。 蘇洵曾經把這件痛苦的歷史總結為一句說話。他說,「 六國破滅, 弊在賂秦。」 六個國家都企圖討好秦國,都希望跟秦國保持友好關係。不斷奉贈昂貴的禮物和土地。他們希望跟秦國建立互信和友誼,卻得到徹底的滅亡。

問題在哪裏 ? 

問題在於他們自己的心。 他們早就在心的戰役中失敗了。歷史時常都會重複自己 。如果香港也是這樣被吞滅,中國人就會有一個大教訓。有人說, 香港是絕對不會被吞滅的。 但歷史不是絕對的。香港的問題在於人的思想。如果香港青少年的心沒有被催眠,如果中國沒有被不斷的妖魔化, 又怎會有這樣的動亂呢? 未來的歷史學家會告訴你: 人心失掉了, 土地也會跟著失去 。幸運是今日香港的人心未失。但這一條金律要切實記取:  土地是跟著人心走的。不斷有人聲稱中國不會滅亡。他們放心的說,國家不會亡,台灣不會失,香港也不可能獨立。但請留意一點,警惕不宜放鬆。國家不會亡,這很理想。但朝代會興替,領導人也會不斷更換。如果有人以為,國家是永遠安全的,是永無後顧之憂的。那就請他回答一句話 : 為什麼? 為什麼你要這樣想?

另外一條很重要的問題是: 我應該怎樣建設我自己的心。這就是莊子所說「成心」的原理 。很少人曾經這樣想。一般人都只想學點技術,技術可以賺錢。無數領袖都想著買多點武器,或者盡量跟各大勢力保持友好。

「成心」是莊子的重要思想,希望可以在這小篇幅裡說明一些。也想不到,原來兵法也即是心法。聰明人百戰百勝,心法是必須的。 能夠好好建設人心,那就意味著, 無論未來有何種大衝突,國家都是穩固和平安的。






這是千古難題。有心人也只能盡一己之力,盡力去做。智者有心,是不足夠的。智者必須有擁護自己的核心團隊,才能夠把理想發揮出去。耶穌有十二門徒,但這十二門徒之中,有多少人真正了解耶穌?耶穌的基本思想,大約只有約翰較為接近。約翰後來寫成了一部約翰福音。耶穌終生傳揚愛的訊息,最後加多一點,他說需要再派一位聖靈來,傳揚智慧。沒有智慧的愛,是虛空的。西方文化兩千年來,並未真正接受這一訊息。耶穌表面上是被猶大出賣,但實質上,一群無法領會耶穌智慧的門徒,才是真正出賣耶穌的。他們根本不知道愛是甚麼。 西方文化多少年來的宗教逼害和教會醜聞,只是其中一小部份。








另外,還必須看到孫子隱藏著沒有說的一句話: 「沒有人可能做到徹底的知己知彼,所以,戰爭是凶險的。」打算開戰的人,往往失諸魯莽。除非不開戰,一開戰,你自己的實力就會暴露,讓被你打的人,看得一清二楚。時間會顯露一切。時間愈長久,你的真實情况,就被人看得愈清楚。知彼知己,要長期測量。戰爭一來,「彼」和「己」的底綫,都會呈現。戰爭會使人看清楚真相:這同樣是孫子智慧衍生的教訓。戰爭,是更加重要的思考時刻。戰場,是最寂靜的地方。智慧都是這樣走出來的。吃一虧,長一智。敵我雙方的本質,總算是在痛苦之中看到了。

孫子還有另外半句未說的話:「永遠不要低估謀略。」對方有了新謀略,而你不知道,還在憑著舊觀點判定對方,肯定要吃虧。所以不要低估敵心,不要低估謀略。所謂科技,也是謀略的一種。低估科技,以為人家的射程只有一百米,會小敗。但低估謀略,就會大敗。未曾知彼知己,當然不會知道人家的真正謀略。 吃虧之後,就知道了。吃虧之後仍不知道的,就滅亡。 知己知彼不容易做到,但對方的謀略,切勿低估。不要以為對方只是貪心和意氣用事,那種內在的心腸,是絕對需要知道的。



第二節  心的理論

















第五位英雄是總共一百零八位的好漢。 他們都是一本書裡的故事人物,但已經家傳戶曉,深受認同。這書名叫「水滸傳」。但這本書,亦逃不過被封建秘密勢力修改的命運。書的情節都被暗中修改了。一百零八位英雄,最後都向封建勢力投降。但奇特的是,儘管故事情節已經不可接受,但這些英雄的性格,却依然存在。都是肝膽照人的真英雄,是與春秋戰國以來的俠客精神一樣的。深受感動的讀書人,都同意,這樣的生活,才是最值得活著的。生活之中,如果可以交到像這樣的朋友,就是至高無上的快樂。所以讀書也即是讀人,所欣賞的是人的性格。相比之下,時下的一些名著,人物猥瑣卑劣,作者的心態,在不自覺中示現了。




精神是比軍事更重要的戰場。反對勢力竭力推廣孔子的儒家思想,沿用封建時代的「陽儒陰老」那一套。從鴉片戰爭以來,多少英雄人物努力奮鬥才有今天的成就,他們完全反對。 胡塗的人們永遠無法看到中國哲學的精髓。他們不可能明白夸父和女媧,更不可能明白為甚麼需要為人民服務。盲目推廣孔子的服從哲學,暗中套用老子的陰謀策略。這一套思想,也是此消彼長的。邪正不兩立,戰場就在身邊。


第三節   領袖魅力



魅力是優秀領導者最重要的本性。 有魅力的領導者有影響力。 因為他思想領先。

歷史上最具魅力的領導人之一是君士坦丁大帝。 他是公元306-337年間的羅馬皇帝。 那時他已經被敵人壓得透氣不得了。 故事說他在一夜之間突然改變。 他為帝國選擇了基督教,並命令士兵們在盾牌上劃一個十字架以進行戰鬥。 從此,勝利就是屬於他的。他贏得了戰鬥,使羅馬成為一個龐大的帝國。 許多宗教人士認為這是宗教的神秘力量。但實質問題並非宗教,而是他利用了整套的宗教哲學,控制了人心。人心不是說來便來的,更不是三言兩語可以扭轉大局的。但宗教哲學是完整的思維系統,掌握在他的手上,施政就得心應手了。他運用心的力量團結了人民,贏得了戰鬥。 向來,他的帝國缺乏精神。 現在,他找到了一種精神,並將這種精神融入了帝國。 這就是他的魅力之所在。

誇張的歷史傳說,說他是在一個晚上改變的。 那真是太棒了。 沒有人像他這樣勇敢。 許多人會遲疑許久。

下一位具有超凡魅力的領導人是俄羅斯的彼得大帝(Peter the Great)(AD1672-1725)。 他發現西方啟蒙運動非常有用,並為自己的帝國選擇了它。 他的帝國也發生了同樣的事情。 他在那個時代創造了一個巨大的俄羅斯。

具有超凡魅力的領導者最重要的功能是善長於解釋。 他可以告訴追隨者,事情的本質是什麼。 他的腦海中有了全貌,可與追隨者分享。 他無需了解宇宙和地球的所有知識。 但是他知道自己在做什麼。 這意味著他所確定的是未來。 未來就是國家之路。 他擁有堅強的精神。 憑藉強大的精神能量,與所有人分享。


一本好小說必須有一個好主題。 一個好的領導者也必須有一個好的主題。 當主題與系統結合,被所有人接受並相信時,成功就在不遠的地方等著了。

第四節   精神的循環


美國精神是從幾百年前的清教壓迫之中醒過來的。他們宣布擁有追求快樂的權利,於是,清教吃苦精神的過去就變成了金錢和享受導向的今日。 自從美國人建立國家以來,這個週期已有很長的歷史。

從文化大革命到現在的開放市場經濟,中國人經歷了類似的周期。 它要短得多,而且規模不同。

如果美國人民能夠從追求快樂的夢想變成追求智慧的夢想,他們將在世界上找不到敵人,真正快樂。 奧巴馬總統在就職演說中隻字未提一個「愛」字,當他發現有人對此評論時,他改變了。 自那以後,他在演講中一直是「愛」的熱情推動者。 其後的唐納德·特朗普總統從未在其推文中表現出對「愛」的任何興趣。

 美國人民不容易意識到自己處在精神發展的週期中。他們只會不斷宣稱他們最珍貴的「核心價值」。 如果他們了解自己的真實情況,將發現自己更加幸福。


莊子兵法 第一章

(A note by the writer)

I planned to translate the "Art of War" into Chinese quickly,  however, My computers were hacked by the underground party people.  They have sophistical tools supplied by the US agents,  they can listen to any phones and enter any computers. My several computers were all hacked suddenly.  But my book had already been published,  of what use was their action?


第一章   進攻
第二章   心
第三章   方法
第四章   本質
第五章   層次
第六章   形勢
第七章   知識與

第一章  進攻

兵法之美在於進攻。 生命是一連串的 進攻過程。 從出生到死亡,每一階段都是進攻。 好像一隻剛剛出生的小鳥,如果要從殼裏面出來, 他必需要進攻他自己的蛋殼。 這就是生命的第一階段。 終生採取防衛策略的人 是一定輸的。 進攻是生命的基本態度。 進攻不止於是戰爭策略 ,也不止於是作戰的技術名詞。 進攻是一種積極的行動態度。 一株小草必須要從泥土裡攻打出來, 而這是和火山一樣的 。火山需要 爆破泥土, 兩者都是正面的丶積極的。 你有選擇權利, 你永遠都可以選擇 行動 或者不行動。 一株小草是一種行動, 一朵花也是一種行動。 她正在努力奮鬥,她要打進你的眼球裏去。 進攻的態度 是宇宙的 基本設計。 勝利的人 就是 採取正確態 度的人。 所有的勝利者心中記著這一個事實: 四周都是有敵人的,  敵人會把你推進另外一個世界。 這是很古老的教訓, 但很多人不願意相信。 他們以為 他們可以無條件的享受生命。 四周的都是好心人。 這種思想是一定會輸的。 而失敗者 會提供很好的 教訓給未來的戰爭。 沒有人想打仗 ,人人都希望和平。 但是戰爭會把人類推向前進,保證人類文明的進化。未來世界會有和平嗎? 當然是有的,只是有一個條件,就是要大多數國家都有自覺的智慧,知道甚麼是和平競爭。本來是不會太難的。
 愛好和平是很好的, 但必須要有一點智慧, 知道今天的世界上仍是有戰爭的。 只有 準備好了的人能夠活下去。準備不足或者欠缺智慧的國家,是很難活下去的。

我應該愛我的敵人嗎? 當然是愛的。我愛他們, 他們是跟你和我一樣的。 他們也曾經接受一種選擇的權利, 他們可以選擇和平地跟我們生活在一起, 但是如果他們選擇戰爭 ,那麼我可以告訴他們, 我是有所準備的。 我愛他們。



The Flower

There is a flower on the hill side
She looks like my lover
No one seems to notice
I smiled at her and say hello  


Why are human being always not honest?

It is because they were being cheated by their mother since infancy.

They were given false nipples by a woman. 


The Trap


The spider told the butterfly, "Don't trust anyone, and  dont believe anything. You are too beautiful, you will be cheated very easily. "

The butterfly said, "Yes you are right. People are always flattering me. They all have ill intentions."

She could not communicate with people anymore, and the worst of all was that she could not communicate with wisdom. She knew nothing.

Many princes have come to ask her hands, she declined them, one by one. 

Soon all princes disappeared. She was sad, there was no one to talk to.

Her teacher told her, it is time to read and think.

She said, how can I trust you, and I am so busy.

She was busy making money.

One day, she was tired. But there was no where to go. 

She visited the spider. 

She was trapped there,  no body have seen her ever since.

When people believe in nothing, finally, they will believe in only one thing.  That is money. All their loving is money. And money is a web, it kills.     

It has been an old story. However, the trap is still everywhere. We saw not only beautiful girls trapped, but many talented people also. And civilizations would be ruined for the same reason.  



*The Dream Bet

(A story rewritten with a new message: 
  " What should be sent before the three armies other than the provisions ?")


The rich man told the poor giant, "I will take all your children."

The poor giant didn't believe him. 

The rich man said, let us bet: "If I can take all your children, you give me your country. If I cannot take your children, I will give you my country." 

The poor giant said, "You are going to lose. Because my children will not trust anyone except me."

The rich man said, "Before I take your country, first I need to make your poor country rich, do you agree?"

The poor giant said, "If you are going to make me rich, I have no objection." 

The rich man said, "I will send a genius to help you get rich quickly. Because there are some technological problems you need to learn before you get rich. Will you like to meet him and learn how to get rich?"

The poor giant said, "I will never reject learning. But who is this genius?" 

The rich man said, "He is the king of the rich island near your country. Will you like to visit his rich island and learn some of the know-hows in getting rich?"

The poor giant said, "I agree." 

When the plane of the poor giant touched down in the rich island of the genius, he was amazed to see, it was a rich island indeed. All the highways were straight and wide and bright like golden, and the houses were as clean as diamond. Rich people in the island welcomed the poor giant, they rolled out a red carpet to receive him, they treated him with highest quality food and drink for a king. 

The genius greeted the poor giant and they embraced.

Next day, there was a hot news in the media around the globe: 

"Small Island rolled out red carpet for a Most Honored Guess."

The poor giant said to the genius, "I am amazed to see your country is running very well." 

The genius replied humbly, "Oh no, your country is. Your country can be far better than us. You have so many scholars and learned young men, we have only an island with poor resources."

The poor giant said, "You are really a genius to get rich without resources. We need to learn from you."

The genius said, "To be rich is easy and there is no secret, you only need to……."

The poor giant was suffering from poverty for a long time. He wished to know how to get rich for his children. And he has got the patience to let the genius say more. He only smiled and waited. 

The genius said, "Yes, you need to control everything. That is the first priority."

The poor giant was puzzled, "Control everything?"

The genius said more humbly, "Sir, you are my senior and you know it all. We have a special way to control my children here."

The genius waited a second and said: "We separate them into two groups, one is for me, and the other is against me. Both of them are under my direct control. "

The poor giant was interested: "Well?"

"Take media as an example, I have a team of media people who are against me, and the other team for me."

"What? Those who wrote against you are actually your friend? I thought you were in trouble when so many of them wrote to attack you? Were they not your real enemy?"

"Oh never," The genius laughed: "It's only a show. I control everything. I have my secret army like your secret party members."

"Well, "The poor giant felt a bit uneasy, as the genius had mentioned something he didn't like to talk about, "It seems you know everything."

"They are my network of secret members, I let them control everything and push my orders to carry out properly. I depend on them more then my open army."

The poor giant didn't reply. He was reluctant to get into such topics. However, they have a happy evening together. They remained good friends from then on. The poor giant was happy to know secrets from the genius. He felt happy as he knew the genius had trusted him and let him know secrets to run the country. It seemed easy; you just divide your secret army into two opposing groups.

No one on the planet had ever told him, that this secret, was a lie. It must be carried out without the knowledge of his own children. And worse thing would happen in a lying situation. A liar is easily to be cheated. And the poor giant was too excited, he couldn't find out the real nature of the secret. It was a plot to make him become a liar. Any strong person, whenever they had determined to lie, would become weak. That was why the poor giant was cheated in many ways, and he had never realized it. 

And he was confident about himself as usual. He thought it was a good idea, to create a false enemy, was just as easy as presenting a daily drama. It was fun to see them fight each other. He believed it could work. 

The genius had told him many methods in getting rich, which is not important at all. They included economy and finance ideas as well as political ideas. The poor giant showed himself a true learner. 

And he had ordered his people to come to the island to study the method of governing, as well as the art of lying. Groups and groups of people had flown to the island. Planes kept coming and going. The genius treated them like his own secret members. 

And the poor giant never doubted about their loyalty. He knew they will never betray him. He thought everyone was sharing the same ideal with him. All were for the people, even though lying was necessary for the people. 

The poor giant was happy to find out he was getting rich. He decided to try out the control method in one of his small provinces.

The poor giant failed to notice, his secret network of control, had changed hands gradually. Little by little, his secret network was not his secret network anymore. Extra branches were built without his consent. They were under leadership of the rich man. He was not the boss of his own country, but the rich man was. 

Now, he would try the genius method in his selected province. 

The first move of the poor giant, was to buy medias in the province. He knew the importance of medias, he wanted to buy them all. And it was not difficult for him. As he can pay good money. He preferred to save in other places. He wanted to spend important resources in the media. He had brought TVs, Radios, and Newspapers. And he had them divided. Some were for him, some against him. All were under his secret control. He had got secret network members everywhere, like the genius.

However, he never knew, what he had spent big money to brought in, were only useless shells. The inner network of secret people was tightly on the hands of the rich man. 

The situation was getting worse and worse. And the worst of all was his health. He was old and weak now. 

One day, when the poor giant was in his sick bed, the rich man came to visit him.

The poor giant opened his eyes to greet the rich man. 

The rich man said, "You are becoming rich, do you?"

The poor giant said, "We are only picking up a little."

The rich man said, "Do you still want to honor your promise in our bet?"

The poor giant said, "Why not? I am still alive. I still have plenty of time."

"Ha," The rich man laughed, "I must advice you, I have taken lots of your children. You have not much time left."

The poor giant said, "I don't believe it."

The rich man showed him an article from the papers, it was about some of his children. Lots of the schools, universities, churches, even the Government were not necessarily his supporters. They had turned against him. 

The poor giant felt a little pain in his chest. He told the rich man, "Oh, thanks for your advice. I need some time to think about all this. Shall I talk with you later?"

The poor giant was still reading that article long after the rich man had left. He was shocked. He knew the writer whom was once his most loyal pupil. He was stunned to see his own good pupil had changed completely. 

The poor giant visited the writer. He wanted to know the truth. 

He asked the writer: "Aren't you the writer whom once a loyal pupil to your country?"

"Oh yes I was, " the writer received the frail giant with some pleasure. He wanted to tell him the reality. "But sorry I must confess to you that I believe your doctrine no more. "


"It's all about the aim of everything. You wanted your people suffer, you choose to remain poor, but I want happiness."

"Why do you say so?"

"I have learned everything here in this place. People did not think the same as you. Your aim is to serve the people, our aim is to seek happiness. My dream is to enjoy luxury life while you promoted only hardship."

The poor giant knew at once it is not easy to win him back in a short debate. He just wanted to know in what way had the writer changed. 

"How come you had come to such a thought? Did you have a teacher to tell you so?"

"Ah ha, you need not a teacher, but I do have friends. We would talk over night from time to time. You know, mouth to ear talking is very effective. It is more than the media.  I guess you were too busy to read the newspapers here in the province. You are simply living in your old dream. You have never promoted your ideas here, how can you win their minds?"

"Do I need to win minds? "  
Something emerged in the poor giant's mind.
The words from the writer were strange to him, but it was like a sharp dagger, had just stabbed into the poor giant's body. He thought, "Am I defeated in the mind battle?"  

He didn't like reading; however, he had noticed a theory that before actual war starts, you have to win first the mind battle. Now He felt he had long been a loser in the mind. And the worse was that he had got no secret network soldier to fight the mind war. They had switched masters without his notice. They were soldiers of the rich man, not him. Though he knew that mouth to ear talking was more powerful then a gun.  

The writer continued to question him:

"Sure you had lost the battle of ideologies. You were totally defeated. You have lost almost all your supporters in the small province. Did you see the recent voting result? Why do young people here are voting against you? And I am sorry to ask you a question, did you have paid any effort to fight the mind battle? You are an expert in the Art of War, do you know what should be sent before the Three Armies?"

"Before the three armies?" The poor giant is an expert in the Art of War, of course he knew at once what should be send before the three armies. But the writer made him feel like a fool. 

" I would humbly tell you it is not the provisions, but the ideologies! You need to win the mind battle before you win the war! And you are hiding your thoughts and you do not like to share your thoughts with the world!"

The poor giant was silent, he was thinking the writer might have a point. And the writer was too excited to stop, he kept on saying:

"Can you tell me why you need to serve the people when the people want to enjoy a luxury life? And can you tell me what is wrong to enjoy life?"

"Vanity, it is all vanity." The poor giant was too painful to answer, he had never been challenged like this. 

"Well you said its vanity, but please let me tell you, it is reality. People just wish to enjoy a good life; they want to eat well and sleep well and what is wrong with that?"

The poor giant did not argue with him. He knew that the writer was completely hypnotized by the rich man. He wanted only to enjoy wine and woman. His money is from the blood of the poor. He is not thinking in terms of facts, but in terms of money. He was just another money-slave in the material world. 

The poor giant was relaxed to think like this. However, he could not sleep again. He could never understand, why the rich man had so many followers and he was left a lonely old man. 

A glimpse of thought came back to him. The words from the writer swung in his head:

The writer said, "And you are hiding your thoughts and you do not like to share your thoughts with the world!"

And this was what he will not agree:

"Oh no, no, we will never export revolution. "

"Export revolution? What a strange term. To win your mind battle you need to share your thought with the young people, and I doubt that you do not know what is your thought!"

The writer was frank and he did not notice it was an insult to the poor giant, and he kept saying: " Do you know what is the ultimate aim of us human beings? Can you tell me where would you go if you are dead? And if you think there is no after life, then what is the purpose of living? And why looking forward to money is not good? You don't have to tell me the reason, but you need to let your children believe your way of life!"

"You are thinking too much, it is not practical. If you are really interested is such topics, I would advise you to see a psychologist."

"Well, well, well, it is your children who need psychologists! If you cannot educate them!"

The poor giant murmured: "It's not practical………"

"I understand you. You meant it is not practical, and I am sure what is the practical way to live, that is to make money and live a luxury life, isn't it?"

The poor giant did not reply. And the writer kept on pressing him:

"Then we are more or less the same, we are both materialists!"

It was already mid-night when the poor giant woke up from his thought. The writer had left long ago, but the stimulation was still vividly clear in his mind. And he could not tell whether it was real or only a dream in his mind. He told himself in the dream:

"Yes I have to win the mind battle and win my children back."

There was a knock at the door and the rich man was in front of his bed.
The rich man said:" Since your children had all voted against you, may I take your country as a reward?"

The poor giant tried to sit up and find there was no rich man in the room. It was all but a true dream. And he tried to find the newspaper and the article from the writer, it was not there. They were all dreams. There was no article, no writer, and no votes. 

However, the poor giant was sweating . 

He knew he might still have a good chance to win though he knew not the complication of mind battles. And he had no secret mind soldiers to fight for him. 

Things were actually happening as he had been dreaming about.  

One day, the rich man came to visit him. He was in his sick bed. 
And he found it not funny that the things were almost the same in his dream. He had dreamed it.

The rich man said, "You are becoming rich, do you?"

The poor giant said, "We are only picking up a little."

The rich man said, "Do you still want to honor your promise in our bet?"

The poor giant said, "Why not? I am still alive. I still have plenty of time."

"Ha," The rich man laughed, "I must advice you, I have taken lots of your children. You have not much time left."

The poor giant said, "I don't believe it."

The rich man showed him an article from the papers, it was about some of his children. Lots of the schools, universities, churches, even the Government were not necessarily his supporters. They had turned against him. 

The poor giant said, "Have you counted your harvest?"

The rich man hesitated. 

The poor giant was old and weak, but firm. He said, "If you have not counted, I have. You had controlled only 5%. "

The rich man laughed again, "Ha, you said 5% only? Do you know they were all leaders and they occupied all of your key positions in your stupid province?"

The poor giant was silent. He could hardly breathe any more. But he still managed to answer the rich man, "Let us see if your 5% can beat the rest of my good children?"

The poor giant died shortly after the visit of the rich man. 

And all his children were eager to see, whether the 95% can beat the 5% or not. 

The bet was still going on.

              (The End)



Duck Prince

A Violin Suite of 13 pieces.
     in 30 minutes 

#  Take action now,  or regret later

#   Contact 
(Whatsapp  852-91864286)



4  poems
Modern Youth



green youth



I walked through ten thousand miles of dusty sand
hoping for a drink in the den

萬    里     黃      沙    一   碗     酒
wan  li  huang sha  yi  wan gui 


Can we be smarter than a Gold fish?


The gold fish is very smart indeed. She knows her situation. She knows that she is living in the water forever, she asks the author to help her, to get away the limits of water. She wants to live like a human. She is a character in my novel.

Yet there are very few people who would ever think like this. 

Can we leave our present situation and go to a  upper level?

This is an extremely important question for smart people. Many in their poor life have never come to such a question. They will remain in the same place until and after their death. 

What does going up one level mean?

It means many thing.  You will be smart, you can fly, and you will win. And it is more than winning. It is same like the gold fish. You are in the air, not in the water.


Romance of a Goldfish


I had not planned to write the Romance of a Goldfish. I had not constructed the story line. For a few days, it was only the Romance of Three Kingdoms in my vision.

At first was Zhuge Liang. He was the poorest wise man in Chinese history. Could he shed some light on Chinese culture? He had been cooperating with Liu Bei the King and appeared to be vigorous at first. And later Liu Bei the King died. He had to serve the son of Liu Bei the King. The son of Liu Bei the King was a weak character. He only liked women and enjoyed the services of eunuchs.

And then some other thoughts cropped up in my mind. It was Cao Cao, the famous bad character in the Romance of Three Kingdoms. He was extremely clever, and cunning. However, he failed also. No one in the history of Three Kingdoms had ever succeeded. He had a headache. And the famous Physician Hua Tuo was summoned to cure him. Huo Tao offered a surgery plan to remove the thickened tumor inside his skull. But Cao Cao never trusted surgery.

It was way beyond his thinking system.

And, it occurred to me all of a sudden: could Zhuang Zi cure him?  Could someone enlighten him? Could he conquer the problem?

Such thoughts had pushed me to a spinning circle, couldn't be stopped. I couldn't sleep anymore.

How could Cao Cao heal his headache? This must be the most difficult question on earth.

For many days I couldn't write. I could only explain to myself that if anyone had known the answer, history would have been different.

But history had to be different. Now, poor Cao Cao was still lying on his sick bed at the intensive care unit, but he had sent people to ask me how his headache could be healed.

I was about to pack my things immediately when I got the dream letter from Cao Cao. However, a noise from my fish tank woke me.

The Goldfish shouted: 'Lee Chard, Lee Chard!'

She was supposed to be sleeping at midnight. And it was in my private study room. There was only one noise allowed and that was the air-bubbles from the tank. Now there was another voice.

How could she be so naughty and not go to sleep?

I enjoyed watching the Goldfish every day. I could hear her inner voices. She kept asking me: 'Hello Mr. Lee Chard, don't you answer things? Please tell me how I can leave the water. I am bored in the water. ' And this must be the same most difficult question on earth. And it was very unlikely for me to find an answer, if any, from the work of Zhuang Zi. I was ignorant about the issue, though Zhuang Zi had already written about it.

And today I was in a bad mood.  I couldn't stand the Goldfish anymore. And I had a plan to let her go. I told her: 'Oooh, Sister Fish, would it be nice to send you back to the sea? One of your elder relatives was released years ago. '

I had released another fish into a big pond several years ago, not the sea. I was afraid she couldn't make it. She might die in a second. But if it was a pond somewhere in a garden, there might still be some chances for her to live on. And that could well be considered as a future of something.

But the Goldfish said: 'you can never understand me, Mr. Lee Chard. I am not eager for the sea. I only hope to live in the air, like you. '

'What? Leaving the water forever? What imagination.'

And that was also a most difficult question on earth. Why couldn't the questions be easier? Can you help a Goldfish to live in the air? Or can you help human beings to live in the bottom of the sea?

Cao Cao wished to heal his headache; Zhuge Liang wished to win, and both were as crazy as the Goldfish. It was just impossible. And the dream letter from Zhuge Liang might be coming soon. What shall I do?

And I knew his question already.

'How can I defeat Cao Cao?"

'How can I run a better education to help the son of Liu Bei the King, so that he would know how to avoid bad influences and seek good advice?'

Education? Do you all wish to leave your waters? And I do hope to advise them that there would not be any three-dimensional scenery at the same flat surface. It must be a very nice thing if they knew it.

However, my Goldfish was not the same. She had been born in a very good study. She was close to books for all her life. And she kept asking me questions.

'Can I go today?'

Maybe I was too kind to her.

I asked: 'Can you do your homework every day? It's hard work. Are you willing to take it?'

The Goldfish was extremely happy to hear this. She knew there were possibilities.

She promised everything. And our conversation had become legend, as it led to her eventual freedom. She could leave the water to live in the air finally.

And this was the first half of the story.  I was on holiday during the Spring Festival.

I put up a notice on my notice board:

'My dear friends: If you do wish to leave the water and live in the air, and if you do wish to know the advice from Zhuang Zi, do come to visit me during the holiday.'

I wasted my time in the holiday eating and drinking all day. Nothing happened in my story.

The year lapsed in the holiday. Now was the year next to the previous year.

I still remember how she pleaded me last year. Though that was only a few days ago.

The fish pleaded again and again. She wanted a life in the air, not in the water.

I wanted to stop her pleading noise; and said in a fierce smile: 'you need to pay school fees to learn it, if you do wish to leave the water. '

The Goldfish answered eagerly: 'Oh sure, sure. I will pay my school fee. Can I pay it in the form of, er….., like my fish food? I can eat less and save it.'

'Ha, do you know how cheap is you fish food? There was a monk who wished to learn from the Guru, do you know how much he paid?'

'I am not a monk. How could I know?'

'He had paid it with his own arm. He cut his own arm, are you willing to do the same?'

And the Goldfish remained calm. 'Ooh, Mr. Lee Chard, I had learned the story before. Are you telling the story of Monk Shen Guang and Bodhi Dharma? You have told me the story many times.'

'Then you know what to do exactly?'

'Yes, sure, though I know that story was a lie, but for the sake of you, I am willing to try.'

'What? You say it was a lie? How can you say so? It is in the Holy Scriptures, and I have put you in my study! To keep close to the books! You better stay in the kitchen; it would be better for you. '

'But, Zhuang Zi says otherwise.'

'Ha, you still remember Zhuang Zi! '

'Yes, haven't you said you are an expert on Zhuang Zi? What does it say in Section 1, Chapter 1? '

'That is a story about a fish that has been turned into a bird. And what does it mean to you!'

'Does the fish amputate her arm to turn into a bird?'

This words from the Goldfish were not a shock to me. However, it made me think for a few seconds. I had never thought of that, not knowing why Zhuang Zi would let a fish turn into a bird.

I was dumbfounded in a second, and there came a loud noise. The Goldfish turned a somersault and jumped out of the water. She landed in the floor with a big splash.

I hurried to pick her up with both my hands. 'You shouldn't have done this. It was only a parable, my poor little fish.'

The Goldfish answered after a deep breath: 'I have no arm, but what if I dedicate my life to it? Is it acceptable?'

'Oh no', I was rather relaxed in the moment, and I was about to put it back into the water: 'to dedicate doesn't mean to commit suicide. It is to dedicate your effort in a useful way, not to waste your life. How stupid you are.' 

It happened in the moment when I tried to put the fish back into the tank. I used both my palms to carry it, blushing away the dust from the floor; I dropped the fish several inches above the water. I did it with an intentional slow motion. I knew she could hardly breathe, I wish to teach her a lesson.

But apparently the normal force of gravity was not functioning. The Goldfish didn't drop, but to turn another somersault again. Everything happened so fast that I lost control of her. She had a high jump and landed on the windowsill.

I shouted: 'Don't, don't! You will fall on the street!'

All stopped at a split second.

Being a deep meditator, Lee Chard was used to unexpected happenings. Now, a slow-motion scene grabbed him. It's he who couldn't breathe this time.  He saw with his own eyes how a beam of early sunshine was on the fish, and the fish was changing. She changed slowly, from a fish into a golden bird. She was turning, sunshine was on her new feathers. She was no more a Golden fish, but a Golden bird.

The first ray of the morning Sun made him realize that he had been talking with the fish for a whole night. And the golden sunshine had made the fish exceptionally beautiful. She appeared to be transparent. Standing in the sunshine, she was a Goddess. She stretched out her wings slowly, testing their strength. She would like to show to the world her new dress.

She looked at the sun, turned back, seemed to say goodbye, and flapped, she was gone. The dumbfounded Lee Chard rushed to the windowsill. He saw she was just skidding down from a higher position, and her tail was very long, leaving a golden circle behind.

And she shouted: 'Thank you Mr. Lee Chard, and my regards to Mr. Zhuang Zi!'

Lee Chard didn't know what to say. He murmured: 'Oh, now you are satisfied.' Though the fish was far away and couldn't hear him. But still, Lee Chard couldn't stop murmuring: 'She needed only one second to leave the flat surface, and the poor Zhuge Liang wasted his whole life. '
(The End)


A Good Chance to buy a copyright

Song Copy Right...... for sale

COPY RIGHT for the following song is for sale. 
Any one interested please contact the song writer 
Mr. Cheng Wing Lim


And if I were a little cat
You will listen to my call
I will call you and I say
Mel mel mel mel mel mel mel

And if you are a little cat
And if I am doggie bad
I will chase you forever
It's so funny let us play

And if I were a little flower
All the colors you will see
In the sunshine I will dance
for you and for you only

And if I were but human
Will you answer to my call?
Will you treat me like the same?
We are humans any way.

And if I were only me
And if you know it is me
You will see it very clear
This is the guy born for you.......you 


what is a CHEAP WAR? (an old article)

What is a CHEAP WAR?

9194 What is a Cheap War?  20190420

It  is a big mistake to name such wars Cheap. It could be not cheap at all. It could cost more than nuclear war heads, fast planes and invincible war weapons. However, we still use the name Cheap War to denote such a new era of our history.

We had a hot war before, then a cold war. Now it is not hot and not cold, but Cheap.

You would see how a big country change completely from one form of paradigm to another.  

The leaders would wakeup from a sweet dream that they were supported by the people, then they found suddenly people were against them. They could be overturned overnight.

No expensive war machines were used. You don't see airplanes dropping bombs but angry people throwing stones only. How cheap is a stone? It costs nothing, however, it is powerful enough to throw away leaders. It needs no big money to replace them.

It could be cheap, however, it could cost big money in a secret budget.

It could turn a whole country up-side-down. Busy leaders won't have a time to think about this. Most of them were above the ground, they could only see figures and read fake reports. They won't have the real scenario in their mind. They didn't know thoughts are changeable.

You would never see how an elephant die from cancer. They didn't know the cells had deteriorated completely. And it is only skin deep. Smiles were also skin deep,  yet only a smiling face is acceptable.

We had mention Chairman Mao before. We had said he was an idealist. However, we could have never known why he had to start the Cultural Revolution. Is it only to bring out an ideal? It must be more than that. Yet the history facts are not easy to uncover. It should be the task for future historians, but I doubt that would be too late.

We would like to mention two forms of new history style here.

The First History Style is Group Evolution. China and the United States were competing for a better evolutional result. China is taking a position for an internal organization for their country, while the democracy system is external. An internal country is like a big tree. Each one is grown into a big life. Yet the democracy system is externally incorporating all the units in a commercial organization. It is a very clear vision if you can look at the present situation this way. The Chinese system is not perfect and need to evolve more in a longer time, yet the democratic system could be more open and acceptable.

The question is which of the system is better? We need an answer not from the scholars, but  from a longer view point from evolution.

The Second History Style is how they fight each other. Or how they compete with each other.

We would never like to see the nuclear weapon being used. It might be  the proof of real stupidity of human beings. However, they were smart to invent a new form of Cheap War for us.

Yet people would never know, the real essence of a Cheap War is to turn the other country people into stupidity.

Let their people never evolve into anything. Let them eat heartily and let them enjoy all forms of dirty sex pleasure. Could it be cheaper for a stupid country to be overturned this way?

One last question is that nuclear war could be possible for stupidity only. Now the countries were working very hard towards this goal of stupidity.

Smart people need to alert themselves.  

                        *Leechard Asks*
(#The author is a question raiser. He has raised more than 9000 questions. He is an expert on cultures and he is a qi master as well as a songwriter.

(#The author can be reached by Whatsapp at 852-91864286old





The Dream of a Red Chamber and its meaning

Story of the Jade            ​

The writer of the great masterpiece was an unknown writer in Ching Dynasty. He would not let people know who he was.

In the year 2018, Lee Chard re-wrote the story in a short form.​

The original name of the story was "The Story of the Stone" or "Dream of A Red Chamber". ​

It was a masterpiece in one-million words. We will try to put the most important essence here........ ​
His name was Jade the Fake. The original secret and unknown teller of the story told us, that he was born with a piece of jade in his mouth. The story was full of parables. What does jade mean? It means, he was born with a heart. ​
He was not aware of it in the very beginning. It was not until he lost the jade, then he found himself stupid, and realized that the piece of jade was his heart. The jade was a symbol of his inner feelings. And the feeling may or may not be his own. It was a spirit coming from very ancient times. It was more than culture, it may be the spirit of human nature.​
What is culture? The author used one million words to tell the story. The story was a complete re-construction of nearly all aspects of life in China. We may call it culture. However, in the times of the author, the concept of culture had not been invented. He re-constructed everything for us to see. Most important of all was the spirit. Now the spirit was in the heart of the jade. ​
He was the most cherished treasure of the big family. Everybody loved him. He can do anything he wanted and he can go to any place he liked. He liked girls and sometime he like handsome boys too.​
It was by this time, the early sex desire emerged. It came amid a lengthy time period. When he was two, or three, or four, he loved the lipsticks of girls. He would suddenly take away the lipsticks or red colored cosmetics from the girls. He would eat them. Maybe he would kiss the lips to eat them. He liked red. People thought that he liked sex. But it was not. Red is not sex. He loved the color of red more than sex. Sex was not his main concern. ​
Jade loved red. What does it mean? Does the jade represent power and it need a red ink pad to rule the world? Does it mean let the heart rule the world? It could have been the original design of the story plot: we all need a heart, let the heart rule everything. The heart is red. ​
However, everyone was suddenly nervous when his behavior had become too casual and sexual. He had grown up in an unnoticed speed and there were so many beautiful girls and boys in the mansion. He was still running into girls or boys at any time, not knowing the urge of sex had come. ​
He had his first sex experience, according to the original secret and unnamed story teller, in a dream. However, it wasn't much different whether it was in the story or a dream. ​
In the dream, he was guided by a heavenly-maid. The heavenly-maid told him what sex was, and let him try it. ​
One interesting detail was the name of his first sex partner. Her name was Qin, Qin meant the first empire of China, or simply China. Her name was Lady Possible of Qin. ​
Lady Possible of Qin? What is the hidden meaning? In her inner chamber, art works of the most important ladies in Chinese history were on display. You could see historical Chinese beauties in her room. And it was in this room, Jade the Fake had a sexual encounter with Lady Possible. Does it mean he would have sex with all the women in China? Or simply, does it mean all Chinese beauties were Lady Possible? If Jade the Fake meant a piece of heart, it should have loaded with the meaning that all women needed it, too. ​
He had a wonderful moment with Lady Possible. But it was not important. More important was the aftermath of the affair. As soon as he left the perfumed room, he was chased by frightening ghosts. He run desperately, and found himself in a maze of rivers. He had nowhere to go and cannot find his way out. He had fallen to a deep cold puzzle from the height of sex pleasure only a moment ago. The heavenly-maid appeared and shouted to him, "Come back, come back!" She told him, it was a maze of no-return. The only escape was led by the Host of Despair and the Attendant of Forest in the future. ​
He was awakened from the sweet yet horrific nightmare. ​
What is the implication of the advice? Readers were all interested in the vivid sex scene, they would have forgotten the meaning of its aftermath. ​
What is the meaning of the Host of Despair and the Attendant of Forest?​
It meant the death of his true lover, Dark Jade of the Forest. With the death of his most loved one, he will reach his final enlightenment in a situation of complete despair.   ​
The story was about a boy with a heart and his encounter with the dominating control of the old culture and how he finally found enlightenment.    ​
At first, he thought he was only a most cherished treasure in the family.​
To be a cherished treasure was the best thing in the Universe. The Universe was inside a grand palace. It was not important whether it was a real palace or only a rich family estate with a lot of buildings. Important was that he was a real treasure. ​
In the grand palace, he could do anything. He could have intimate relations with any of the girls or boys he fancies. He valued their friendship. And he had secret boyfriends. He was happy and every one obeyed his order. At first, he thought it was only because he was young. ​
Soon he realized his happiness was fake. He can flirt with the girls no more. ​
One day, as he was exchanging some light-hearted remarks with a slave girl, it was overheard by his mother. His mother exploded into a rage and slapped the slave girl. She thought the slave girl was bad and would corrupt Jade's mind. She ordered to have the slave girl expelled. As a result, the slave girl committed suicide. She had nowhere else to go if expelled. ​
Jade soon found out his real situation.​
The thought of a cherished treasure was not true anymore. He has unlimited power and wealth, but he had found all was under one condition.  ​
The condition was unacceptable to him. ​
At first, it seemed the condition was a simple thing. He only needed to do his homework and obey. But it turned out to be much more than that. It was a complete set of conditions and culture rules he could no longer endure. It was unbearable. He would rather die in such conditions. But he cannot tell anyone about this. He could only keep it to himself.  ​
What was the condition?​
The only condition was that nothing is true in this Universe. All were false. The true thing was never shown. One needs to search for truth amid the false. It was never easy and it was sad. Even his own name was a fake name. His name was Jade the Fake. Though some of the times he would choose to ignore the Fake things. But how can he ignore himself? He was a Fake. He could endure no more. Whenever he saw anything fake and false, he felt upset. Once he was sleepy and people brought him to a nice room. But there was a drawing on the wall. The drawing was about the so-called good behaviors: that you have to observe the rules of the world and fit yourself into it. How can he accept to fit himself into a fake world? He can sleep no more. He chose another room to sleep and had his first sex encounter with The Lady Possible of Qin. Cultural dominance and sexual freedom was a sharp contrast by that time.  ​
The fake world was upside-down. The rich were poor, and the poor rich. The high low, and the low high. The good things bad when the bad things were good and etc. It was all like that. It was no good to be rich in an upside-down world. By this point, we could compare the thought of Jesus of Nazareth and the secret writer. They were similar. Everything was in its opposite and it was so natural. He felt a deep hatred for all these.​ 

Unacceptable about fake was dirt.  ​
Dirt was everywhere. ​
Who would remain clean in a fake Universe? It was said, only the two stone lion carvings in front of the palace, were clean. ​
That is why he loved only girls. He said girls were clean. And the only thing you need is to be clean in a dirty world. It was the most important parable in the story. His love of girls meant his love of another clean world. And it was not to be bargained. It should never be compromised. And the symbol of clean is his lover Dark Jade from the Forest.​
And there were more. ​
That the fake world was an inside-out world. You need to see into the inside of things. For example, sex was a joy. But he witnessed a friend died in the evil spell of sex. An old man had given them a mirror. The mirror was like a hand-held electronic device in our time. The old man advised them only to see the reverse side of the mirror. But his friend insisted to look at the other positive side. There was joy of sex at the positive side. And his friend could never come back from the joy of it. He died with a pool of fishy smelling liquid under his pants. The reverse side of the mirror was ugly things nobody liked and it was healthy and good. The positive side was joy and sex, but an overabundance turned out to be evil. There was truth in the hidden inner side of things. He was a little delighted to know that. ​
And it was utterly not important for Jade the Fake. ​
He was pure, like a baby. He enjoyed the pure relations between individuals. He used his heart to communicate with them. There was pure joy between them. The world of heart was beautiful. He loved beautiful girls and boys. There may or may not be sexual encounters between them. However, it's a kind of situation we could hardly understand. The communication of heart was so important, other matters became trivial. Material things were not important, sex too. It was utterly not important to have or to have no sex at all. He was very good friends to at least two or three boys. The first one was The Most Loved of Qin. He was handsome and delicate, and died early. Jade the Fake had accompanied him until his final breath. The second one was a singer. His name was Box for a Jade. Their friendship had come to such extend that they exchanged undergarment as friendship token. Box for a Jade had given a piece of red undergarment for him. Red is a very important symbol in the story. Jade loved red, and now we saw his good friend had given him his underwear which was a piece of red scarf for the lower body. Yet they were pure. They were friends from the heart. He just admired his singing. He once listened to his song, and was deeply moved. He had come to realize that poems were for exchange of thoughts only, but a song can enter into your marrow, that meant your heart. Only music can enter the heart. ​
And it was this piece of red scarf that had brought Jade into a near death beating by his father. ​
His father was the worst terror. It was his father who made him study and do lots of homework. Jade was smart, yet he hated the assigned books. Those were books for a fake upside-down and inside-out world. His father was the symbol of politics. His name was Politics the Fake. No one can escape from the spell of politics. His father beat him hard many times. ​
The most recent one was when his father discovered his affair with the singer, though the affair was actually spiritual and platonic. Jade the Fake was beaten to almost death. His blood stained the house. ​
He was never a cherished treasure in front of the political spell. His only escape was his grandmother. His grandmother was the mother of politics and would protect him from time to time. The name of his grandmother was Mother the Fake. ​
Mother the Fake stopped the beating and saved him. ​
Mother the Fake was the culture. She was the condition. Yet she loved Jade. She thought that Jade will grow up as expected. She never really understood the other side of the Universe. She accepted everything as natural. ​
A wife had been prepared for Jade long before he knew it. The kind-looking Mother the Fake had her own plan. The prepared wife was Fork the Gold. It was said they would make a good couple. Jade and Gold were a good pair, it was said. Fork the Gold was the kind of women who thrived in an upside-down place. She liked the tradition, and was attempting to be the Chief Executive of the family. Her aim was power. It was she who had advised Jade to take the bureaucrat's examination. And it meant to force him to compromise with the culture. ​
There was good news. ​
His cousin sister from the Province of Yang would come to stay. The Province of Yang was a place of massacre. The Ching Army had almost wiped out the population in the Province of Yang. The massacre lasted for ten days. It was a top secret by that time. People would never talk about it.  ​
The name of the beautiful young cousin was Dark Jade from the Forest. Why was it dark? Because it was from the hell. She must have escaped the massacre. And why was she named Forest? Forest was one important analogy in the story. It was from a very old myth that the Early Father had chased the Sun and died after a long run. He wanted to know the truth about the sun and was sacrificed. He had a stick with him to run. He struck the stick into the land in his death and it had grown into an unlimited far reaching forest since. Forest meant hope. If you wish to reach truth, you have hope. ​
Jade loved Dark Jade from the Forest. ​
However, the massacre was a taboo and could not be mentioned in the story. It called for the reader's imagination to explore it. ​
The story teller will not tell you, why the name of her was Dark. Nor would he tell you the actual happenings in the massacre. ​
Jade had a good time with her. She must have told Jade what had happened in the massacre. When Jade found his own palace was actually a faked upside-down world and was hell, Dark Jade from the Forest must have told him, a much bigger hell was there outside. ​
This was one of the most important novel writing techniques in literature. You can tell a story without actually telling it. Later readers would use their searching and learning to re-tell the story and find out the truth. ​
When we could have only a children's underground mouse story about the Province of Yang in the pages, the reader can still sniff out the smell of hell. ​
The question was why and how and what should be done.  ​
She was the symbol of clean. Clean meant not to compromise. She was the only one in the rotten place who had never advised Jade to read the tradition books and follow the old cultural rules. He loved her so much that at one time she asked him, "What if I died?" He had the famous answer: "I will be a monk if you died." And this was parable again. It meant he will be enlightened if she was dead. He will not be a real monk, as the secret writer of the story had seriously doubted about Buddhism and Taoism. ​
Yet it was Dark Jade who had led him out of the puzzle of Buddhism. ​
He had no books to read in the feudal culture. It was not that he hated the feudal books, but all the books were destroyed or re-written by the political powers in the years. All books carried the same feudal message. He said, there was no book to read. ​

And this was a fact and a parable. That meant, he had no guidance in the culture. He didn't know what to do and where to go. ​He hated old moral teachings, yet he loved Buddhism for a while. He was at a lost at the moment. He thought life was like a floating boat drifting to nowhere. And everyone came empty-handed, and went away naked. He had forgotten that he was not empty-handed. He had come to this world with a piece of heart in his mouth. ​
Dark Jade asked him: 'What is your name?" ​
He said: "Jade"​
She asked: "What is the meaning of Jade?"​
He could not answer. She told him: "Jade is the most valuable."​
She asked him again: "Why was it most valuable?"  He could not provide an answer either. ​
She told him: "The most valuable thing on earth is to insist. Never compromise. And would you tell me what are you insisting for?"​
He was enlightened the first time. He had never thought of it before. It was Dark Jade who had given him the first light, bringing him to come back to the deep-rooted ancient thought. That you have to insist, even death cannot deter. You would rather die as a broken jade, than live as a cheap tile. He thought she was his only true lover. She had reached into his inner mind. All other girls were nothing to him anymore. ​
He had found love. ​
Dark Jade was the most brilliant one among the girls. Yet she was sentimental. She knew her fate and Jade didn't know his. It was the saddest of all. And it was the final blow awakened him. ​
She had written a poem. It was this poem that brought Jade into the sentimental side of her world. We will see how a soul was under tremendous pressure and cried out her heart to remain clean, that meant not to compromise with the dirt. And the dirt meant cultural ugliness. ​
We shall see from the following translation of her poem. A poem to poem translation is almost impossible due to the different design of languages, however, we will see how the images she had created unfold before us. ​
     x  x   x      x   x   x​
Broken petals floated around the pavilion, ​
Curtains were tainted with their perfumed bodies. ​
Flowers were flying everywhere when they had just died. ​
Who would pity them? ​
A lady from the inner-chamber felt sad about the swift-passing Spring, ​
She had nowhere to settle her mind. ​
She went outside with a garden hoe, ​
She walked carefully not to step on the dead flowers. ​
The green willows and elms were laughing. ​
How could they know the sadness of the peach flowers and plum flowers?  ​
There will be new flowers again next year, ​
But who will be here next year? ​
The swallows were merciless. ​
They had just came, and gone, 
leaving behind their emptied nests. ​
They would come back next year to peck on the new flowers, ​
Yet they will never know, the house will be empty like their nest. ​
There were harsh suppressions 365 times a year. ​
With winds and frosts like swords and knives.  ​
How long can your freshness remain? ​
You are nowhere to be found when you floated away. ​
I can see the flowers now only because they are still on the branch. ​
Where will they go shortly afterwards? ​
It was unbearable painful to bury the flowers. ​
I have nothing but the flower hoe and my tears. ​
I can see on the branches my own tear and blood. ​
The cuckoo fell silent as the day is coming to end. ​
I went home with my hoe and closed doors behind. ​
I tried to sleep with a small lamp shining on the wall. ​
It was a cold bed with the cold rains knocking on my windows.  ​
Was I too sentimental? ​
I was annoyed with the Spring yet I loved it. ​
It came too silently, ​
And will be gone too fast. ​
It was so sad. ​
There was a sad song outside the pavilion last night. ​
Were they the souls of the flowers or birds? ​
It was not easy to keep their souls. ​
The flowers will shy away and the birds speechless. ​
I hope I could have wings, ​
Then I can follow them to the end of heavens. ​
Oh, the end of heavens. ​
Where is my perfumed tomb? ​
I preferred to have a brightly embroidered bag, ​
to carry my remains. ​
The yellow soils on my tomb will keep my soul clean. ​
I am clean in my inner self. ​
I have been clean from the beginning and I shall be gone clean.  ​
I shall never fall on the dirty ditches. ​
The flowers were dead as I buried them. ​
But I did not know when shall I be dying. ​
People would say I am silly to bury the flowers. ​
Yet I will never know who will bury me. ​
If you ever saw the Spring was leaving and the flowers fading, ​
It would be time for the death of the beauty. ​
Whenever the Spring was at its end and the beauty was old, ​
You will never know the flowers were gone and I was dead. ​
  xxx   xxx​
Jade was shocked when he listened to the poem. ​
And he knew the hidden meaning on it. She will never compromise with the old culture, though she is suffering all year long. She will keep the flowers clean. She will keep them buried in the clean, yellow soils. The soil was clean, yet the culture and fake people were not. It was such an obvious parable, yet few of the wise people could understand. ​
That they were living in an upside-down world which were fake. The flowers were being oppressed every day. It is important that you stand very firm. That you are not going to compromise. That you will remain a broken jade. You are broken, but you are forever a piece of jade. You will never be a piece of dirty cheap tile. 

Yet he did not know the meaning of the last line:

​ ‘You will never know the flowers were gone and I was dead.’ The poem was for him to read after the death of her. ​

​The story goes far beyond that. The threat of life is real. Dark Jade will be gone very soon. And it is a sorrow that Jade had never foresee it. ​
The poem will be a never-ending torment. There will always be flowers dying. There will be always someone to bury them. There will be always another round of burying. ​
That was the thought of Dark Jade. Not necessary the thought of the secret writer, nor Jade. The unbearable death of Dark Jade shall strike Jade like thunder.  It would be healing. It would be his final awakening.  ​
The question is, for such a clever girl like Dark Jade, why couldn't she overcome the thought of death? Death is meaningless; the meaning is on living. She had asked Jade, what are you insisting for? And what are the best value on earth? That could be the answer of the meaning of death. It is a riddle for all. If the meaning of death was so easy to forget, then the quest for truth would be trivial. ​
The love between Dark Jade and Jade is based on their understanding of the sad situation they were sitting on. They knew it very clear, yet the secret writer was reluctant to tell. It would have political repercussions; the book will be banned​
and all its readers will be persecuted. The secret writer could only write the story with obscure symbolism, hoping it will be understood in the future.   ​
As first, Jade thought that was a simple matter. He was determined. ​
Dark Jade asked him: "There were so many girls, what is your choice?"​
Jade said: "Of all the three thousand miles of heavenly river, one cup is enough for me."​
Dark Jade asked again: "What if your wooden cup is lost on the river?"​
Jade said: "There is no loss. Only that the water is going away."​
That is the perfect answer philosophically. However, when matters of life and death become reality, it needed real wisdom to show its magic. ​
And he did lose the cup. His most loved girl had left him and died. ​
His marriage was secretly arranged. He was assigned a wife, Fork the Gold. ​
Fork the Gold was another beauty around him. She was sexy and voluptuous. She was the traditional type of woman. She was in tune with the fake world. She liked everything in the upside-down world. ​
They told Jade that he was to get married. They lied to him that his wife will be Dark Jade, which was not true. By the night of their marriage, he will see Fork the Gold on his marriage bed waiting. Jade didn't know that was a plot. He was happy to wait for the day to marry with Dark Jade. ​
He was separated with Dark Jade, and he was told it was only a "temporary" arrangement before the marriage. ​
Meanwhile, Dark Jade overheard the plot by accident. She knew what was going to happen, as she had known her fate long ago. It was such a sad thing to know your own fate before it actually happened. ​
She was already sick by the time. And she had intentionally refused to eat. She had a serious cough. A large piece of phlegm fell on the spittoon. A servant girl saw it and was scared to death, as the phlegm was so large that it was like jumping in the spittoon like a living thing, with blood on it. A bloody phlegm meant death, it was medical common sense back then. ​
Dark Jade was all alone. How sad will Jade be if he had seen all this. It could have been all envisaged before him to waken him up after the tragedy. ​
Before Dark Jade had died, she burned all her poems. And the poems were her testimonial for the heavens. ​
The day for the fake marriage was closer and closer. Jade only waited patiently. He did not know his fate had been arranged until that day.   ​
Dark Jade died at the same time, unnoticed. ​
When Jade opened the silk head-covering of the bride, he saw only Fork the Gold, the representative of the fake world will be his companion for life. ​
The marriage was going on as usual. He didn't get mad. He didn't shout. He was silent. ​
Time went on peacefully. They were married couple now. ​
One day, Fork the Gold told Jade: "As we have been married and you are a man now. It is time for you to settle you mind and prepare for the Examinations."​
She meant the Government Examination held each Autumn. ​
Jade simply said: "Alright."​
The Examination was the ultimate symbol of the old culture. How can he promise to enter the Examination? Yet he had not refused. ​
To him, the Examination was easy. He locked himself up to study for a month to study his most hated subjects. ​
On the day of the Examination, he went with one of his cousin brothers. Family servants sent them in and waited outside. The Examination was a two or three-day event. Each candidate was guided into a small cubicle. He had to finish all his Examination papers inside the cubicle alone. Candidates who could not endure the pressure die of exhaustion and was brought out dead afterwards. ​
Finally, the Examination was over. People came out from the cubicles. However, the servants did not see Jade. He disappeared, although he did have pasted the Examination with high scores. His paper ranked number 7 in that year. He was entitled to be a high-ranking bureaucrat for the fake world. ​
Mother the Fake, who was the symbol of culture and everything on the fake world died almost at the same time. ​
However, Jade's father, the symbol of politics was alive and well. He was busy. He sent people to find Jade, and buried his mother, and sent the coffin back home thousands of miles away. ​
As he was returning home on a boat, it was late at night. He bid the servants to park the boat at a small pier in a riverside town. ​
It was snowing and the night was white. ​It was very clean. 
Something made him wake and he came out the boat.     ​
The disappeared Jade had appeared. He was wearing a large, bright red cloak, and was kneeling down to salute his father. ​
Politics the Fake exclaimed. He did see his own son kneeling before him at a distance. He was about to say something and Jade was gone laughing. Two guys were with Jade. One a monk, the other a Taoist. ​
The three of them soon disappeared into the white snows. All was white and the night was clean. A clean world is the ultimate goal of the whole book. ​
That was the end of the one-million words story. ​
We will soon forget everything that was told in this story. But a very special color may remain in our vision. The color of red had grown from the facial makeup to an undergarment, and now it was a large snow cloak on the back of Jade. It was red. And it was fluttering in the white snow. Let the heart rule everything. There was a meaning in it. The heart was red. ​
The original name of the story was "The Story of the Stone."  Other name of the story was "Dream of A Red Chamber". And we can always remember the meaning of red, in such a title.  ​
The original writer of the story remained anonymous. He would not reveal his own name in a fake world. He would be happy to see that his mind was read and appreciated for many, now and in the future.​

(The End.)