
Writing in Shanghai Library July 16 ,2010

I am now writing in Shanghai Library, a 5 stories building with an internet place to use. However, I can not use the Chinese input method here, so I can use only English to communicate with you. I had tried the blogspot , but it is never connected. Now I am trying to  use email. to upload some of my ideas here, but I am not sure whether it can reach to my dear readers or not........
Yesterday I went to the Expo.  I had been thinking  not to go, but it is a friend of my wife who arranged every thing, tickets, traffic, etc. So though I am not feeling well , still I was there. I had not queue up for any sites but went to a restaurant. Though the weather is fine here, with only 28 degrees, but still very hot. I wonder if they had read my articles several years ago on how to build a road which can reduce the heat........ it is easy, you cover the road with mud, on top of the mud, build some grids of concrete , then you can grow some grass in the mud. The heat is mainly reserved in the ordinary road surface, but now you have no road surfaces, but grass land, which can also be a very good drive way, because you have grids on it.......
For the night time, we have a very good boat tour, going along the Whampa river, there you can compare it with the Victory Harbour in Hong Kong.On the river sides there are lots of business buildings. One can easily come to the question:  Can the Chinese economy remain high allways?  Now some people had thought that is time for the collapse of the Chinese economy.  But I think they are wrong, completely wrong.  The Chinese economy is another grand scale running of the Western civilization after the colonialism period and that of the post-colonialism period. It IS the third grand scale practice of the western culture in the soil of the dragons.  Within the markets, there are dooms day and glooms day, but with in the scale of a major practice of the culture itself, you can not use such terms to define the whoe situation.
Please observe the term I have been using. I said "practice of the western civilization", It meant the western way of productions, or make it simplier, the western way to make money.
There are 3 major periods of the western way of making money.   one is the time of industrial revolution.  Next is colonialism.  Next is post-colonialism. The greatest findings of colonialism is that you have to have a bigger market and bigger population for your products. It meant to practice the western way in a bigger scale.  It is total different situation.  For a bigger market can produce bigger resources for the developments.
I used to think that within the scale of civilizations, there are two major forces.  One the value system, two the technical system. With this two forces UNCHANGED, the western civilization now happily announe to the world, through the Expo in China, that the Western Civilization had alread had found a resting place now, and that is the period of China.
Is this ideas too complicated for you?  I am sorry about that.  But once when you can share it with me, you will see into the future easily.
I remain your frind always,  
Leechard,  2010. 7. 16.  2:00 pm

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