
傷感萬里 (詩一首)





What are the lessons from Watt’s experience?


What are the lessons from Watt’s experience?

        *Lee Chard

 (Question No.7097   


 Among young people today, probably no one knows who James Watt is.  Let alone know whether the word "watt" written on our light bulbs is sixty watts or one hundred watts, which is the name of Watt.

 I think back then, the story of James Watt's invention of the steam engine was as popular as Newton's discovery of an apple falling to the ground.  It's not easy, the water vapor will lift the lid of the teapot.  It's a simple principle.  Originally, this should be the story of every child, especially every boy.  But boys today usually only know how to play video games and will not know such stories.

 They will even less know that there is another alternative lesson contained in this story.

 The following is a little information about Watt:

 Watt took fifteen years to successfully trial-produce it.

  At first, he was just a laboratory instrument repairman.  He already had the idea of ​​a steam engine in mind, but unfortunately he couldn't proceed due to lack of funds.  By chance, he got the support of an industrialist, but unfortunately it failed after spending a lot of money.  Steam kept leaking from the piston.  At that time, there was no airtight piston in the world.  The industrialist also stopped supporting him.  Watt was not supported by fate  either.  

His family was in a difficult situation, all his brothers and sisters were dead, and even his wife died after his experiment failed.  Watt himself is not in good health and often has headaches...

 The stories of this type of inventor actually have the same formula.

 At first, a very energetic young man came up with an idea.  However, without funds, it cannot be done.

 Later, funds became available (Wasn't Watt very lucky to find an industrialist to support him?) However, the funds would soon be used up.

 Watt ruined his family and no one dared to imitate him and become a poor inventor.

 Why are funds running out so quickly?  Of course it's not because someone is lining their own pockets, but because of a lack of technology.  A small air leakage problem in the piston has delayed him for more than ten years.  Why was he forced to work without any technical support?  Why does society allow this to happen?

 Because the society did not expect that the small air leakage problem would not drag on Watt personally for more than ten years, but the entire society for more than ten years.

 We can rename the modern civilized society of the past three hundred years as the "non-conscious petroleum civilized society".

 This society relies too much on the so-called "free market", has no sense of crisis, and has never been able to look at problems from a holistic perspective.

 If there is the same foolish young man today, and he comes up with a way, he comes up with some kind of good idea to effectively use sunlight, our society will still treat him the same way it treats Watt.

 Funds?  No way.

 Technical support?  there has never been.

 He can only be like Watt, bankrupt and ruined.

 What's more, if this young man is just a thinker like Lee Chard, and what he sees is just a theory, society will use all possible means to prohibit the spread of his ideas.  Because the "unconscious petroleum civilization" is characterized by conservatism .  They feel that unfamiliar ideas are dangerous.  It is best to eradicate such thoughts as soon as possible.  (For more than ten years, who can buy Lee Chard's books in bookstores? Bookstores refuse to sell his books. (*The power of the secret party has never subsided until 2023. It is just hidden.)

 Our society can spend tens of billions of dollars on various projects at will, but it has never truly thought that our knowledge network is too outdated and needs to be updated.  



(問到底 No.7097 



















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How many Na Yings are there in China?


There is no Na Ying in Dao Lang's song.

There is only a 'second bird' in the song.

What is a 'second bird'?

People thought that it is Na Ying.

The second bird is not a Chinese.

The second bird is not a communist.

She is only a fake Chinese.

And maybe she is only a fake communist.

It is these kind of person dominates.

They had taken most of the power.

It is dangerous  situation.

The fakes can push China into a weaker position to fight against his enemies.

How many Na Yings are there in China?

It is not difficult to calculate.

Anyone suffering will be a  supporter of the song.

We can see millions and millions of Na Yings in China.

People are suffering.

People might not be aware that they are suffering from the fake ones  not the real ones.

The real ones are those who offer their strength and blood to serve the people.

They are honorable and to be respected.

The fake ones could be network members of the secret party.

It is  dangerous  when people are mistaken the fake ones as the real ones.

They might not be aware that more dangerous is in the secret side.



We are little light bulbs

We are little light bulbs
We need to be linked up
We need that inspiration
We need to be inspired
We need to take the initiative to be inspired
Once you wake up
Once you open your eyes Once you open your mind
You'll be gifted
You'll be talented
You know what to do
There are inspiration everywhere
But you need to link up with this inspired inspiration
We are just little light bulbs
We need to be linked up
We need to take the initiative
We need never to forget about this link
We need to win in every battle
We need to be inspired to win
There is a link between us and the grand nature
We need to wake up
We need to know this link
We need to search for this link
Then we are inspired
Then we shall win


How is the old and new party struggle in the Song Dynasty different from today ?

The Song Dynasty was an absolutely sad dynasty.  Liang Qichao said that every time he read the history of the Song Dynasty, he would be extremely sad.

Wang Anshi is a rare reformer through the ages. He wants to reform and strengthen everything to build a new China.  But every reform he proposed met fierce opposition from the old party.  The old party spread all over the country, and Wang Anshi's new policies also required local officials of the old party to implement them.  They are all there everywhere in  upper and lower places. How can the New Deal be successful if the old party members were totally in control?

What Wang Anshi changed was the law, but he didn't mention the heart.  A reform requires a change of heart. Without the support of the people, relying on a mere decree is bound to fail.

But this heart is definitely not a momentary public opinion, or press opinion.  It is a comprehensive reform of the ideological system, a complete change of the world outlook and outlook on life.

On the other hand, Wang Anshi did not follow the popular line.  The masses have never been mobilized, and the trend of thought has not risen. How can bad habits be eliminated?  His reliance on a small number of officials and bureaucrats was also the reason for his failure.

In today's situation, the old party has become a secret underground party.  They secretly contacted the masses, took the mass line, and established a secret underground network. This underground party, from top to bottom, controlled the hearts of the people by invisible hands.  And this hand was stretched out from far away America.  The Americans once thought that Hong Kong could be dug out with just this hand.  They absolutely don't know that it is impossible for this secret hand to overthrow the tide.  The events in Hong Kong a few years ago made people aware of this sneaky hand.  Once the problem is known, there will be solutions.

One is the ideological system, the other is the mass line, and both are indispensable.

Dao Lang's new song, The Gou Gou Camp in Yiqiu River, was originally mentioned by Wang Anshi.  If you push it further, there are similar words in the Pangeng chapter of Shangshu.  It's not a day's work.  In addition, this is also a battle of name and reality.  The theory of Wittgenstein in Europe is also close.










王安石  答司馬諫議書






林覺民-- 與妻訣別書(已被臺灣刪除?)



This is the spirit of China. It can't be deleted .

Some time, somewhere,  someone would find it, read it.  And weep like a baby.

(*It was said that the letter was deleted by the Taiwan government. It was taught in the Junior middle school before.  I have not checked whether it is true.)


吾今以此書與汝永別矣!吾作此書時,尚是世中一人;汝看此書時,吾已成為陰間一鬼。吾作此書,淚珠和筆墨齊下,不能竟書而欲擱筆。又恐汝不察吾衷,謂吾忍捨汝而死也,謂吾不知汝之不欲吾死也,故遂忍悲為汝言之。 吾至愛汝,即此愛汝一念,使吾勇於就死也。吾自遇汝以來,常願天下有情人都成眷屬;然遍地腥膻,滿街狼犬,稱心快意,幾家能夠?司馬春衫,吾不能學太上之忘情也。語云:仁者「老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼」。吾充吾愛汝之心,助天下人愛其所愛,所以敢先汝而死,不顧汝也。汝體吾此心,於啼泣之餘,亦以天下人為念,當亦樂犧牲吾身與汝身之福利,為天下人謀永福也。





吾今死無餘憾,國事成不成,自有同志者在。依新已五歲,轉眼成人,汝其善撫之,使之肖我,汝腹中之物,吾疑其女也;女必像汝,吾心甚慰;或又是男,則亦教其以父志為志,則我死後,尚有二意洞在也。甚幸!甚幸! 吾家日後當甚貧;貧無所苦,清靜過日而已。吾今與汝無言矣!吾居九泉之下,遙聞汝哭聲,當哭相和也。吾平日不信有鬼,今則又望其真有;今人又言心電感應有道,吾亦望其言是實;則吾之死,吾靈尚依依傍汝也,汝不必以無侶悲!




(*香港的中學課程, 也可能沒有收錄這篇文章。至於眾多的香港國際學校,其實裏面絕大部分都是中國學生,更加從未聽過。大約他們連一丁點的中國歷史也不會知道。所謂「國際學校』在香港的現象,非常值得研究。)


Would it be the second cultural revolution for China?


The answer is no for two reasons.

1.  There will be water pouring out the fire.  The fire will soon be forgotten. No one is willing to blow up the fire again.

2. China is like  her counterparts around the world:-

They were lacking a systematic understanding of the universe and the life itself.

It's a time for building up. It is a time for construction.

And we need analytical power. Or else people will not see where the problems are.

You will see that there is a dot in the O  to constitute Ah Q.  The dot is the old confucian thought.  But if you are to do away the dot... You need to have a  philosophical system of thoughts  to replace it.

And you will see that even if there is a heart in the Chinese word  " love"  is still not enough.  Because the heart could be a good heart or a bad heart.

In a simplified version of the Chinese  Language of the word "love", there is no heart in it.  The heart is deleted in the simplified version.

We need to have a good heart now.

We need to have a real understanding of the universe.

We need to know that there is no beginning and end for  the universe, for the time and for the life itself.

We need to know that there is a will in this universe.

Because there is a will in everyone.

We need to know there is not an end but a hope in the future.

And it is only the framework of everything. And the framework is important. We can build our beautiful future in the framework.

We do not need destruction.

We need only understanding. And with understanding we can  built a future.

The western media have been avoiding to mention Dao Lang.

They are avoiding to see the heated response of the Chinese people to a new song.

They are  reluctant to see the truth.


What is the Raksha kingdom now?

(Machine translated )

 At that time, it was the Raksha Kingdom, and now it is New China.

 It was the Eight-Power Allied Forces at the time, and now it is NATO and the United States.

 Throw a turtle bastard into a yellow toilet pot, he will feel noble,

 Throw him a fake LV handbag, he also feels noble.

 So this is the meaning of Liaozhai,   the ghost story .

 The times have changed greatly, and New China has made great progress.  The country is strong, and the Eight-Power Allied Forces dare not bully it.  But the Allied Forces still exist,  ghosts still exist.  There are many people whose thinking is progressive, but there are still many people whose thinking is backward.

 "There are ghosts in here" is a famous saying of a famous person.

 In today's words, it is called Paradigm, a model of thinking.  So Ah Q is still Ah Q.

 Under the secret operation of the secret party, it is difficult for culture to progress.  Mahu occupied the territory and crushed the eggs.  Bo Yang said that is to occupy the toilet but  can' t shit.  It refers to this kind of situation.  Ah Q will only be more.

 This is the current crisis. 

 "Temporary setbacks are also possible."








用今天的話來說,就是叫做思維典範 Paradigm  。所以阿Q仍然是阿Q.






































Why is the Raksha State a Raksha?


Why can't cultural officials ever figure out culture?

 Because they are Mahu.

 Mahu cannot hatch eggs.

 Why are the best artists excluded?

 Because they are beautiful.

 Why is the Raksha State a Raksha?

 Because Rakshasa has been controlled by a secret party.

 Why is beauty not popular?

 Because the secret party is controlled by the Americans.

 Why are China's problems so insoluble?

 This is where the roots lie.

 A group of believers who believed in Confucius,

 took power,

 manipulating secretly.

 They are donkeys that cannot hatch eggs.

 They are ugly and refuse to be beautiful.

 This is the upside-down country.

 The most important distinctions are:

 There are parties within the party,

 They are not the Communist Party,

 They are moths in the Communist Party.

 They are the secret party,

 And the greatest hope of the Americans is,

 The Chinese are going to be poor.

 If you get poor, you will fall down.

 They are not the Communist Party, the Communist Party serves the people.

 They are a secret party controlled by the United States.  They are the secret party within the party.  They do not take orders from the central government.

 They are slaves of the United States.

 The best artists, because they didn't join this secret party, because they didn't belong to their network, must be excluded.  That's why they prefer to be ugly rather than beautiful.

 Americans are attacking China, Americans are controlling China with cheap ammunition.


 The common people have a deep understanding of this point.  So when the song came out, everyone applauded and cheered.

This is a secret war. And now the secret war is fighting hard.


戰 魂 .....and Tolstoy


               戰   魂




It is a sharp spear. 
It is my last giga-byte of strength. 
I am ready and I am waiting, with guns as my pillow for the up-coming moon while my last mouthful of air was so dusty and smelly......

and I know you would be crying if you saw me.


A voice from  "War and Peace".

where Natalie saw a dying Andrew coming back from
the war field. She wept.

And this is war.

And this is what Tolstoy had meant in his masterpiece. It is love.

Last words:

....from you tear I saw my face

it must be a hard war I had been fighting

sorry to let you see me in blood

I love you more than myself

I love you so




Why the European paradigms are no better than the Chinese one?


This is time of war.  Everybody is busy fighting.  We have very little time. 

But it is always like this.  You will not find a time in history not fighting.  People are always fighting,   but if they  wish to fight better,  they need to think.

Paradigm is  important.  It could help to see clearly about the whole picture.  You find yourself suddenly smarter than before. You know the direction.  You will not be misled by anyone.

The European paradigm is in a simple formula.

They believe the universe is a closed circuit. There is a beginning and an end to everything.  It means there is no hope.  It means human effort is completely useless.

And the second point about the European paradigm is still worse.  They do not know that the inner mind is an unlimited universe.  There are unlimited possibilities for the inner mind to explore.

The European paradigm thought the mind is wrongly designed. Everyone is a sinner. They must use their whole effort to correct this sin.  They must obey the elders to  repent.    They must conform  to the paradigms.

And that was the worse part of the European paradigm.

When  people believed their mind is wrongly designed, They will have nowhere to go,  but to seek earthly pleasures,  and be rotten at the end of their lives.

That's why the European paradigm is worse than the Chinese paradigm.

If you can deeply understand this paradigm, you will understand yourself.  And you have a clear picture of all the world affairs.

You need to work on these paradigms,   You need to work on the Europeans. You need to help them.

From this grand aspect of paradigms,  the Ukraine matters, or other Middle-East  Problems are not  problems.

They'll be settled quickly.

The point is a need to work on the Europeans first.  Let them escape the chains of the paradigms,  and let them escape the chains of the Americans.

Europeans need to free themselves.

Europeans need a New  Renaissance to free themselves.

"The Grass"









I did not write this poem.  It was the work of a famous Chinese poet ,  I rewrote it for a newer sense of our time.

  The following is the original poem.










