第一次面向鏡頭唱歌 (獻醜了)
(製作出錯, 面孔變形了,只希望下次可改善)
Some-thing some-thing I can tell
don’t you don’t you like to hear
me-mor-y can bring- us- close-
last time last time I saw you
In the sun-shine beam-ing light
We are danc-ing to the mu-sic score-
S-w-ing-ing like we- are mad-
To day to day I met you
s-mi- l-ing like be- fore
ti-me sh-ows no-thing on you-
Can you tell me what hap-pened
How canyou keep the fresh-ness of your life-
Pl-ease do not flat-ter me
I am feel-ing the same with you-
Always keep my life op-en
Climb-ing crawl-ing to the goal
He-a-vens will give me my re-ward-
Let’s go danc-ing tothe end- of time-
Let’s go danc-ing tothe end- of time-
Let’s go danc-ing tothe end- of time-
*Who would like to sing "Something" or "Ave Maria"(Bach Gounod)(with Leechard's Lyrics)
Please call Leechard 91864286
李察先生, 你好。
至於你的vedio我猜想是否可以在HTIML那裡調整? 把width調去500,把hight:400, 那應該就不會變形的了。
我想請問... 你的意思是否想說,希望我們多寫文章,讓你更了解你的讀者平日生活及想法是怎樣的?
Ann ^^
Dear Ann
回覆刪除謝謝你的意見,製作方面,並非畫面比例,而是剪接時的錯。不容易改,想在youtube 刪去重作也不成。