







3 則留言:

  1. Leechard,

    I do not consider there would be any difference if the captive in the kidnappign event is American or Chinese. Americans are, in the eye of kidnappers, very close to Chinese, as they are very capitalistic in nature. They exploit every opportunity to pay less and less to filipino workers who have immigrated to work in china or America, and opportunity to pay less to local filipino worker in the facilities of these chinese and american companies. They also exploit, in different way, every opportunity to extract profit from the local Filipino pocket through the sale of many products and services. Many Filipino need to pay a large sum of money to buy those Chinese and American products. Being the former colonial master of Philippines in 1900-1930, Americans leave in Filipino history a record of increased conflict of religion, a conflict of land resource, and many other events. The Filipino still have a strong anti-american feeling. So, I do not think the kidnappers could be mercy nto to catch those Americans, and I do not think local government agency will be very willing to save these captives at any cost.

    Looking forward to hear from you.

    Best wishes,

  2. (李察想到的是:美國人的反抗情緒會不會高些。他們也許會採取對抗多些。總好過無奈的中國人,沒有採取反抗?)

  3. 我總是在想: 普遍中國人是否比起其他民族更貪生怕死? 如果是, 這和中國人的性格, 信仰, 和生活的地區有沒有關係?
