
What is the feeling of no feeling?

What is the feeling of no feeling?
(Quest No.8235e     2011 0907 Wednesday)

There are two measures for one's success.

One is the feeling of no feeling. You did not feel glorious when you were successful. If you are driving a twenty-million racing car on the road, and every body are looking at you admirably, but you do not feel it. You have no feeling about it. And it is not even your own car. Just like the movie star Audrey Hepburn, she had mentioned somewhere once, that she never wore a real jewel. Some people are very rich, but they do not regard money or material life is important.

The feeling of no feeling has a meaning. It means your aim is not vanity. You have a real motive, and you had fought hard for it. Next time, when you are in the platform to accept the gold medal for something, you have this feeling of no feeling, you don't have that kind of vanity, then you are really successful.

As for the other measure, “feeling no shame”, I will write later.

Enquiry 852- 2559-4690

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