
The World has not forgotten what?

I watched a movies to night. It was the new year day, and the movie was Les Miserables. Starring Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean. Before, it was Colm Wilkinson's role.

I love the musical very much. I have watched the musical many many times. And I am very happy to see the world had not forgotten it. Now a brand new movie with same songs in it. As a movie, the story is clearer and more convincing. Some of the songs are sung better, (like the empty chairs) and some of them, can never achieve the same height as Colm Wilkinson. God on high.....  who can sing better then him?

One more very strange thing. In the morning, when I opened the bible, a chapter caught my  eyes. It was  1 John , chapter 4, verse 12.

When the movies comes to its end, a line sprang up:

"Loving another person is to see the face of God." I think, oh what? did I see this this morning? yes I did. 1 John 4:12 has the same meaning with it, though the expression  slightly different.

Leechard, 2013.1.1.

