
What is the problem of Natsume Soseki?

What is the problem of Natsume Soseki?
(Quest No.8241e     2011/09/19 Monday)

I was reading Chinese version or Natsume Soseki's speech. Suddenly I was shocked. How could he see things so clearly one hundred years before?

He said, culture development is just like flowers growing. The Japanese development after the Meiji Period was external!!!!!! And it is not like the Western culture, which was developing in a very natural way. He said, the Western growth was an internal growth, just like flowers, step by step, they grow slowly but with a life! The West has used 100 years to grow, now Japan was using 10 years only to catch up.

And that is not growth. And this kind of development was external.

Natsume Soseki was one of the few who can distinguish between internal and external.

But his problem remains unsolved until today.

The development needed 100 years to grow. But you have only 10 years. You are forced to run, to use any kind of external methods. If you don’t run, you will die. How can you or me or us to find a way to develop safely and quickly, using only 10 years to run the 100-year highway?

And that could be ended up in a very tragic way, Natsume Soseki said. And he was right. To day’s situation in Japan is his witness. Will he had an eye to see it? Yes of course he had. His portrait appeared on the front of the Japanese 1000 yen note between 1984 and 2004. He faces Japanese economy every day. Actually he IS seeing the decline of a man-made economy, which is not coming from internal growth, but a hurried artificially manipulating policies.

His speech was delivered in 1911, and now we are in 2011. Natsume Soseki had been neglected for one hundred years exactly, though the Japanese were still honoring him, or else they will not put his portrait on the 1000 yen note.

And why the Japanese neglected him?

It is another interesting problem. And I believe, by solving this problem, the clue to modern economy could be found.

Inquiry 852- 2559-4690

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