
What if 30% of American youth were disappeared?


What if 30% of American youths were disappeared?

A total of 2 million people or 30% of the young people aged between 14 to 44 were counted as cases related to psychotic episodes,  according to a data-analytic company, LexisNexis Risk Solutions,  quoted by the Wall Street Journal in 2024.3.25.

They are not disappeared,  they are sick.  But from the eyes of society,   they are a group of neglected people.  It seems they are disappeared.

Some of them can be found living in shelters, cars, vacant lots, freeway underpasses or jails.  They cannot think and they are homeless.

30% is a huge figure.   It never happened in history before.  It happened only now.

And the meaning of this phenomenon is not to be neglected.

It means the society  is really sick.  Maybe United States is the first country suffering most.   It is sure other countries or even China will follow.


Cancer is eating away 30% of some part of the body.

No one knows what will happen tomorrow.

United States is a rich country.   It is absurd to have such things happen.  And some people just doesn't care.

People do not know the meaning of life, and have no good motivation to live on.  Because a bad motivation or a selfish motivation  can lead people to nowhere except  mental sickness.

Even people with a good motivation cannot survive sometimes.  Individual power can seldom fight against social powers.  People would find life meaningless if they fail.  Successful people are always a limited few.

To support a healthy society,  it needs to have a general motivation, or a Group- Motivation from the whole country.  For example, youths can be easily motivated to fight against the enemy during war years.

It means you need to have an individual motivation plus a general motivation from the country for a healthy mind.

A motivation should be positive, not negative.

What is the point?

 It is a warning.

When the country is in a wrong direction,  no one will care about the issue, though it is serious.


It could be a bad nightmare if people feel that they are redundant.

Let us cherish each and every one of the treasured creatures on our planet.

We are all brothers and sisters. 

No one is forgotten.


a remark:

My account in Google is hacked. I dont know what is happening next.

Some people wishes me disappear.


Do you think Picasso is really beautiful ?



I hope someone is brave enough to say that Picasso is ugly  when they are wasting big money promoting new  ugliness.

And it's easy to make new idols by pushing up the selling prices of new ugly paintings.

Idols are easy to make with a little money.

Negative values are easy to prepare to harm the minds in Hong Kong.


Do you think Picasso is really beautiful ?

Forgive me for asking in such a rude way. Because it is really many people who do not think Picasso is beautiful yet they selfdom deny it. 

Many were frightened by the very high selling price or the very high prestige he has got and never dare to declare that he is ugly. 

It is not only the problem of a single painter but also the total problem of our time. The Ugly had dominated modern culture. 

We can see ugliness from the following different fields: Music, Painting, Novel, Drama, and Dance.

It is very difficult to find beauty in those areas. 

And those are leading areas. All other areas, from every day dress to human behavior are affected if not misled.

Yes Picasso is ugly. And many others are ugly also. We cannot hide into the "nostalgic old songs" or "classics" to stay away from the frightening ugly domination. 

We must use our action to declare that ugliness is not welcomed in our world. We refuse to buy to see to enjoy or to accompany others to stay in front of the ugly and waste time and money to say ok for them. 

Ugliness came from greediness. 

Greediness is the worst form of materialism.

And that is the major threat in our modern world. 

When people lack the courage to standup against  ugliness, they choose to be with them.

It is not talent they are lacking. Talent is a simple matter. Talent is courage. Whenever you have courage you have talent. 

So be brave. Stand up. We need you.  

Lets move the planet a bid. Lets bring back beauty, to ourselves and to our children.


What is the difference?

                     AI  photo by Leechard, 2024

The Chinese junk has got bones in the large sail.   They are folded up.  They are not rolled up.  It is the difference.

I thought the bones were made from bamboo.

I observed this when I was a child with my father in the Macao harbour many, many years ago.  It was the fifties.

There were lots of junks in  Macao harbour.

How did the fishermen manage to fold up the sails with their arm strength?

It must be a very good tourist attraction  if it is a real one in  Victoria  harbour.

People just like to see real things.



How I wish to see the real one?

                     AI photo by Leechard, 2024

 It could only be a dream to see this old Chinese sailing junks reappear in Victoria harbour.  I wish to see a real one.  I wish to see how fishermen raise the giant sail on the ship. It would show to the world how old fishermen had built Hong Kong with their sweat and tears. 


為何德國無法超越美國 (舊文新改)


8943 為何德國無法超越美國 ?  20160722-20240318









相比之下,美國只會用無人機去對付恐怖主義,是外在化思考,是一點用都沒有的。美國人向來只會從外在的數目字看問題。國內發生嚴重的警民衝突,但很多人只看統計數字,說歷年來的開鎗數字並未急劇增加,以為事情仍然是和過去一樣。他們看不到, 仇恨的怒火,已在劇烈燃燒。激進勢力的根苗,正在迅速滋長。這是統計學不會告訴他們的。



暫時的解釋可能是:德國是西方文化的優秀成份,但是在本質上,仍然是外在的文化。德國雖然比較地能夠接納新教, 並未躺在舊約的陰影裡太久, 換句話說, 就是愛的精神,較好地得到了落實和體現。這是希臘文化和希伯來文化的優勢結合。本來,希臘文化是外在文化,而希伯來文化是有嚴重缺點的文化。舊約的仇殺精神, 迄今仍是以色列和激進回教勢力的動力。德國文化處在這樣的夾縫裡, 幸運是有一批智慧的文化先輩, 才得以有今天的成就。

而我們可以相信,未來的西方文化,一定是要內外全面發展,才有希望的。德國總理默克爾說, 恐怖主義的問題,要在源頭處加以解決才是根本之道。她的意思是要在中東敘利亞等地方消除了戰火,就不會有難民了。或者她亦已經知道,源頭是還有源頭的。其實源頭的源頭,同樣都是來自同一部舊約聖經。以色列和激進回教的思想根源是一樣的。而最不幸是耶穌的新約並未能夠影響他們。

今時今日, 最大的希望其實不是宗教,而是包含了宗教的哲學。當智慧被愈來愈多的人掌握, 世界才是有希望的。而我們亦可能相信, 德國人對十一萬難民所提供的「教育」, 是真正蘊含智慧的教育,而不是今日西方的向下潮流教育。

話說回來,美國的情況,又應該作何解釋呢? 他們完全就像古老的羅馬人一樣:經濟愈來愈發展,但智慧愈來愈落後。當希臘文化被完全掌握, 發展是迅速而且驚人的。因為,我們的世界是複雜的世界, 單單只是外在的研究, 千萬年亦未必可能完全。更說不上內在研究了。所以, 美國的外在科技, 仍有接近於無限的發展空間。

而且,美國的形勢不是單一的,而是複雜的。隨時可能有另外觀點的領袖人物出現,改換美國的方向。此刻, 一個完全不同的新領袖已經出現。他就是特朗普。全世界都可以看到,他是不同的。

他有點好像歷史上的拿破侖。他充滿魅力,完全不受傳統思想影響, 有機會開創新局。在美國的華人讀者,肯定都會注意到這一點。

雖然仍有人會有顧慮。拿破侖不錯是偉大的領袖,但當他犯錯的時候, 錯誤同樣是極大的。

但世人同樣不會忘記:當美國錯誤進攻越南和伊拉克,造成激進勢力坐大的局面, 同樣是大錯, 而大錯是被毫無魅力的庸人推出來的。



八年之前,無法看到,原来在美國總统的背后,是另外有一個秘密组織在操縱的。所谓民主選舉,只是選擇一件外衣。無論那是黑色還是白色,内裡的結構是不變的。權力永遠都在秘密组織手上。所謂總統,只是一件小小工具。另外還有更大的工具: 整個的思潮,都在秘密組織手上。報章電影電台,都不是自由的。個别意見可以亂説,但不能影响大思潮。










Why internal understanding is so difficult?


It is difficult for Western people to see things internally. 

People are looking into things from outside more than inside.

They will be alerted seeing external facts more than internal finding.

They love details.  As calculations are more useful than intuition.

They will study genes or cells more than inner relations in  human body.

That's why Western medical experts can rarely understand Chinese medicine.

How to combine Chinese medicine and Western into one unit? 

It seems to be easy.........

The newspaper clipping here shows an early plan to use Chinese medicine in Western hospitals in Hong Kong.

From the plan, you can see that they are lacking  internal feeling, though they are working hard.

They cannot know how to manage Western and Chinese approach.

Chinese medicine seems to be a tool to help release the pain in palliative care more than curing.

You cannot expect more with this Western-Chinese medicine approach to turn into a huge project helping to setup a new economic structure in Hong Kong.


What is the secret of health??


What is the secret of health?

*There is a popular idea spreading around the Chinese society in the past few years.   Maybe it is the work of the secret underground party again.  People are pushing this idea  everywhere.

Many believes that health is the only important issue in their life. Their aim of life is health. I hope they are not taking too much care to harm themselves when actually they are taking away the real aim in life.  Live have become meaningless in this sense.

But there is no voice to say anything against it.*


The secret of health is more or less the same with the secret of life.

It is complicated and beyond human comprehension.

You will not know what you are given,  and you will not know what you will be given and you will not know when you will be taken.

May be this is the perfect arrangement for us human beings:  if we know what is a gift. 

A gift is something for us to use.

There is always a future. And there is always something to work on. You can enjoy it or reject it. Its up to you.

What is health?

Health is a good condition to live on.

And you can always aquire something more than health.

For example,  wisdom is  more important than health.

If you have lost your health,  you can still enjoy your life with wisdom.

Nothing can be a threat to you, even health.

There is nothing to worry about for the wise.

Health can be yours to forget.


Now we are searching the secret of health...........if you are interested.

1.  To see internally

Health is the internal arrangement for our external existence.

External existence includes our eyes, ears, stmoach, heart, intestines, limbs,  nerve system, blood circulation, cell, bone; etc and etc.

A good Chinese medical doctor can know the inner relation in meridian terms.

For example, if someone suffers a knee pain, the doctor will examine his  meridian of kidney and cure his knee from there.

External side of our body seems  to be simple. Humans always look the same.   But there are different scenarios inside. 

External existence is received in you since born.

And internal understanding is  human effort.

It's always a life and death case knowing or not knowing the internal relations of sickness.

And the Chinese medical science is trying to look into the inner-relations more.

Further cooperation between the West and the East is expected in the near future.

There will be a huge breakthrough of health if we  can all see things from both sides.

And there is a pity that there is actually no Chinese medicine hospitals in Hong Kong.   And there is nothing like a  "Cooperation Hospital of the West and East" in Hong Kong. ( It was said that a new Chinese hospital will be open by 2025 ) And this could be huge beneficial project to bring people all around the whole world to come to Hong Kong.  And that could be a big leap forward of mankind.

Life will be much longer. 

2.  You need extra energy

The next important issue of health is the Energy of Qi.

Qi  is the element to push the material body to work.

It is an unknown thing in the Western science.  And Chinese people do not completely understand all the features about Qi, though they had found it thousands of years ago.

It is similar to electricity. Without electricity, you cannot switch on a lamp.  Without Qi,  living bodies will not live.  However, it is fortunate for human beings if they know how to generate and guide the Qi around. It helps a lot for health. 

I thought I am lucky.  As it was a given ability in me to know whether my Qi is coming up. Each time when  I touch the right Meridian points in meself or other people, my stomach will  produce a noise to let me know it is there.

Qi can help a runner to run faster,  and a singer to sing better. And Qi can help you to activity your inner energy againt sickness.  It is important to maintain health with Qi.   And the best part of Qi is that it can be input into another body to cure.  But the general public still not knowing it.  It remains  an advantage for a selected few only.

Qi is the inner energy of health.

There is a special method in Chinese medical science  to manage inner energy in human body.   And this study is absent in the Western medical science.  A good Chinese medicine doctor will help you to lead your own Qi into place. 

Qi is not a secret, yet its new.  The  mysterical side of the idea is too strange.  A huge effort is necessary to spread the idea.  It is just like digging a gold mine.  It will be a huge business project with a leadership to do it. It can change the economic structure like electric cars.

Qi is important.  It is an energy for health. You can create ideas with Qi,   There will be hope for the country if  more people can handle the strange Qi. 

3.  Ignition 

Actually, you don't need any ignition to live well.

And to mention about  ignition is outside the sphere of health discussion.

It is not like driving a car.

A car will not run if it is not ignited.

Many people are living well without doing any thing.

Ignition is not the same as motivation.

What is motivation?

Fear, Greed, Hope, etc. are all  motivations.

Fear of hunger is a subconscious built long ago in the minds of every body. 

And now the fear of hunger is changed into the fear of getting old.

Terrible stories about old people living in hostels are frightening.

It is this kind of fear gives a motivation to live:   maybe we should not use the term "live".   They want only to make money.  They thought money can solve every problem about aging.

Another motivation is Greed.

I don't need to say anything more about greed.  That is so familiar with us.

The third idea is about hope.

But the meaning of hope is not clear.

If you're hoping something nice for your own self,  it is harmful to your health  even when you have reached that goal.  Someone said that I want to earn a  trillion.  When he had reached that amount,  he will find that he is lost.   He did not know what else he should be doing, except for the next trillion. And that is a voyage of danger without end.

It must be careful about hope.

When you are hoping for something good and you think you can dedicate or use your whole life for it,  it is a hope of meaning and it is worthwhile.

Such kind of people will be healthy.  They don't need to care too much about health.

To dedicate life is a choice not easy to make.

There need to be a moment of strong  stimulation.

They must be thinking very hard.

And suddenly a sparkle of light erupted in their mind.

They must have seen some extraordinary things as ordinary people cannot see.

And that is ignition.

And ignition is not needed for everyone.

Many people can be living very well without it.

But if people are deeply trapped in the fear of health,  a little hint might be helpful for them.  



Writing in Qi



Qi can make a runner run faster.

Qi can make a singer sing better.

Now I'm writing in Qi


Why unity with enemy cannot be achieved through smiling?


Why unity with enemy cannot be achieved through smiling?

It is important not to smile with your enemy. You need a preparation of war.  Everyone is happy with the war  preparation. As this is the only means to achieve peace with your enemy.

The question is why.

It is determined by the nature of your enemy.

If you know the nature of your enemy,  you will not smile.

You can observe this in the animal behavior.  A cat will not smile with an attacking dog.  This is what I learned from observation.  I saw a cat  with half of her body lost and she was still fighting  until the dog is gone.

Please remember  we are all animals.   Your enemies are animals.  You and me are also animals. We are not yet humans.

Why we are also animals?

Because we are weak.

We are not always awared that the enemies are devil like a fox.   Unseen enemy networks are everywhere within our body.

Preparation of war is a must.  It is the start to peace.

And inner operation  is extremely important as it is more than inner safety.

It is your own health.

Your soul dominates everything.   First is your sound  intelligence to  prepare for everything,  including the worst things to happen.

You will have a perfect health if you have a strong soul.

Always love your friends and folks.  Smile with  them.

Be alerted with your enemies.


What is structural?


There are some discussions about Hong Kong economy these few days.

One idea is that Hong Kong has entered the stage of structural failure in economy.

The other idea maintained that Hong Kong is doing fine.  Two pillars are still working very well. One is the financial center position, the other is innovative technologies.

Can these two things remain as two pillars? When the United States is cutting off flows into Hong kong? And Hong Kong is a small place without the soil for deep  scientific study.

And these two pillars are not  real pillars.  What is real is the huge building project to make an island which will drain away the total income of Hong Kong.

And that is structural.

When  real and unreal pillars are gone,  the building will collapse.

Hong Kong has entered  a stage of financial structural failure.

It was a huge bush fire burning. And you cannot use a cup of water to put out the fire.

Still, there are some funny ideas about economy. 

 Someone said that Hong Kong should learn from Singapore when Singapore is in the US side,  and people are using that as a port in the Far East to fight against China.   Can you  learn from Singapore  to invite United States superstars to perform in Hong Kong as a means to save Hong Kong economy?

Some study shows that lots of Hongkong students has psychological problems.

A friend told me that in her class,  half of the students cannot study well because of psychological problems.

Can you expect students like this to have some  innovative technology ideas to help Hong Kong?

It is because Hong Kong children cannot see the real meaning in life.  They are encouraged to eat and to seek earthly pleasure to lock up the mind.

And there are lots of strange "international school" In Hong Kong to cater for rich children to avoid the normal Chinese way of study.

People are encouraging early sex and Western rock music  for the young generation.  They have created lot of singers and idols after the Korean trend.   Huge display of condom advertisements in the subways can lead young people to nowhere and the Government people had turned a blind eye for it.

Those are negative pillars.

And this negative pillars can help the building collapses faster.

They are structual.

You need to study the real nature of the economy if you would like to see it structurally.

What is the real nature of the Hong Kong economy?

I have mentioned  about a  bilingual approach from the East and West.  There are lots of things to do in this aspect. But it is useless for  blind eyes.    They could not accept ideas.

For example,  Hong kong could be a huge gadget market for tourists.

There is one such gadget market in Shum Shui Po.

Many people would like to go there to search for interesting objects.

This huge collection of all Chinese made small  Electronic or other items  cannot be found inside China.

You need to go to many places to find one or two such gadgets.

And now it's a total  collection here.

You can use your eyes to witness the progress of the Chinese industrial  innovations.

And internet cannot provide such a real experience.

Hong Kong is a window of the Chinese mind.

You will wonder how come they're so smart to invent so many  things.  Life could be completely different without the help of these gadgets.

 I need to repeat it once more.  This is a huge collection.  You need to travel years in all China to collect them. And now they are easily found in Hong Kong.

And this could be a good  tourist attraction for the whole world.  They can see China in one place. And this space could be a stepping stone for them to go into China.

And this is only one example. I hope I can tell you more later.


What is the basic formula in the Old-Testament from the Bible?


What is the basic formula in the Old-Testament?

1.  Obey your God.

2. Kill  your son as a proof of your obedience.

3. You will be given a rich land and be rich.

4.  Drive away people from that rich land by all means.....kill them.

And this formula can be simplified in one line:

Obedience is more important than love and obeying the inner-evil is the road to rich.

And it has been internalized in the Western Culture.  It has been a major guide for Western countries,  including Muslim countries.

Its the most difficult part in  human progress.

All problems of this world are related to this teaching.

It is not the external structure of the societies that matters. 

It is not the fault of Individualism or Socialism.

It is the inner-evil that leads the way.

Will there be some inner-angels? 

Can the positive side of human thoughts bring us to a better world?

Will 0.000001% of our population be waken and be alerted to this situation?

It is a hope that cannot be denied.

The world is going to have a huge change when the Hamas is completely eliminated from the planet.  Some People will be waken up.


What will happen to the world if nobody believes in the Bible?


There will be a really big change to the world if people do not trust the Bible anymore.

However. please be reminded that the Bible is not the same as the thoughts of  Jesus.   When people are starting to doubt  the Bible especially the Old-Testament, but still  they know the difference of Jesus and the Bible.   They will cherish love more than ever.

The Bible have been dominating the Western world for thousands of years.

And now  due to the tragic happenings in Gaza,  the world are awared the stories in the Bible are not true.

The Israelis had changed the world  when the world is still waiting to see what will happen next.