
Who would take care of cultural matters ?

First is that you must know what is going on. 

For example, terrorism or moneyism is the two most important issues in the world. Most of the politicians use much of their time and money to handle these two issues. 

How to make money and how to keep yourself safe? 

John is a toilet cleaner. He works hard. He enjoys his job. He cleans and cleans and cleans. But the toilet is never clean. 

Good politicians are the same. They try to make the country rich, and they try to keep the country safe. He works and works and works. Until one day he retires, and he found he had done nothing. 

He had never been aware of the culture matters. 

He had never known that culture is such a big thing that it can mold the nations, or, keep the toilets uncleanable. 

Of all the good politicians, Helmut Schmidt is one of them. He was a German statesman. He died at 2015. 

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