
WHY: "Love of money is the root of all evils"

From Evernote:

"Love of money is the root of all evils"

"Love of money is the root of all evils."  The quote was from the Bible. It has been circulated around the world for some two thousand years. There are similar sayings in China.

The question is why.  And it is not easy to find out the real reason behind it. Love of money seems to be so natural, who would refuse more comfort which money can provide?  Why should I choose not a better life, but a life full of hardship?  When I have no money, I cannot even go to school. And when my mother was sick, I cannot even have a doctor to help her. Why should I not love the money?  Is the Bible wrong? the wise not wise? Should I follow the evil spirit, rather than God? Is this a very very difficult and complicated issue that I cannot understand? Who can tell me?

Yes, money is not to be loved.  Something else is to be loved. People work hard to earn money, and can use the money in many ways. Money is a tool. We need tools to do many things. But we are not working for the tool. We are not living to eat. We have higher purpose in life. We need to achieve something. We have our hope. And we are never to give up our hope. And our hope is not for a selfish purpose. It is very bad to give up the higher purpose in life. We are not like pigs, pigs are living to eat. We are not living for a comfortable living. We are not living for bigger houses, cars, luxuries, If we do, we are leaving the zone of humans. Humans have a higher aim then animals.

And loving money does not only mean leaving the zone of humans, it is the source of hatred. And that creates conflicts, and war. When I cannot have enough money to have a doctor to help my mother, I know that is not only the problem of money. It is a bigger problem. We the human beings are not balanced. We need to work harder and harder for a better future for all mankind.

*  response:   WhatsApp (852)9186-4286 (Leechard)
  or email   academy2008@hotmail.com

2 則留言:

  1. 我猜想愛錢成為了罪惡的根源是因為依靠金錢會摧毀了人類的心靈自由,任何事物阻礙了的人類的心靈自由最终也會變成罪惡。

