
Is there a hidden HTS ?

I suppose there is. There must be a hidden Human Thinking System within us.

I was a columnist for many years. I have been writing different topics in my columns. I used to think that all stuff I had written is solely my own thought.

Since when did I discover that my thoughts are not totally my own, but shared?

In my life, I have always been lonely. I didn’t share much of my thoughts with my peers. Sometimes I gave talks, and often I wrote. And the sources of my thoughts are from books.  I have been so lonely sometimes, that I lack courage to carry on. But the ancient wisdom is so encouraging that I know I must not give up. Every single thought is coming from somewhere, though it is developing.

But thoughts are only external Human Thinking System.

There must be some receptors within us.

Like pouring water into the ground, if there are no receptors, water will not be retained.

There must be lots of different receptors, and there must be relations in the receptors. One receptor can act on next, and the next on yet another next, thus arousing a very complex reaction.

For example, do I have the receptor of Love?

If I felt my receptor of love is empty and lacking something, do I have the feeling of hungry?  Am I hungry for love?

And all the receptors are hidden. We will not know, what is lying there.

I guess that the HTS are a set of very complex receptors and reactors. When enough input was there, the reactors will take action themselves.

We knew that the western culture was from Greece. How did the English people get their input from Greek language?
And how did the Greek mind get their input from the Egyptian wisdom? How did they receive and react?

We might not know the details of the reception and reaction.

However, artificial action or external interference did happen.

Human thoughts are very easily controlled and reformed into external structure. Once the external structure was built, it is not easy for the inner souls to escape and build new structures.

India and United States are two sad examples.

Ancient India talents created caste system. People are divided and classified. However, with great wisdom even of the Buddha Sakyamuni himself, the situation cannot be changed. The core problem of the caste system is not dividing people into classes, but to give up truth for interest. A culture base not in truth can never standup, until now. All major problems of India come from thousands of years ago. The external system of human thinking system is a huge barrier of growth.

Another example is United States. In the early days of independence, early talents of United States knew the nature of slavery. But they had avoided the issue, leaving it to be solved one hundred years later.   Because many of them, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, were slave owners.  How can they have a just mind in creating the Declaration of Independence? Slaves are not included in the principles of the Declaration.  The principle of seeking pleasure in the declaration is completely wrong in philosophy, and the core problem of the Declaration is same with India:  Giving up truth for interest. These are hard lines not easy to accept. But it is true. If situations remain unchanged, two thousand years later, United States is no better than India.

Can the HTS avoided such external and artificial influences, and grow up in a healthier manner?

Can the external HTS structures be changed?

Of course it can be.

 I suppose the HTS is composed of  individual minds.

And the HTS is hidden. No one can know what is going on there. Even in the most authoritarian countries, minds did change, and different values are forming every moment, until one day, the currents could come up from hidden into open, the bad structures will change then.

8546 Is there a hidden HTS 20130624.doc   by Leechard

4 則留言:

  1. 依據先生高層次的愛和天地與我為一的理論,為何先生仍會感到孤獨呢?


  2. 理論與實踐可能真的會有段距離呢! 正如共產的理論到了實踐就出現很多問題呢! 人性可能是決定因數呢!只是個人有限的見解,有錯請見諒!


  3. Dear Brian

    I am lonely sometimes, though I know I am one with everything.

    I am a common man, not a Saint. Howeer, I know that,

    Jesus sometimes felt lonely also.

  4. 我以為到了莊子的逍遙自在境界會對世間任何事都會有追尋的心,而不會停留在孤獨的處境,所以不會受情緒影響。

