


You need to break old rules, or you will be drown.

There is no safe haven on earth.

Get going.

Its better to die in the future,  than to live in the pass.


Its just like rowing upstream in politics.


Escape Tortoise Escape


A note from the author

I have come to the thought that if people nowadays do really understand the meaning of helping a friend, they must have entered the next stage of life already.  They would be freed from the dirty politics and find a better way to serve the people.

Escape of the Tortoise 

                       A story by Lee Chard

When the bird saw the tortoise, he had just slipped into a stone pit accidentally. He tried very hard to climb out, but the stone fence was taller than his body, he can only have felt upside down. He tried desperately to turn over with his long neck to try again and felt the next time. 

The bird said, “Sir, can I do anything to help you?”

The tortoise said, “Oh please, can you bring me a stepping stone? If I can step a little higher, I am sure I can climb out.”

The bird said, “Oh yes, I will.”

She flew immediately away to search for a stepping stone. When she came back, she spitted out a piece of small pebble the size of a sand from her beak. That was all she could carry. 

The tortoise said, “Oh, I am sorry, I ought to know a stepping stone is too heavy for you.”

The bird said, “Never mind, I will go again.”

The bird had flown an unknown number of times. She carried back only a small amount of sand. The tortoise tried to pile up the sand, but it was futile. The bird wanted to go again though she was very tired. 

The tortoise said, “Oh, please don’t. It is too much for you. I don’t want to waste your life to save me. I will try some other means to do that. “

The bird said, “You just wait a little more. I will go again.”

The tortoise said, “Oh no, I will dig sand from the ground. “The tortoise used his strong beak to dig on the stone ground, the stone did loose some sand for him. However, he was bleeding heavily after a few trials. 

The bird said, “Oh no, that won’t work. Let me go to find some more sand for you. “

Without waiting answer from the tortoise, the bird flew quickly away. The tortoise could only shout, “Don’t, it would kill you.”

When the bird flew back, the tortoise pleaded with the bird in tears. He said, “You are an angel. But I don’t want to exchange my life with yours. I will not go out even you bring back a ton of sand. I shall never step on your sand.”

The bird said, “You are an angel too. I will stay here together with you.”

When they were looking at each other with tearful eyes, no one can tell whether they were sad or happy. They were both trembling like some electric had shocked their minds. 

And suddenly a sparkle sprang from their eyes almost at the same time. 

The bird said, maybe we will try other things. 

The turtle said, “Yes.”

The bird flew again. She brought back a piece of branch. And then another piece of branch. Then another. She would build a nest near the stone wall. She brought back a large piece of foam plastic finally. 

When the turtle was out of the trap of the stone pit, both of them were in a very special ecstasy. The bird danced on the back of the turtle. 

The wise pair had become very good friends forever.  













(問到底 No.7555     2009 1022 )












J.G. Ballard 是英國人。他冷眼觀察政局。他說,清教徒式的共產黨(大約早期的共產黨真是艱苦奮鬥的),只要他們從戰車中跨下來,走進那滿是妓院和酒舘的煙花之地,就會立刻改變的。



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Some notes about the dream


Dear Mr. Lee Chard,

 I got a little feeling from your dream.  I hope to leave some notes for you, it may be useful in the future.

 People in our car didn't know where we were going.  Some of us are concerned with time only. They are worring about the time to leave.  

But I don't think it matters.  It doesn't matter if you leave or not.


What matters is what we do.

But now, everything seems to be wrong.  Because we used the wrong road map in the wrong place.

 There is no Robinson Road in Macau.  This colony style road will not be in Macau.

We can't stick to the old map anymore.  We must find a new map.

Maps are not important.  Because the goal is more important than the map.

The question is, where is the goal?

We are lucky because we are human.  We can decide for ourselves where to go.  No one can tell us where to go, only us.

  We are really very lucky.

  Because we may have additional assistance.  It may be that the aid is useful.  We don't know where the aid is coming from.  We just know that we can refuse or accept help.

Help is from a key.

The key seemed flimsy, it was a red key made of plastic.

Humans are generally sensitive to color.  They will associate color with politics.

  Although we know we may use the wrong formula to search for places to go to, the weakness of human nature is to persist.  Stick with the old formula, okay?

The key is not necessarily a political indicator, nor is it a cultural indicator.

It can be anything that can help us.

Why is this red?

We all know our lips are red.  We can have different colored hair, skin or eyes.  But our lips can only have one color.  Our lips are red.

That is to say, our hearts are red.  This is an inspiration from an old novel "Dream of the Red Chamber".

Could there be something beyond a formula and a paradigm of thought?

Will the red key help us find where we want to go?

We can trust that there is more than one goal.

When we reach a platform high enough to allow us to see further away, we can extend our destination.

First we need to find a door.  We may find a road outside the door.  At the end of the road, there may be a shore.  We may reach another continent.  To the end of another continent, we may find more.

It's exciting because it's endless and we can decide to find a beautiful place to go.

And even better than that: we are working together and moving forward together.


Does that mean no one is leaving?  We are all in the car.  No one left.

  We used to think that we are going high up in heaven, or down to the hell.  We  used to think vertically. We had never thought of an all dimensional goal.  So we'll go to more than just one place.  We will go to everywhere. Or, we are the universe and we'll exist in all places.

 No one will leave the Universe.

 This is evolution.

We can go on and on, we just keep evolving.

What is certain is that we are one with the universe.  We are advancing, the planet is advancing, both are developing.

There is no such thing as extinction.  Even planets cannot be destroyed, only reborn.

Dinosaurs are not extinct animals.

They still live in you and me.  They just changed, not extinct.

Let's go back to the red key.  That is our heart.  We need keys to open our hearts.  It's that simple.


Dear Mr. Lee Chard,

Hopefully we can go hand in hand.

   I'm your friend always,

                                          Lee Chard