
Why the American apple has turned sour?

Why the American apple has turned sour?
(Quest No.8250e     2011/10/05)

Parable is a very good tool. Tree is a parable. But it is too simple to compare to the human behavior. In this days of global economy, I would rather say, it is more like a tree-animal, then a tree.

Trees in good soil can produce good fruit. There is a strange relationship between the soil and the tree. Trees cannot be relocated. A good tree in America, if relocated to China, the fruit will turn bitter, if not sour.

The Asians can always hire American talent, and buy up the whole American company, in a while their economy seemed growing healthily, but sooner or later, they will have problem.

Culture is just like tree in the soil. Trees can be copied, imitated, or even relocated. But if the trees do not have the sources of the soil, they will simply turn out complicated sour fruits.

We saw different western trees were growing in the soils round the globe. They can turn out money for a short time.

And the real problem is in America itself. American apples have turned sour, too.

In the times of Henry Ford, the American tree was healthy. The apples are sweet. A few apples can support the whole tree. The apples good, the leaves green, the branches strong. No body complains job losing.

But in the times of Steve Jobs, the American apples were scarce, though still sweet, but the market result told us, the apple products plus other advanced products cannot make the whole market healthy, the fruits cannot support the whole tree. The leaves are not as green, the branches are not as strong. Then people like Paul Krugman started talking about American competitiveness. They doubt the American success. They wish to “lower the price”, so as to strengthen the “competitiveness”.

Why are the Americans not the same as before?

It is because, the soils did changed within the American boundary.

Every thing have changed but one. Only politics has not changed. There are the same old arguments every day. But education changed. Religion changed. Atmosphere changed. Minds changed.

It does not mean, the old times are better. Good old days are always but a dream. We are not in a dream, but in a stream. And the stream is running downwards.

Why can’t the sweet iphone support the whole tree?

Its because, one iphone is not powerful enough. And now we have the “globalization”.

What is that?

It is a tree-animal.

And it is very strange. Iphones are American product, but they are “Made in China”.

You cannot expect, a tree grows in the United States, but the fruits are picked up in China. (Though the American people still owns the tree and the fruit.)

We are forced to change concepts. What does “made in somewhere ” mean? And trees are no more trees. They are tree-animals. Trees have feet, they can walk. Trees are walking every where round the globe, and they are animals, because they can only think half-consciously. The economy beast is not human.

Americans are working hard. They are working hard to drive away new immigrants from the south, fighting crime gangs in the street, and not to mention the terrorists and wars. But they cannot handle the tree-animal.

What is “globalization”?

It is a separated tree. Roots in a country, leaves in another, fruits in the third, etc.

And the tree is trying to balance itself. It is not balanced now. And it is not a human. It has a brain, but it has no mind.

What are we fighting for now?

Are we fighting for a “lower price”? Or an unbalanced money system? Or change the status of US money? Should we build an exchange system to govern the whole world? Do we have enough power to do this?

What are we fighting for now?

I would say, we should be fighting for time. And time can give us enough mental power to clear the problems. We need a quiet mind to do this, if we do mean it.

The tree-animal is not coming. It has come. Lets sit down quietly under the tree, and figure out what to do.

(P.S. One more word: tree-animal is not a fire. If fires are burning, we should run for our life, giving up every thing. Why? It is because you know it. You know what is a fire. But we do not know, what is “globalization”. )

Inquiry 852- 2559-4690

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