
What is individual evolution?

9192 What is individual evolution? 20190416

It is very interesting to look at the individual evolution.  I suppose humans can fly without wings. I suppose the gravitation force is like a sound wave. You can easily remove a sound wave by producing an opposite wave. Now can we produce a negative gravitation wave to eliminate the  gravitation force on us, then we can fly. This is but one of the individual evolution in the future. It would be great fun in the future. And it is possible you and me would be there to witness it. Because by then, human souls are storable. You can put your own soul into the cloud of something, then find another body to re-install your life into it. Any one can live forever by then. But it was wrong expectation. Not every one wish to further their life in the future. Many would choose an eternal or timed rest. However, if you choose the timed rest, you will need to readjust your self for the future recovery.     

The question is why some people would feel tired about life but some not.

Please question your own noble self, will I be tired some time later? But it is not an  interesting question. The more interesting one would be, why are there some people never tired?

Yes those are mission-minded people. Time is never enough for them to fulfill their mission. They are interested at any thing and any level.  

If you are also mission-minded, then you will choose to live longer, just to work out more. People like to say work hard play hard. To the mission-mined people, work is play and play is work. It is only one thing. To play is to search another truth, and to work is to fulfill the mission. When you have two of them in mind, forgive me to tell you,  you don't have a mission at hand and you will soon found life boring and you won't be happy even at play.

People always doubt about eternal future. It is too far away, why bother.

Those are people not evolved enough to the present life. If you are evolved enough, you will be equipped a tool in  your brain that you can look at the upper level of life. It is only eating and drinking and sex pleasure in the present level. And it is nothing wrong and don't feel disturbed. It is  necessary for some people to think more for the future. Let them work and you can choose to play. You need only food and sex.

And you may or may not be interested in the future flying and longer life, as we might evolve into more senses and know some thing more than the food and sex level.. An eye-sight is a  feature of life to be proud of. You are much better then the earth worms, they have had not even an eye-sight. They would not know what is light. They can only dig in the mud and search for food and another sex partner which is already installed in their own body, so they need not search another sex partner actually. They need to do only one thing that is digging and eating. When people lament about the earth worms, they will come to understand that we human beings are evolving much more faster then the worms. We have sex and the worms don't. And you will find it interesting to know the next evolution in humans, though you would not know what is the upper level. It is so much fun if you are to have the 7th sense and know more then the lower level. You can join the upper level club now, it is never too late.  

Have a good time, friends.  

And please do not forward this article to your beloved-lower-level friends. They are learned and admired noble beings.   They will be troubled.

                        *Leechard Asks*
(#The author is a question raiser. He has raised more than 9000 questions. He is an expert on cultures and he is a qi master as well as a songwriter.

(#The author can be reached by Whatsapp at 852-91864286)

